Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1367 Hope (Happy New Year!)

When the time in China slowly approached the afternoon, in the distant Lan Kingdom, the first ray of dawn in the morning also ushered in.

Knock Hotel.

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying woke up from their dreams one after another.

Every time they wake up, they will use their mobile phones to browse roughly. Is there any big news in China?

Today is no exception.

Naturally, the domestic incident caused by the Little Dragon Girl boycotted "The Return of the Condor Heroes", boycotted various reports from Gu Yong, and jumped into their eyelids.

The three women were all startled at first, and they didn't understand why they suddenly appeared, such a large-scale boycott?

After a closer look, I realized that Li Fan wrote a plot that is so angry and resentful.

For a while, the three girls only felt a little headache. I wonder what Li Fan's mind was thinking.

After the headache, get up, wash, apply a little powder, and open the door of the room.

At this time, Li Fan just came back after sending the little girl, and the three girls looked at Li Fan with a very dissatisfied look.

Qin Yulin clicked his tongue and said, "Brother-in-law, why did you write such a plot? Do you have an evil hobby in that area?"

Li Fan angrily tapped Qin Yulin's head and said, "Brother-in-law, a sunny, upright, caring person like me, how could I have such an evil hobby? That's just, do you understand? Well, since you all got up, Then go to the cafeteria to eat. Let me tell you, this breakfast is very important, it must be eaten, and it must be eaten well. Let's go and have breakfast. "

After finishing speaking, Li Fan quickly turned around and ran away, he couldn't continue to talk to the three girls about the incident of the little dragon girl.

He also doesn't want the incident of the little dragon girl. Who let the old man Jin Yong in his previous life do that.

All kinds of news in China and the reactions of netizens, Li Fan read it before he got up, because he was mentally prepared, his mood was still very calm.

The reaction of martial arts fans all over the country is so strong, which only shows that everyone likes "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and Xiaolongnu very much.

Only with deep love can everyone's anger and resistance be so great.

In this regard, Li Fan is very pleased and also very sorry. It is naturally impossible for him to modify the plot of the Xiaolongnu incident.

What he can do is to bring more wonderful works from the previous life to this world and to the readers of this world.

As for "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Li Fan fully understands everyone's anger at this time, and also knows that in a short period of time, he will definitely lose a large number of readers.

But he is also sure that as time passes, everyone will come back again and return to the story of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Moreover, the story of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" will definitely not disappoint everyone, and the "love" between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu will definitely be deeply etched into their hearts.

What Li Fan can do now is to update the story behind "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Seeing Li Fan's appearance of fleeing, the three women shook their heads helplessly and followed slowly.

Although they didn't understand why Li Fan wrote such a plot, they believed that there must be some kind of intention in Li Fan's writing.

If Li Fan doesn't talk now, they won't ask any more questions.

As for the domestic boycott, they are not too worried, they know that everything will pass in the end.

Then, Li Fan is still Li Fan before, and Gu Yong is still Gu Yong before.


Li Fan decided to leave Langdun City tomorrow.

Therefore, in addition to playing today, Li Fan also brought his three daughters to visit. The few friends who have met in the past few days can be regarded as saying goodbye.

Including Cleo, the owner of the Clertilian pub, Alves, the old man at 221b Baker Street, Ryan, the chairman of the National Music Association of the Land, musician Chris, and Evado, the head of the Kesford Press, and so on.

Several people felt a little reluctant that Li Fan was about to leave Langdun City, and they readily agreed to Li Fan's invitation to visit Huaguo Sansheng Village, saying that they would definitely go to disturb them.

In addition, several people are also looking forward to the new detective that Li Fan will release on January 27th.

Especially the old man Alves, the appearance of the protagonist in that movie is based on him.

Li Fan said that that one will not let him down.

Moreover, in addition to the appearance of the male protagonist, there is more information that is closely related to him.

Alves asked, what other information is closely related to him?

However, Li Fan laughed and didn't answer, which made the old man feel very itchy.

In addition, when Li Fan went to say goodbye to the old man at 221b Baker Street, he also seized the opportunity to let the old man drink a cup of space spiritual spring without knowing it.

A cup of space spiritual spring is Li Fan's gift and blessing to the old man. There is no doubt that it will make the old man's body even worse than before.


The day went by in a hurry and the sky was getting darker.

In the distant homeland, the night has gradually deepened.

When the sky was getting dark, the martial arts fans who participated in the boycott gradually dispersed. After a day, the anger in everyone's heart seemed to have decreased.

There are also voices appearing on the Internet, asking everyone to continue to look back.

"Just now, I picked up "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" again, and continued to read the following episodes. Xiaolongnu left sadly, Yang Guo embarked on a journey to find Xiaolongnv, and met an accident on the way. Lu Wushuang, who is at the intersection... I feel that the whole story is getting more and more exciting, this... I think everyone can continue to look back. "

"My anger at that time was probably not as strong as everyone else's. I just stomped on the book a few times, without tearing it up or burning it. So, I just watched the later episodes, and it's really getting more and more exciting. , that... I also mind that you can continue to look back."

"Actually, I also looked back, but I didn't dare to say it when I saw that everyone was so angry before, for fear of causing public outrage. Now that someone has said it, I'm not afraid anymore. In fact, everyone can still look back."


Although there are not many such voices, there have been some gradually.

In fact, not all martial arts fans have such strong anger, and there are still many martial arts fans who choose to continue to look back after being angry.

It's just that they didn't dare to say it on the Internet before, for fear of causing public outrage among those fiercely angry martial arts fans.

Now, they have made their voices heard on the Internet one after another, and they don't want everyone to miss such good works as "The Return of the Condor Heroes".

For those who were strongly angry, after seeing these voices, a few people hesitated, but the overwhelming majority of people's reaction was still very firm and strong.

"Don't read it, absolutely don't read it, the magazines are all burned, read a few cents!"

"That is, don't look at it. If Gu Yong doesn't change it, don't look at it. Everyone's attitude must be firm. Otherwise, when Gu Yong sees that everyone has compromised, it is even more impossible to make changes."

"Boycott, boycott, resolutely boycott, continue to boycott tomorrow."

"Yes, continue to boycott tomorrow."


Seeing the voices of those who were strongly angry, they were still so resolute, and those who made their voices to let everyone continue to look back can also helplessly shake their heads and smile bitterly.

They also know that in a short period of time, it is difficult for those people to make changes.

I just hope that after a long time, they can all come back one after another.


Book friends, friends, we meet again in 2018.

With the country's blessings to you last night, we will start again in 2018...


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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