Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1398 7 great guardian beasts appear at the same time

Sansheng Village.

With a roar that trembled the forest, all the tourists knew that another guardian beast was about to appear.

The excitement and excitement in everyone's heart can no longer be expressed in words. At the same time, the three guardian beasts appeared, which was something that everyone could not imagine before.

Before, with enough luck and chance, at most one mythical beast appeared.

Now there are three divine beasts appearing at the same time, everyone can only sigh, choosing to come to the village today is really a very wise decision.

However, things are not over yet.

After the roar just now, in the other direction of Baiyun Mountain, there was another roar that also shook the forest.

This roar is slightly different from the roar just now, and it is obviously from a different divine beast.

Could it be that there will be four guardian beasts appearing at the same time today?

All the tourists were trembling, and the whole person was already excited to the extreme.

They know that the scene that will happen later, in their entire life, may only be this time.

All the tourists, looking up at the direction from which the roar came, were extremely excited, excited and looking forward to it!

And they didn't wait too long, a giant mythical beast with a vaguely similar appearance to a tiger appeared on a highland due west.

The tiger-shaped mythical beast was more than 8 meters long and 5 meters high. After standing on a high place, it let out a low roar again.

This low roar made people fear from the depths of their hearts.

"It's Hu Ben, the tiger-shaped guardian beast Hu Ben, finally saw the legendary Hu Ben."

All tourists can recognize that the giant mythical beast standing on a high ground in the west at this time is the tiger-shaped guardian beast of the farm.

Now, three divine beasts appeared at the same time, and the suffocating feeling of oppression came from three directions.

And this isn't over yet.

After Hu Ben appeared in the due west, a giant mythical beast also appeared on a high ground in the due east.

The whole body of this divine beast is covered with hard and sharp scales, and it is like a hill. Its huge head is condescending. Looking at the direction of the tourists, its two huge eyes reveal a cold and cold light.

All tourists know its identity, the serpent-shaped guardian dragon.

Speaking of the dragon, this guy is definitely the star guardian beast of Xianyuan Farm, and there are the most legends about it.

Moreover, don't look at the cold light in this guy's eyes, but this guy is actually not cold at all, and is willing to "closely" contact with tourists.

There were tourists on the scene who had "intimate" contact with this guy.

"Haha! It's a big dragon. Look, it's a big dragon. Among all the guardian beasts, it and the tiger head are the most lively."

"I finally saw the big dragon again. I haven't seen it for a long time. Its size is obviously bigger."

In the crowd, those who had had "intimate" contact with the dragon, excitedly said this to the people around them, as if they had seen an old friend whom they had not seen for many years.

The four beasts, Dalong, Huben, Xiaotian, and Xuanba appeared at the same time, which happened to be located in the four directions of east, west, north and south. The tourists on the scene looked at the four mythical beasts in the four directions, and their hearts were trembling all the time.

Such a scene is too shocking, and it will definitely be able to blow for a lifetime if I take it out and brag in the future.

In addition to the people who are on the scene today, how can other people have the opportunity to see such a scene?

And this is still not over. After the big dragon appeared, the dog-shaped guardian beast Tiger Head, the leopard-shaped guardian beast Chasing Cloud and Xiao Chaiyun appeared in the northeast, northwest and southeast respectively.

So far, all the seven guardian beasts of the farm have appeared at the same time, and they are located in different positions.

The shock in the hearts of the tourists at the scene has long been impossible to describe in words.

Their excitement has already reached its peak. Today's luck and chance are really good to the sky.

The seven guardian beasts of Xianyuan Farm appeared at the same time, who could have imagined this before?

Who can describe such a scene in words?

The tourists at the scene almost forgot everything. In addition to shock, they couldn't hold anything else in their minds.

Because of this, the scene was quiet, and their minds were no longer able to organize words. At this time, they couldn't say anything.

Of course, even if their minds can still organize words, but they are surrounded by the seven mythical beasts, and their hearts are terrified to the extreme, how can they say a word?

Although they all knew that the divine beasts would not harm them, but would guarantee their safety in the village and on Baiyun Mountain, that fear was born from their hearts and couldn't help themselves.

In the crowd, Alves, Jared, Ryan, Cleo, and Ai Huaduo around Li Fan were just like the others, their hearts were trembling, excited and excited, but at the same time, they were also extremely fearful.

They had a lot of emotional words and wanted to talk to Li Fan impatiently, but they couldn't say a word at all.

Li Fan could clearly feel the feelings of Alves and all the tourists at the scene, and he was quite proud.

He knows that from now on, Xianyuan Farm will add a new legend, the legend of the seven guardian beasts appearing at the same time to greet the tourists.

And such a scene will make everyone on the scene unforgettable, no matter when you think of it, you will still feel the heart tremor.

The appearance of the guardian beasts itself represents the New Year's greetings to the tourists.

Therefore, no other action is required.

Of course, if you want these guys to learn the way of human beings and bow their hands to greet the New Year, it is really a very simple thing.

But Li Fan didn't intend to let the beasts do this, just showing up was enough, and then making a gesture of bowing and bowing would not be very good.

After the seven guardian beasts appeared at the same time for a few seconds, Li Fan gave the order to let the beasts leave.

A few seconds is enough, not too long.

As a result, the seven guardian beasts quickly retreated at the same time.

Xiaotian went straight into the sky, Xuanba sank to the bottom of the water, and the big dragon, tiger ben, tiger head, chasing cloud and little chasing cloud several beasts dived back to the depths of Baiyun Mountain.

However, although the guardian beasts had already left, the pressure on the scene did not dissipate immediately.

It was not until a long time later that the sense of coercion finally dissipated, and the tourists at the scene finally recovered their vitality.

Among the tourists who had recovered their vitality, some were breathing heavily, some patted their chests, and some wiped the sweat on their foreheads, as if they had just experienced some kind of catastrophe.

Then, the excitement that could no longer be suppressed broke out, and the scene was suddenly full of people.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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