Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1467 Quicksand River Accepts Disciples

Sun Wukong transformed himself into the appearance of Gao Cuilan, sitting in the room waiting for the monster to come.

And not long after, a gust of wind blew, and sure enough, a monster came out of the fog. The monster was ugly, with a black face and short hair, a long beak and big ears, and wore a blue-green and blue-blue shuttle cloth. Tie a floral towel.

After talking with the monster, Gao Cuilan, who turned into Monkey King, learned that the monster lived in Yunzhan Cave of Fuling Mountain, whose surname was Pig, and his official name was Zhu Gangyan.

Then she said that her father had invited a powerful mage to come to get him, but the monster said that he had a change in the number of heavens, a nine-toothed palladium, what mage was afraid of?

Gao Cuilan also said that what her father invited was the Great Sage Monkey King who made a havoc in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago.

The monster was a little scared when he heard it, saying that the Bi Ma Wen, who was in the Heavenly Palace, had some skills, and he was afraid that he would not be able to get rid of him, so he lowered his name and wanted to leave.

When Sun Wukong saw that the monster was about to escape, he immediately revealed his original body and shouted, "Monster, where to escape!"

When the monster saw Sun Wukong's original body, Hua Feng fled out in shock.

Sun Wukong also followed and chased out, chasing straight to the front of Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain.

Sun Wukong asked where the monster came from? Why do you know his name?

The monster told the truth, it turned out that he was not an ordinary monster, but the Tianpeng Marshal who managed Tianhe in the sky. Just because he was drunk at a peach meeting of the Queen Mother, he grabbed Chang'e's clothes and asked her to accompany her to rest. Only after being banished from Tianguan, and because he was guilty of casting the wrong pig fetus, did this change.

After that, Sun Wukong and the monster fought together. Sun Wukong used the Ruyi golden cudgel, and the monster used the nine-toothed rake. From the second watch, until the east turned white, the monster was defeated and escaped into the cave, behind closed doors. out.

After Sun Wukong returned to Gaolaozhuang to tell Tang Seng the origin of the monster, he came to Yunzhan Cave again and broke the door of the cave that wanted the monster.

After the two fought for a while, the monster said angrily, he remembered that when Sun Wukong made a big havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he lived in the Water Curtain Cave of Aolai Guohuaguo Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou, why did he come to Yunzhan Cave to embarrass him today?

After Sun Wukong listened to it, he was enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and told the story of the Tang monk going to the west to get the scriptures.

After the monster heard it, he hurriedly threw the nine-toothed nail and asked Sun Wukong to introduce him to the person who took the scriptures.

It turned out that the monster was also enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva. He was waiting for the person who took the scriptures to go to the west to get the scriptures.

After Sun Wukong heard it, he tied the monster and brought it to the monk Tang in Gaolaozhuang.

When the monster saw Tang Seng, he immediately knelt down and bowed, calling him "Master" and saying that his disciple was disappointed.

Tang Seng was puzzled, asked the reason, and was overjoyed, and immediately accepted the monster as his apprentice, and because the monster received the precepts of the Bodhisattva and did not eat five meats and three disgusts, Tang Seng gave it a nickname called "Bajie". ".

The monster was happy, and since then it has been called Zhu Bajie.

Gao Taigong was very happy to see that the monster worshipped Master and returned to the righteous, and immediately set up a vegetarian banquet to entertain Tang Seng, Sun Wukong, and Zhu Bajie.

After the three of them ate the banquet, they said goodbye to Taigong Gao and set foot on the road to the west again.

Since then, there has been one more Zhu Bajie in the team, and all the fans are excited about this, and they are more and more looking forward to the story behind.

The three masters and apprentices continued their journey westward. After traveling for a month, they crossed the Wusi Tibetan realm and met a Zen master Wuchao at the Buddha Mountain.

Zhu Bajie got acquainted with the Zen Master Wuchao, and said that the Zen Master Wuchao had intended to let him practice with him, but he did not go.

Monk Tang visited Zen Master Wuchao and asked him how far away was the Daleiyin Temple in Xitian? Zen Master Wuchao replied that although the journey is long, there must be a day, but the road is too many to travel, and the miasma is difficult to disappear.

Afterwards, he taught Tang monk a "Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra".

After teaching the scriptures, Chan Master Wuchao was about to leave. Tang Seng grabbed Chan Master Wuchao and asked Qi about the journey to the west. Chan Master Wuchao left a prophecy verse, which turned into golden light. , and went to Wuchao.

Afterwards, the three master and apprentice continued westward and came to a place called Huang Fengling, where there was a monster called Huang Feng Monster.

When Huang Fengguai was patrolling the mountain, he found a few monks and disciples of Tang Seng, and used a trick to move the tiger away from the mountain. He led Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie away, and then used a gust of demonic wind to kidnap Tang Seng into the Yellow Wind Cave.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie saw that their master was taken away by a monster, and they hit the Yellow Wind Cave and wanted to rescue the master.

That Huang Fenggu's ability is not small, and he fought with Sun Wukong for thirty rounds, and then he used a gust of wind, which blew Sun Wukong's eyes.

