Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1403 Long queue

With a dark face, Lu Changran angrily walked out of the door of the bookstore. He couldn't stay any longer.

Originally, I hoped that some children would say that they would not be interested in books, even if it was only a small part.

However, no, not one at all.

He stood in the bookstore for more than an hour, one with more than 100 children, read the trial book of "One Hundred Thousand Whys", but none of them said they were not interested.

All of them couldn't wait, clamoring for their parents to buy the book for themselves.

Lu Changran couldn't stay any longer and left in anger.

Originally, what he had thought before was to buy a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and go back to study it when he left.

See how it can be so attractive to those kids?

However, the more he looked at it, the more annoyed he became, and why was he in the mood to buy a book and go back to study it?

Research an egg, research.

After exiting the door of the bookstore, Lu Changran took a taxi and went home.

At about the same time, some other children's education experts also walked out of the bookstore they went to this morning with their faces darkened.

Obviously, their "encounter" in the bookstore was similar to that of Lu Changran.

This is indeed the case. What happened in the bookstore where Lu Changran is located is just a microcosm of the major bookstores in the country.

The stories of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in major bookstores are also similar. The children brought by their parents all showed great interest after reading the trial book.

The customers who bought "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in major bookstores all lined up in long queues.

While lining up, parents discussed with each other the "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in their hands, how they would help their children, and so on.

The parents were all very excited and in high spirits.

It is no wonder that the education of children is an issue that every parent is very concerned about.

Now that there is a popular science book that makes children so interested, how can they not be excited? How unhappy?

This work can not only enrich children's scientific knowledge, but also exercise children's memory ability, and cultivate children's thinking ability.

Simply a lot of benefits.

And for a book with so many benefits, parents are naturally overjoyed.

Moreover, on the cover of today's "One Hundred Thousand Whys", the words "Part One" are clearly marked.

This shows that in the future, "One Hundred Thousand Whys" will have a second part, a third part, and even many parts.

This makes the parents ecstatic, and they naturally hope that the more such good books, the better.

In the process of talking, parents will always mention Li Fan, the author of this book.

The words were filled with deep gratitude to Li Fan.

During the Spring Festival last year, Li Fan's "Three Character Classic" has already given them a lot of help.

Through the study of the Three Character Classic, the children have mastered a lot of knowledge and exercised their learning ability very well, and the children have benefited a lot.

Afterwards, Li Fan wrote the couplet again, "The mountain of books has the road and diligence as the path, and the sea of ​​learning has no end to work hard". Since its birth, this couplet has been inspiring countless children to work hard.

Moreover, it will continue to inspire children from generation to generation to continue to forge ahead forever.

Now, Li Fan has launched a popular science book, "One Hundred Thousand Whys", which he feels will help children even more.

It can be said that Li Fan has made a great contribution in children's education, even more than those so-called children's education experts.

Those experts have researched and researched, but they have not seen anything useful from their research.

Of course, everyone has not forgotten that this time Li Fan was invited by the Ministry of Education to launch this work.

In the conversation, everyone also praised the decision of the Ministry of Education this time.


The customers who choose to go to the bookstore today are not only young parents with children, but also a large number of young people who do not have children for the time being.

The reason why they go to the bookstore is also very simple, just to take a look, how is the sales of Li Fan's work?

And when they saw the long dragon with "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in hand, waiting for the checkout and payment, they already had the answer.


On the Internet, the topic of whether "One Hundred Thousand Whys" can attract children has long been hot.

The answer is unprecedented unity. Countless young parents have expressed that their children are very interested in "One Hundred Thousand Whys", and they can't stop at first glance.

What's more, the effect of the children's reading is still very good. They have a very deep memory of the scientific knowledge in it, and they will not forget it as soon as they close the book.

Some parents said that in fact, parents can choose to watch it with their children. The scientific knowledge in it is very close to life and very interesting.

Moreover, there is a lot of knowledge in it, and parents may not understand it. Parents can actually learn with their children, and the effect may be better.

In addition, many young parents also suggested that parents who have not yet bought books in bookstores should not take their children to test reading, but just buy a copy and go home. The children will definitely be very interested. They can absolutely guarantee.

A group of parents who have not yet gone to the bookstore originally planned to go with their children, but now the unified and harmonious voice on the Internet has completely relieved them, so they stopped taking their children with them. bookstore.

Therefore, from this afternoon, parents who went to major bookstores to buy "One Hundred Thousand Whys" rarely brought their children with them.

And the same as in the morning, the people who bought "One Hundred Thousand Whys" are still queuing up.


Lu Changran and the rest of the children's education experts still had a gloomy expression on their faces after returning home.

They come to the Internet, hoping to see some good news on the Internet.

After all, just looking at the situation of one bookstore does not mean that all bookstores are the same.

They are full of expectations.

However, after they browsed the relevant news on the Internet, they were even more frustrated.

Especially when someone said that Li Fan's contribution to children's education was greater than that of these children's education experts, he was even more so angry that he almost vomited three liters of blood.

In their special communication group, Lu Changran and several other children's education experts angrily expressed their anger and confusion.

They can't figure out "One Hundred Thousand Whys", why is it so attractive to those children?

And just after they vented their "righteous indignation" for a while, a voice said: "Alas! You all went to the bookstore, didn't you open the book to see it?"

Obviously, not all children's education experts are as "indignant" as Lu Changran and the others.

"This, I really don't have it, Lao Liu, have you opened the book and read it?"

"Alas! Yes, after reading it, Li Fan is indeed a genius in the sky, far from what we can compare. Alas! You guys also go buy a copy and come back and have a look. After reading it, you will know the reason. ."


Lu Changran and the others suddenly fell silent.


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