Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1401 Answers in the book

a certain city.

The weather was very cold. Although the snow last night was not too big, it still turned the green belts on both sides of the street into a vast expanse of white, which looked quite beautiful.

It doesn't often snow in the city, only two or three times a year at most. Once it snows, it always makes people in this city happy.

This is true for adults, and even more so for children.

On the street, there are occasionally passing children who reach out and grab a handful of snow and play with them, and they don't feel cold.

A tall and thin man in his thirties, with a little girl in his teens, was walking down a street.

The little girl seemed very interested in the snow on both sides of the road. She took the hand of the tall and thin man next to her and walked all the way, her eyes always staring at the snow on both sides of the road.

As she walked, the little girl raised her head, looked at the tall and thin man beside her and asked, "Dad, why does it snow in winter?"

The tall and thin man replied with a smile: "Because the weather is very cold in winter, it will snow everywhere."

The little girl said "oh", turned her head to look at the snow again, and after a while, raised her head again and asked, "Dad, why does it snow when it's cold?"

The skinny man smiled and said, "Because...because...this...because..."

The tall and thin man's smile suddenly suffocated, because he found that he couldn't answer his daughter's question.

Everyone knows it snows in winter because the weather is cold, but why does it snow when the weather is cold?

The tall and thin man thought he should know the answer, so he just wanted to answer without hesitation.

However, when he really wanted to say it, he suddenly found that he couldn't say it clearly at all.

Why can't I say it when I feel like I should know the answer, when I really want to say it?

The tall and thin man thought for a while and found the reason. It seemed that he didn't actually know the answer, but because it was a very simple natural common sense, he had the illusion of knowing the answer.

In other words, he does vaguely know some concepts, but he cannot express them accurately in words.

"Dad, why?" The tall and thin man had just finished his thoughts, and his daughter urged him to see that he had not answered for a long time.

"This..." The tall and thin man was slightly embarrassed and anxious. He could say, "Dad doesn't know about this."

But saying this will not only disappoint his daughter, but also affect his glorious image of omniscience in her daughter's mind.

The lanky man didn't want things to turn out like this, but he couldn't just say an answer and get away with it.

How should this be?

The tall and thin man was a little anxious. He subconsciously turned his head to look around, and found that there was a bookstore dozens of meters in front of him, and the scale was quite large.

The tall and thin man's eyes lit up, and he thought of Li Fan's new book, the children's popular science enlightenment book "One Hundred Thousand Whys", which was officially released today.

It may have the answer he needs now.

He had indeed planned to take his daughter to the bookstore to take a look at a book at some point before, and if her daughter was interested, she would buy a copy.

Now is the time.

So he said to the little girl, "Yanyan, about this question, Dad wants you to find the answer yourself. There is a bookstore in front of it, and there is a book in it, which may allow you to find the answer you want to know."

"Really?" The little girl blinked her big eyes and said excitedly: "Okay! Okay! Dad, let's go in quickly, I want to find the answer."

The tall and thin man breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed the test temporarily. It is best to have relevant answers on "One Hundred Thousand Whys". If not, he also has enough time to go to the Internet to find the answer.

The tall and thin man walked into the bookstore with his daughter and was about to ask a staff member, where is "One Hundred Thousand Whys"?

Then he didn't ask the exit.

Because, he has seen "One Hundred Thousand Whys\

,"It is placed on one of the most conspicuous showcases in the bookstore.

It was still early at this time, and the bookstore had just opened for business. There were not many customers, and the display cabinet of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" was still relatively empty.

The tall and thin man took the little girl's hand and walked to the showcase, picked up a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" that had been unpacked on the showcase for the guests to try out, handed it to the little girl, and said, "Yanyan, it is This book, did you find the answer in this book?"

The little girl took the book and was very excited, said "OK", and then opened the book to find the answer she wanted.

The tall and thin man looked at his daughter with a very serious look, and smiled with relief. He also picked up another trial book, and he was going to look for it. Is there an answer to that question?

If not, he can go to the Internet to find relevant answers while his daughter is reading now.

When he opened the book, the tall and thin man's eyes lit up. The colorful patterns on the pages were very interesting, vivid, and vivid, which should be very attractive to children.

However, if only these patterns are attractive to children, it is definitely not enough.

After all, this is a popular science enlightenment reading, and those scientific knowledge should be the focus.

Otherwise, it would really be putting the cart before the horse, as some people on the Internet were worried about before.

And the relevant scientific knowledge, as previously reported by the children's education experts, is a question-and-answer format.

One question, one answer, and nothing else.

The tall and thin man frowned a little at first. He was worried that his daughter would only focus on the patterns and ignore the scientific knowledge that matched the patterns.

However, looking at it, he suddenly found that those scientific knowledge seemed to be the main body, and those matching patterns were only serving the corresponding scientific knowledge.

That is to say, there is no situation where the cart before the horse is put upside down.

Moreover, the scientific question and answer that everyone thought would be very monotonous and boring before, but now it is very interesting and attractive to look at it with those patterns. Asking and answering seems to be the best form of expression.

The lanky man was pleasantly surprised, as expected of Mr. Li Fan's work.

At this moment, the tall and thin man suddenly heard his daughter's surprised and excited voice, "Dad, Dad, I know, I know, I know why it snows when it's cold, look, you Look."

"Is there really an answer to that question?" The tall and thin man was both surprised and ashamed.

Surprisingly, the daughter really found the answer by herself.

Moreover, the daughter is so excited at this time, obviously because this is the answer she found by herself.

If it was the answer she told her, it was obvious that she would not be so excited.

From this point of view, "One Hundred Thousand Whys" is indeed a very good work, and it is definitely worth buying.

What's ashamed is that his daughter found the answer in the book before him, which made him feel a little ashamed.

Then, the tall and thin man turned his head to look at the book in his daughter's hand. On the page he was opening, there was indeed such a question:

"Why does it snow in winter?"

The following is the answer: In winter, the temperature is very low. When the temperature in the high-altitude cloud layer is below zero degrees Celsius, the water vapor in the cloud will condense into small ice crystals and small snow crystals.

On the one hand, these small ice crystals fall as they sublime and increase in weight;

In this way, the water vapor continues to condense on the surface of the ice crystals, and the ice crystals continue to grow and grow, and finally snowflakes are formed.

When the updraft is not enough to bear its weight, the snowflakes will fall all the way down, and when the surface temperature in winter is also kept below zero degrees Celsius, the snowflakes can fall from a high altitude to the ground, and we are on the ground. Can see snow.

After reading the answer, the tall and thin man couldn't help but say in his heart, "That's it."

He really didn't know the answer before, so it seems that he also needs to take a look at this "One Hundred Thousand Whys".


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