Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1479 Another metaphor (New Year's greetings!)

Shen Cong's Weibo is full of more than a thousand words, telling the reason why Tang Seng was turned into a tiger instead of other animals.

Although it's just speculation and analysis, it's reasonable and reasonable. When a group of book fans saw it, their hearts jumped, "I'm rubbing it! There is really a reason."

Originally thought that the tiger was just an animal chosen by Li Fan at will, but now I know that there is such a cause and effect in it.

A group of book fans are excited and a little want to cry without tears. They found that if there is no interpretation and analysis of famous celebrities, they really can't understand "Journey to the West".

In other words, the "Journey to the West" they saw was just the superficial splendor of "Journey to the West".

Who would have imagined that Tang Seng could have such a profound meaning when he was turned into a tiger.

On the Internet, a lot of book fans are talking about this issue again.

"In the beginning, who was asking if Tang Seng was turned into a tiger, is there any reason? Talent, really Nima has a reason."

"It now seems that after Tang Seng first came out of Chang'an, he encountered four tigers in a row, which is to pave the way for this plot. It is too ingenious and too hidden. If it weren't for Mr. Shen Cong's interpretation, we would be really naughty. Ma can't find it."

"It's not so much a foreshadowing of the plot, it's better to say that the cause and effect are doomed. It was Tang Seng who buried the cause before, and then he got the result of being turned into a tiger later."

"All living beings are equal, all living beings have the Buddha-nature, and all living beings can become Buddhas. After this incident, Tang Seng should have a deeper understanding of this."

"Everything has a cause and effect. "Journey to the West" has hidden mysteries everywhere. It seems that we will be more attentive when watching "Journey to the West" in the future."

"It's not enough just to be more attentive, but also to think carefully about the whole story. Some plots that are very ordinary to us may have some kind of mystery hidden in them. I like "Journey to the West" more and more."


A group of book fans were talking about Shen Cong's Weibo, and just when everyone was talking about it, Shen Cong once again updated a Weibo.

This Weibo post reads, "When we were analyzing the previous question, we mentioned that the first monster Tang Seng encountered was General Tiger Jingyin.

For this, we can actually think a little more, why is the first monster Tang Seng encountered is the tiger spirit?

Why is this tiger spirit called 'General Yin'?

To know,

Naming a tiger spirit with 'General Yin' feels a little strange.

So, why did Mr. Li Fan have to be named so again? Is there any purpose?

After some analysis, I found that it may be really intentional.

We all know that 'Zhuang Zhou dreamed of turning into a butterfly, and Lu Wang Zhaofei was a bear. ' These two historical allusions.

Among them, 'Lu Wang' and 'Flying Bear' in 'Lu Wang Zhao Fei Xiong' refer to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya, Jiang surname, Lu family, first name is Shang, a reputation, the word Ziya, so Jiang Ziya is also called Lu Wang or Lu Shang, and "Flying Bear" is Jiang Ziya's alias.

The allusion 'Lv Wang Zhaofei Xiong' refers to the story of Zhou Wenwang Jichang visiting Jiang Ziya while visiting the Weishui River.

This story is also a very important plot in Mr. Li Fan's last work "Fengshen Romance".

What we are going to say now is that the first monster Tang Seng encountered was General Jingyin the tiger, which was related to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya is nicknamed "Flying Bear". The "Flying Bear" here is not a bear with wings, but a tiger with wings.

Because according to the relevant ancient books and documents, the tiger can grow two wings after it becomes a fine, and it is called a flying bear.

As for why it is not called 'Flying Tiger', but called 'Flying Bear'?

The reason is unknown, we don't have to go into it, we just need to know that this is a cultural inheritance.

Then, we can draw such a conclusion that the first monster that Tang Seng encountered, General Tiger Jingyin, actually faintly shot Jiang Ziya, the god of all gods in "Fengshen Romance".

At the end of "Fengshen Romance", Jiang Ziya presided over the ceremony of conferring gods. Although he was not conferred a god himself, he held a "beating whip" and managed all the gods he conferred. He is a veritable god of all gods.

In the current "Journey to the West", in order to express his respect for Jiang Ziya, the god of all gods, Mr. Li Fan chose the first monster that Tang Seng encountered as the tiger spirit.

It is also because of Jiang Ziya's relationship that he gave him a somewhat strange name, 'General Yin'.

Although Jiang Ziya was in command of King Wu's army, he could also be called a general.

Because of this, General Yin and the tiger that Tang Seng encountered three times in a row did not hurt Tang Seng.

Then, why is it called General "Yin" instead of generals with other surnames such as "General Li" and "General Jiang"?

There is of course a reason for this.

General Yin has two monster friends, one is Xiong Jing,

The combination of the word 'yin' and the word 'bear' is 'yin bear', homophonic 'hero'.

The other one is called "special officer", which is a bison spirit.

It is also a weird name, which makes people have to think of a word, 'special cow'!

The connection between the two means that General Yin is a hero, a special cow!

The above is the first monster that Tang Seng encountered, why it was a tiger spirit, and why it was called "General Yin".

Of course, this is just my personal analysis and speculation, which may be right or wrong.

Does Mr. Li Fan really have this intention? Everyone can discuss by themselves. "

After reading this Weibo post by Shen Cong, all the fans were once again dumbfounded, and couldn't help shouting, "Damn it! Even this has so much attention and meaning."

Although this is only Shen Cong's interpretation and analysis, it cannot be 100% certain that Li Fan's design really has such deep meaning, but this statement is by no means unreasonable.

All the book fans had only one thought in their hearts at this time, they should probably read "Journey to the West" carefully again.

There may be many, very interesting metaphors hidden in it, waiting for them to discover them one by one.

Those hidden metaphors waiting to be discovered also excited them.

And on the Internet, there is once again a lot of discussion about it.

"This metaphor is too deep. If I hadn't read Mr. Shen Cong's interpretation, I guess I would never have seen it in my life."

"I finally understand now that it is by no means easy to truly understand Journey to the West."

"I guess it's impossible to analyze those metaphors by myself. I'll honestly wait for the interpretation of celebrities. It's enough for me to see all the wonderful things on the bright side."



Year after year, on the 30th day of the Chinese New Year, the countryside is here to greet everyone.

I wish you all good health and happiness in the coming year.

If you have a lover, cherish the lover around you, or if you are still single, get rid of the single as soon as possible.


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