Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1361 The first boycott

All over the country, countless martial arts fans kept shaking their hands, and the magazines in their hands fell to the ground with a "pop".

That's pissed!

They couldn't believe their eyes anyway, they actually saw such a plot.

At this time, some martial arts fans couldn't help but think in their hearts, "Could it be that I bought a fake "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" today? Someone deliberately tampered with the plot?"

They would rather believe that what they bought was a fake "Xiaojianghu", and they would never believe that Gu Yong would write such a plot.

However, it is naturally impossible for them to buy a fake "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

After multiple confirmations, they finally believed that such a plot was written by Gu Yong, who suffered a thousand knives.

In everyone's mind, do not eat the fireworks of the world, the fairy-like little dragon girl...

During their careers, an unprecedented anger was accumulating in the hearts of countless martial arts fans across the country, and it was the prelude to the coming of the storm.

The next moment is the explosion!

A martial arts fan picked up the magazine "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" that had just fallen from the ground, carefully turned to the page just now, and carefully glanced at it again.

It was still the same text as before, without any changes, his eyes were burning with anger, and his trembling hands suddenly slammed to the sides.

With a short and rapid "Wow", the magazine "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" has been divided into two halves, one hand and one half.

Then there was a constant "rushing" sound, and the "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine, which had been divided into two halves, turned into pieces, constantly slipping from the angry hands.

In the past, the "Xiao Jianghu" magazine, which was cherished by martial arts fans and had to be kept carefully, was torn into countless pieces by a pair of angry hands.

There are even a small number of martial arts fans, who also took out some "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazines that were carefully preserved before, and they were also smashed.

While tearing it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Look, look at Nima!"

Of course, the martial arts fans who choose "hand tearing" are only a part, and there are many martial arts fans who do not intend to use the "hand tearing" method.

Because, even if the magazine is torn to pieces, it still exists, it's just shredded.

They want to reduce the magazine to ashes, and they don't want to see "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine anymore, not even the fragments.

In this way, countless "Xiaojianghu" magazines turned to ashes in the red flames.

The poor "Xiao Jianghu" magazine has become the first victim of countless angry martial arts fans.


The anger in the hearts of countless martial arts fans spread to the Internet.

An unprecedented storm about Guyong and "The Condor Heroes" is spreading...

"Oh my God! What did I see? How could there be such a plot? Zhen Zhibing, Zhen Zhibing, you Taoist priest, I want to kill you!"

"Damn it, I thought that Zhen Zhibing was pitiful before, but who knew that he would actually do such a thing that people and gods are angry with! That is a fairy-like little dragon girl, Zhen Zhibing that beast How can you do it! Maldan! I'll slash that beast with a thousand cuts!"

"What's even more tragic is that Xiao Longnv still thinks that person is Yang Guo, and she is a little shy and drunk, how sad is this Nima!"

"In the last issue, I thought Zhen Zhibing was pitiful, but I'm so pitiful, he's like a beast in human skin! Even if I take a thousand knives, it's hard to understand the hatred in my heart, my fairy-like little dragon girl! "

"Wait, that beast Zhen Zhibing deserves a thousand knives, but that kind of plot was written by Gu Yong, and Gu Yong is the culprit."

"Of course, of course we know that Gu Yong's servant is the culprit. Madam! I finally understand now that Gu Yong's servant thinks that in the last issue, the plot of Zhen Zhibing bumping into Xiaolong's clothes is just a test. , to test our reaction. Seeing that our reaction was not intense, he finally resorted to his long-planned trick.


"Madan! Is Guyong's relationship frustrated? He was dumped by the girl? That's why he vented his anger on Xiaolongnu. It's just that he shouldn't be dumped by the girl!"

"So, what is the reason for Gu Yong to write such a plot?"

"What's the reason? It must be that fellow Guyong. In order to satisfy his own evil selfish desires, he wrote this kind of plot that people and gods are angry with. In order to satisfy his own evil selfish desires, he came to disgust us readers. That fellow is really hateful. already."

"Everyone said, what should I do now? No matter what, I can't accept such a plot."

"Nonsense! Of course it's impossible to accept it, all of us can't accept such a plot."

"The only way now is to ask Guyong to revise the plot. This plot must be changed. Madan! We can't let that guy persecute our fairy little dragon girl because of his own evil desires."

"Yes, we must let that guy revise the plot. If he refuses to revise, we will boycott his book, not only "The Condor Heroes", but also all his new works in the future. He has not changed, we will boycott his book. He resisted until he revised it."

"That's right, and the boycott of "The Condor Heroes" starts from this moment. In fact, when I saw that plot, I ripped the magazine to shreds, the content after Chapter Seven, and the Eighth I didn't even read the contents of the chapter, but he is an egg!"

"When I saw the plot, I set the magazine on fire with a torch, and the latter didn't read it, just look at him!"

"I guess the vast majority of people didn't continue to watch the plot when they saw it. We must unite and resist it firmly until Gu Yong revised the plot before continuing to watch the following content."

"Yes, we have to unite. Also, we should be the first people to read today, and there are still many people who have not bought magazines yet, or are on their way to buy magazines, and we have to stop them from continuing to buy magazines. Magazine, one is to keep them from being fooled, and the other is to make this issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" impossible to sell at all."

"Good idea, let's do it like this, everyone will take action, go to which newsstand or bookstore to buy magazines from each newsstand or bookstore, and stop other people who want to buy magazines."

"Okay, everyone must act fast. The faster we go, the fewer people will be fooled."

"There is another very important thing, where are the friends in the provincial capital of Funan? Let's go to Xiaojianghu magazine to play. After reading the "Xiaojianghu" magazine for so long, we have never been to Xiaojianghu magazine. It's really a shame."

"Hey! That's right, I also want to go to Xiaojianghu Magazine to play, let's go together, there are so many people."


In this way, the first batch of people across the country who saw the latest chapter of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" started to boycott "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and boycott Gu Yong's first action to prevent more people from buying "The Legend of Condor Heroes". Laughter Magazine.

For the martial arts fans in the provincial capital, they also have a very important and very special action, that is, go to Xiaojianghu Magazine to play.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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