Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1340 Scarborough Fair

Chris understands Ren's thoughts, and Li Fan naturally understands it better, but he is not interested in it.

Li Fan doesn't care whether this guy named Ren is believing in his strength or not.

He didn't want to and didn't have the obligation to let this guy see his style on the spot.

So he said, "Mr. Ryan thinks of me too high. I'm just hunting for music occasionally. How can I talk about it? It may be disappointing to Mr. Ryan."

Ren waved his hand and said: "Li Fan is still too modest. I said that it is the second thing to appreciate Mr. Li Fan's style. In fact, the main reason is to learn from Mr. Li Fan. I also ask Mr. Li Fan to give a chance, don't ask declined."

At this time, Evado said: "I said, Mr. Ren, this musical attainment is not like singing or dancing. How do you let Mr. Li Fan show it? This is simply impossible to show. I think you are deliberately making things difficult."

After hearing this, Ren snorted coldly, "Hey! You're really right, I'm just making things difficult for you, what can you do to me?"

However, he said: "Mr. Aihuaduo misunderstood. I have sincerely apologized to Mr. Li Fan before, why would I deliberately make things difficult? I really want to get one to Mr. Li Fan. opportunity to learn.

You should know that for a musician like me, such an opportunity is absolutely impossible to come by. As for how Mr. Li Fan will show it? This is also very simple. Mr. Li Fan only needs to compose a song on the spot.

This is definitely not difficult for Mr. Li Fan. We all know that Mr. Li Fan has the ability to quickly compose music on the spot. For works such as "Yulin Road" and "Childhood", they are all made by Mr. Li Fan. completed. "

Ren was happy when he finished speaking. Of course, he did not believe that works such as "Yulin Road" and "Childhood" were composed quickly by Li Fan on the spot, but the relevant rumors were indeed spread like this.

Since there are such rumors, Ren's remarks just now seem to have no problem.

Because, since Li Fan has the ability to quickly compose music on the spot, Ren's request is not a problem, is it?

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Aihuaduo frowned even more, but he didn't say anything. It was really hard to refute this.

Ren said that the opportunity to learn from Li Fan is hard to come by, and there is nothing wrong with that. And Li Fan has the ability to quickly compose music on the spot, which is even more difficult to deny.

Even Ryan nodded after listening to it. If Li Fan is really willing to show his talent for quick composition on the spot, that would be a very wonderful thing indeed.

Of course, Ryan is pure and really wants to appreciate Li Fan's style.

However, Li Fan smiled faintly after hearing it, and said, "The so-called quick on-site composition is just a rumor from the outside world. Mr. Renn must not believe it."

After hearing this, Ren continued to sneer in his heart. The more Li Fan hid and didn't dare to take action, the more certain he was in his heart that Li Fan's fame came through improper means.

The more certain he was, the more impatient he wanted to expose Li Fan. The previous remarks were unsuccessful, and Ren was not in a hurry.

Before he came, he had been fully prepared and prepared a variety of speeches. He believed that one of them would be successful.

So he said: "Oh? Does Mr. Li Fan think that my musical level is too low to appreciate and understand Mr. Li Fan's works? Please rest assured Mr. Li Fan, even if I can't understand it, but my respected Mr. Ryan , and it must be understandable.”

Ren's words were a bit ironic, and Chris frowned after hearing this.

Ryan looked at Ryan and shook his head slightly, thinking in his heart that his views and evaluations of Ryan might have to change slightly.

Poor Ryan still doesn't know that the words he just said have changed Ryan's evaluation of him.

Instead, he was still in his heart, quite proud of his own words.

Li Fan looked at Ren, sighed softly, and said lightly: "Mr. Ren has misunderstood, it's the same sentence I said before, I am only dabbling in the field of music, how can I dare to let Mr. Ren learn? Ren Don't bring this up, sir."

"This doesn't work?" Ren was a little surprised and decided to use another aggressive method. For young people, the aggressive method is sometimes very useful.

So he said, "Mr. Li Fan pushes and resists so much, is it because Mr. Li Fan's musical level is really low? I'm afraid that the music that he made will be ridiculous, or that he can't make it at all? So he doesn't dare to compose music on the spot?"

Ren originally thought that Li Fan would immediately refute with a red face when he heard this, and then on the spur of the moment, he wanted to compose a song on the spot to prove himself.

This is exactly the purpose of Rennes, he is to let Li Fan agree to compose a song on the spot.

As long as Li Fan agreed, no matter whether Li Fan could not make the song in the end, or the song he made was laughable and generous, Ren's ultimate goal was achieved.