Sun Wukong's eyes were sore and tearful from the wind, so he went with Zhu Bajie to find medicine, and got the help of an old man who turned into a guardian Jialan.

The old man gave Sun Wukong medicine for his eyes, and told Sun Wukong that the wind blown by the yellow wind monster is called "Sanmadhi God Wind", which can blow the darkness of the sky and earth, good at scratching ghosts and spirits, cracking rocks and collapsing cliffs, and killing people.

After Sun Wukong healed his eyes, he changed into a small flying insect, flew into the Yellow Wind Cave to inquire about the situation, and learned that the Yellow Wind Monster was only afraid of Lingji Bodhisattva.

So, Sun Wukong decided to ask Lingji Bodhisattva for help, but he didn't know where Lingji Bodhisattva was now. Fortunately, under the guidance of an old man who was transformed into a platinum star, he invited Lingji Bodhisattva to subdue the yellow wind monster.

After rescuing Tang Seng, the master and apprentice continued to travel westward. After Xia and Qiu, they came to a river with a width of 800 miles, called Liusha River.

There is a stone tablet by the river, which reads: "Eight hundred quicksand boundaries, three thousand weak water depths. Goose feathers can't float, and reed flowers will sink to the bottom."

When all the book fans saw this place, they were all amazed. This river is too special. Even light objects such as goose feathers and reed flowers have to sink to the bottom, so there will never be river crossing tools such as ferries. .

So the question is, how do Tang monks cross this quicksand river?

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were able to fly through the clouds and fog, but Tang Seng couldn't fly through the clouds or the fog, and they couldn't let Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie fly over with their backs.

Because Tang Seng was a mortal body, the two of them carried on their backs, as heavy as Mount Tai, and they couldn't move at all.

Moreover, Tang monks had to travel through foreign countries, so they could not escape the sea of ​​suffering, and could not fly through the air.

How can I cross the river? Book fans are looking forward to it.

And just when the master and apprentice were worried about how to cross the river, another monster emerged from the river, very ugly, with fluffy red hair, eyes as big as lanterns, and his face was neither black nor blue. It is blue and indigo, like thunder and the sound of an old dragon. He wears a goose-yellow cloak with a collar, a pair of white vines tied around his waist, and a necklace made of nine skeletons linked together on his neck. He holds a treasured staff.

This monster is also not an ordinary monster. It used to be the general of the rolling shutters in the sky, but because he accidentally broke the jade glass at the Queen Mother's Peach Banquet, he was banished to the Liusha River.

Zhu Bajie saw that the monster came ashore, and the battle with the monster was inextricable. When Sun Wukong saw his hand itching, he swung his wishful golden cudgel to help out. After seeing this, the monster fled back to the bottom of the river and never came out again.

After that, Zhu Bajie went down the river to lead the monster out, and Sun Wukong waited on the shore, trying to subdue the monster after it left the water.

After fighting back and forth a few times, the monster could always escape back to the river at the last moment, and after a few times, he learned how to behave, no matter how tempted by Zhu Bajie, he would not go ashore again, and only quarreled with Zhu Bajie on the edge of the river. .

The monsters were difficult to get rid of, and Tang Seng was unable to cross the river. Sun Wukong decided to go to the South China Sea to find Guanyin Bodhisattva for a way.

After seeing Guanyin Bodhisattva, Guanyin Bodhisattva said that the monster was Linfan, the general of the rolling shutters in the sky, and he was also enlightened by her, waiting for the person to take the scriptures in Liusha River.

He also said that the nine skull necklaces on the monster's neck could help Tang monks cross the Liusha River.

Therefore, Guanyin Bodhisattva gave a gourd to Hui'an Walker, and asked him and Sun Wukong to return to the Shahe River to help Tang monks cross the river.

Sun Wukong and Hui'an Walker returned to Liusha River, and Hui'an Walker called out the monster and pointed out the identity of Tang Seng's practitioner.

Only then did the monster know that the monk was the person he had been waiting for.

So, the monster went ashore and worshipped Tang Seng as his teacher, saying that he had been taught by the Bodhisattva, and he referred to the river as his surname.

Tang Seng was overjoyed, took the Jie Dao, and lost his hair for Sha Wujing.

After losing his hair, Sha Wujing first worshipped the Tang monk, then Monkey King and Zhu Bajie. The Tang monk saw that he was saluting, and he had a monk's family style, so he also called him Sha monk, also called Sha monk.

Afterwards, the monk Sha took off the skeleton hanging on his neck, used a rope knot to make a nine palace, put the bodhisattva's gourd in the middle, and threw it on the surface of the quicksand river, turning it into a gourd boat and floating on the river.

Tang Seng boarded the gourd boat and crossed the river safely. When they reached the opposite side of the river, Hui'an Walker took the gourd, and the nine skeletons of Sha Seng turned into nine yin winds and disappeared.

In this way, Tang Seng not only successfully crossed the Liusha River, but also accepted the fourth apprentice, Sha Seng.

Since then, there have been five people including Xiao Bailong in the team to learn from the scriptures.


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