Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1369 The first person in world music

Many netizens are full of gratitude to Li Fan in their hearts, and they are grateful for the precious gift Li Fan gave them.

For the heads of the major entertainment record companies and the star singers of various lines, it is regret and deep regret.

If they knew this song would be so classic and great, they would definitely do their best to get the copyright.

Especially those who went there that day, the person in charge of the office building of the National Music Association, was even more regretful and heartbroken.

Knowing this earlier, they should have called all the star singers in the company for "interviews", maybe one of the singers was selected by Li Fan.

Now it's cheap, the wandering singer named Annie.

Of course, everyone in charge knows that from now on, Annie will no longer be a wandering singer, but will be the object of looting by major entertainment record companies.

Looting? Yup!

All the heads of entertainment companies slapped their thighs, yes! If they can grab Annie to their company, wouldn't it be equivalent to their company taking the copyright of that song?

Moreover, it only cost 1 lan pound, this Nima is simply the most successful signing in this world.

As a result, the major recording and entertainment companies in the whole country have taken action one after another, with the goal of signing Annie to their own company.

This is the fiercest competition in the history of major companies competing for singers.

This competition once again caused a sensation in the entire entertainment industry.

Countless people sighed that a good song can really change the fate of a singer's life.

Anne, no doubt, is such a lucky one.

Perhaps it was her hometown, a small town called Scarborough, that was really blessed by the goddess of luck.

A group of first-, second-, and third-tier star singers, watching Annie being looted by major entertainment record companies, and listening to the song called "Scarborough Fair", the regret in their hearts is also inexhaustible.

At first they thought it was just an ordinary good song, and they were a little disdainful to go to Li Fan to buy the copyright. After hearing that Li Fan's copyright was only sold for 1 Ran, they were a little gloat at the misfortune, and some were glad that they didn't go. Lose that time.

But now, they can only sigh silently, and a perfect opportunity just passed by in such a hurry...


Once "Scarborough Fair" was launched, it quickly swept the entire country.

The process of the birth of this song and the copyright incident of 1 rand are also circulating on the Internet.

No doubt they will all be legends before long.

With this song, that remote and beautiful town on the North Sea coast of North Yorkshire also quickly became the focus of the Internet.

Countless people are full of curiosity and yearning for that town. They are very curious to know what kind of town it is, so that Li Fan can write such a classic and great song?

So, go see that town for yourself.

In this way, the day after the official launch of "Scarborough Fair".

The small town of Scarborough suddenly welcomed a large number of tourists, and the local government and residents were caught off guard and ecstatic.

Anyone understand what so many tourists mean?

Moreover, they also know that these tourists come suddenly, but they will not disappear suddenly. In the future, tourists will continue to come here.

Even, the tourists who come in the future will no longer be just Lan people, there will be people from other European countries, and even tourists from other continents.

All this is just because that musical genius named Li Fan from China wrote a song called "Scarborough Fair".

A song that not only changed the fate of singer Annie, but also brought predictable and earth-shaking changes to the small town of Scarborough.

The influence of a song, when you think about it sometimes, is truly terrifying.

The government and local residents of Scarborough Township,

Full of gratitude to Li Fan, the local government commissioned the media to express their feelings to Li Fan.

They said that Li Fan will always be a distinguished guest of Scarborough, and they welcome Li Fan to visit Scarborough at any time.

The influence of "Scarborough Fair" has once again expanded, and more and larger media have also reported related news.


Because of the quality of the song itself and the changes brought to Scarborough by the song, Languo National News Channel TV also made relevant reports during the news time of the evening.

Although the reporting time is not long, it also shows that the influence of related events in Lan Guo is already large enough.

You must know that the evening news hours of the Languo National News Channel are equivalent to a set of domestic CCTV, which broadcasts the news at 7 o'clock every night.

If it weren't for news with enough influence, it would be impossible to get on the news report of Lan Guo during that time period.

The influence of related events has been so great that it naturally attracted the attention of major domestic news media, not just entertainment media.

The major news media, after learning about the relevant events in detail, all became surprised and excited. Li Fan actually wrote a song with such great influence in the faraway country of Lan.

That song is obviously not just a song, but a worthy thing that makes Chinese people proud and proud.

A Lanwen song that Li Fan created at will in Languo has such a great influence.

Yes, in the eyes of many domestic media, that song was created by Li Fan at will, and it only took two hours before and after. What is it that was not created at will?

Of course, for a musical genius like Li Fan, there may not be much difference between casual creation and careful creation.

Because his random creation is already the most perfect.

Many media in Languo also expressed the same point of view. Therefore, many Languo media have put forward the statement that "Li Fan is not only the first music person in China, but also the first music person in the world".

For this kind of evaluation, many domestic media were excited and proud, and various reports appeared overwhelmingly in front of countless Chinese people.

"Heavyweight! Mr. Li Fan, the number one musician in my country, appeared in Lan Guo, and quickly swept the entire Lan Guo with a song "Scarborough Fair"."

"Surprise! Mr. Li Fan will release a new song. This time, the people of Lan are the first to conquer the new song."

"Mr. Li Fan wrote a song "Scarborough Fair" in the Royal Languo Opera House and Teague Concert Hall in two hours. This song is called classic and great by Languo people. song."

"Exclusive! The cause and effect of the birth of Mr. Li Fan's new song "Scarborough Fair"."

""Scarborough Fair" was created in Teague Hall, sung by Chinese goddess singer Tang Ying, and covered by local singer Annie!"

"The wandering singer Annie, who became famous with the song "Scarborough Fair", has become the target of many entertainment record companies in Languo."

"According to information, the small town of Scarborough in Languo is famous all over the country because of the song "Scarborough Market", attracting a large number of tourists to come here. In order to express its gratitude to Mr. Li Fan, the local government respects him as Scarborough's forever honored guest."

"Conquering the music world of the country of Lan, all you need is one song!"

"Mr. Li Fan is respected by many Languo media as the number one person in the world of music!"



Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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