Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1372 Special Writing Perspective

Lan Guo, a certain city.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, and the little girl arrived in front of the biggest bookstore in the city.

Today is the first day of the release of Sherlock Holmes. Li Fan is going to take a look at the printing quality of the book.

After all, this is the first time he has cooperated with Kesford Press, and he will be relieved after watching it.

As soon as I walked into the door of the bookstore, at the most conspicuous booth, I saw Triris' "The Bloody Setting Sun", and there were many book fans around the booth.

At the counter, there are several people who are queuing up for the checkout, and several people are holding "Blood Setting Sun" in their hands.

Qin Yulin giggled in Li Fan's ear: "Brother-in-law, it seems that other people's books sell much better than yours!"

Li Fan said indifferently: "It's just the beginning, and it won't be long before the situation will reverse."

Qin Yulin naturally believed this, turned his head to look around, and said, "Brother-in-law, I saw your book, let's go over and take a look."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked towards a bookshelf.

Li Fan smiled, and together with Su Qing, Tang Ying, and the little girl, walked towards the bookshelf that Qin Yulin pointed to.

The bookshelf is a special bookshelf for new books, and the location is good. There are about ten brand-new "Sherlock Holmes" books neatly placed on it.

It’s just a pity that there are no book fans to choose from in front of the bookshelf.

Li Fan had already anticipated this situation and was not surprised or anxious. He knew that it was only temporary.

Li Fan took a book from the shelf, carefully read the writing, the back, and the spine, and briefly flipped through the inside pages of the book.

Then he nodded secretly, the printing quality of the book was completely fine.

Then I deliberately looked at the illustration on the cover.

The illustration is a portrait of Sherlock Holmes, sitting on a rattan chair, with a very thin face, a hooked nose, a square and prominent chin, and a pipe in his left hand. The whole person seems to be in some kind of contemplation.

This illustration was drawn by Li Fan himself, and was sent to Aiduoduo's mailbox together with the manuscript. The illustration is based on the old man Alves, who is seven or eighty similar to the old man.

Of course, it is also in line with the portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in the original book.

After reading it, Li Fan was about to put the book back on the shelf, but suddenly heard a voice that seemed a little surprised, "Oh! It's really great, it seems that I'm not the only one who is going to buy Mr. Li Fan's book. new work.”

Obviously, it was a customer who was going to buy "Sherlock Holmes". Seeing the book in Li Fan's hand, he regarded Li Fan as a book lover.

Li Fan was delighted, turned his head and saw that the person talking was a young man in his 20s.

The young man saw Li Fan turned his head to look at him, and said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I disturbed you."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you didn't bother me. Are you here to buy this book?"

Having said that, Li Fanyang picked up the "Sherlock Holmes" in his hand.

The young man nodded and said, "Yes sir, I came here specifically to buy Mr. Li Fan's new work. Mr. should also be from China, right? No wonder you want to buy Mr. Li Fan's new book."

Li Fan did not deny the young man's statement, but asked with great interest: "Other people don't seem to be optimistic about this book, and there are no other customers here except you and me, which also explains this, why do you Want to buy this book? Aren't you worried it won't look good?"

The young man shook his head and said, "No, I'm not worried. On the contrary, I also think that Mr. Li Fan's new book will be very good. Many people don't like this book, just because they think that Mr. Li Fan will spend a few days. The quality of the book created is definitely not very good. But they seem to have forgotten that it was generally believed that Mr. Li Fan's "Scarborough Fair" was just an ordinary good song, but what was the result? , I think the reason why Mr. Li Fan decided,

It only takes a few days to create a new book, because he only needs a few days to be enough, just as he only needed two hours before to create the most perfect "Scarborough Fair". "

After listening to this, Li Fan agreed with the young man's words and smiled: "I think, your idea is correct, and this book should not disappoint you."

The young man nodded and said, "Of course, I'm pretty sure of that."

After speaking, the young man took out a copy of Sherlock Holmes from the bookshelf, said goodbye to Li Fan, and took the book to the counter to check out.

After the young man left, Li Fan and the others also left the bookstore.

Li Fan entered the store mainly because he wanted to go there to check the printing quality of the book. After checking the quality of the book, he naturally left.

As for the sales situation, Li Fan has never been worried about it. Despite the fact that the current sales don't seem to be very good, it will definitely not take too long before book fans will rush to buy it.

After leaving the bookstore, Li Fan and the others continued to play. Today is the 27th, and in two days, they will have to go back to China.


Although the current sales of "Sherlock Holmes" are not very good, it is not unpopular. There are always some detective fans who will choose to buy for various reasons, just like Li Fan met in a bookstore before. The guy in general.

After they got the book, they first carefully looked at the character illustrations on the cover, only to feel an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

Then open the cover, it is the first story "Research in Scarlet".

"Could it be that this is still a series of stories?" Such questions flashed in their minds, and then they began to read the text.

"In 1878 I was at Longtown University, and after I received my doctorate in medicine, I went to Nateley to take the required courses for military doctors.

Immediately after I finished my course there, I was assigned to the 5th Northumberland Musketeer Regiment as a medical assistant.


The background of the story took place in 1878, which is not surprising to book fans. Many detective novels will choose the last century as the background.

However, this work seems to be written in the first person with "I" as the protagonist, which makes fans frown a little, and they still prefer to watch works in the third person.

Of course, although they frowned a little, they did not give up because of this, but chose to continue to look down.

Looking at it, their eyes lit up. They found that the writing angle of this work seemed to be a bit special. The "I" named Watson did not seem to be the protagonist, and the protagonist seemed to be someone else.

"Interesting." The book fans tutted. They had read many novels. It was the first time they had seen such a writing angle.

The beginning of the story is that after Watson finished his military medicine course, he worked as a military doctor in an army in Lan Guo. He was injured in a war and contracted typhoid fever, and his body became very weak.

Soon after, Watson returned to Lan Guo to recuperate. His financial situation was a little bad, so he decided to find a less luxurious place to live.

One day, he met his former assistant, Little Stamford, in front of a bar called Crittilian.

Watson told little Stanfer that he was going to find a less expensive and more comfortable place to live.

Little stanford said that another guy had also told him to find a less expensive and more comfortable place to live.

That guy was called Sherlock Holmes, and in the mouth of little Stanford, Sherlock Holmes was a somewhat eccentric guy.

"Sherlock Holmes?" The fans nodded, and it was obvious that Holmes was the protagonist.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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