Only in this way can it be regarded as a real debunking of the fact that Li Fan's musical level is not good.

If Li Fan keeps pushing and resisting and is unwilling to take action, it will only make everyone doubt his musical level.

But unfortunately, Li Fan still didn't respond after listening to it, and said lightly: "I've been talking about it all the time, I only dabble in the field of music occasionally, and naturally I don't dare to compose live music. How did Mr. Lane get here? Do you understand now?"

After listening to Ren, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and he couldn't even use the ultimate aggressive method. He really had nothing to do.

All this is a long story. In fact, it is just a few words of conversation between Li Fan and Ren, and what Ren has is, everyone already knows.

Ryan frowned and looked at Ren, he thought Ren was good at first, but now it seems that Ren may indeed have musical talent, but his mind and character are really not good.

Such a person, even if he achieves something in the end, will certainly not be too high, and Ryan is a little disappointed in his heart.

It's just that it's not convenient for him to say anything. Ryan is not a member of the National Music Association. The relationship between him and Ryan is neither a subordinate relationship nor a relationship between elders and juniors. He has no right to criticize and accuse Ryan.

He can only hope that Li Fan won't feel bad about their Languo musicians because of Ren's relationship.

Of course Li Fan wouldn't have any grudges in his heart, Lan Guo is also good, Hua Guo is also good, there are all kinds of people, he is not so naive to deny a group because of one person.

He respected Ryan very much, and saw Ryan's worries, so he smiled slightly: "I wonder when Mr. Ryan is free? Li Fan wants to invite Mr. Ryan to visit Huaguo Sansheng Village? I don't know if Mr. Ryan can be a guest. Would you like to be honored?"

Ryan was overjoyed after hearing this. Since Li Fan said this, it means that he has no grudges in his heart. He immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Li Fan's Sansheng Village is definitely famous in our Lan Kingdom. I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time. There are still 10 or more days before the traditional Spring Festival in your country. I plan to visit Sansheng Village during your Spring Festival. I wonder if Mr. Li Fan would welcome you?”

Li Fan laughed and said, "Mr. Ryan is welcome at any time. Of course, if Mr. Chris and Mr. Evado are willing to honor them, Li Fan is also very welcome."

Chris and Ai Huaduo were overjoyed after hearing this, and thanked Li Fan again and again, saying that they would definitely find time to go to Sansheng Village to harass Li Fan.

Later, Ryan said: "It is rumored that Mr. Li Fan's hometown of Sansheng Village is very beautiful and can make anyone linger. And my hometown Scarborough is also a very beautiful place. I welcome Li Fan at any time. Mr. Fan also visited my hometown as a guest."

"Scarborough?" Li Fan's heart suddenly moved. He was no stranger to this name, and immediately said, "Mr. Lane's hometown, Scarborough, is located on the North Sea coast of North Yorkshire?"

"Oh?" Ryan was greatly surprised when he heard what Li Fan said, and said, "Mr. Li Fan knows Scarborough? Although it's very beautiful, it's just a small town. Not being famous, Mr. Li Fan actually knew, which really surprised me very much."

Ren was surprised in his heart, but he didn't know that Li Fan was equally astonished, so it seemed that Ren's hometown of Scarborough was really that Scarborough.

Afterwards, Li Fan said with a smile: "I don't have any advantages, but I usually dabble in a wide range of fields. I also knew about a small town like Scarborough by chance. Moreover, I also know that in Scarborough In the history of Luo Township, there is also a market that lasts for a month and a half every autumn, I wonder if that is the case?"

Ryan was even more pleasantly surprised after hearing this, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's true. This is the place where Vikings often landed in history."

Then he said very emotionally: "Mr. Li Fan's research is so extensive, and it is no wonder that Mr. Li Fan has achieved such achievements at such a young age."

Ryan sighed with emotion, and Chris and Evado on the side were even more emotional. They didn't even know that there was a place like Scarborough in Lanzhou, and Li Fan actually knew about it.

Not only do they know, but they seem to be very familiar with them, including the history of Scarborough Town. Who the hell is this Nima from Languo?

Chris and Evado sighed infinitely. This may be one of the reasons why Li Fan was so young and achieved such achievements.

Even Ren, who didn't leave beside him, had to sigh with emotion. This guy has such a great reputation, but he does have some skills.

Because he didn't actually know that there was such a small town in Lan Guo.

Of course, it's normal to not know. Although the land area of ​​Lan is far less than that of China, it is also full of numerous towns.

An unknown town, except for the locals and a few geographers, who knows?


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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