Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1492 not admit it

Everyone heard Li Fan say that the person who can compose such a Zen verse must be an eminent monk with great wisdom.

The reactions were all different. The onlookers were contemptuous, but they were puzzled. They didn't understand what this kid was doing to flatter the monk of the island country.

Gu Yuan, Qin Yulin, Xia Xiaoyue and other crew members were puzzled and looking forward to it, expecting Li Fan to say so, what was the purpose?

Abbot Huiming smiled and recited "Amitabha Buddha", but his heart was secretly sighed and ashamed. A young man who is not a Buddhist sect commented on this verse. It can be seen that the influence of this verse in the future will definitely be very wide. , will never be limited to the Buddhist realm.

It is a pity, however, that this verse did not come from the hands of monks in China.

Abbot Huiming felt very sorry and ashamed.

Although the great monk is calm on the surface, he is extremely proud in his heart. He is said to be an eminent monk with great wisdom, which is obviously the best evaluation for a monk.

Of course, at the same time as being proud, there is also a little bit of apprehension, after all, this verse was not written by him.

However, thinking that the stele could not be found, a trace of anxiety in the heart of the prejudice monk slowly disappeared.

Then, Li Fan continued: "It's just a pity that we have no chance to see such a wise monk, regret, regret!"

Hearing what Li Fan said, the contempt of the onlookers went away, and they all thought, "It turns out that he didn't know that this verse was written by the monk of the island country, so he's not photographing the horse of the monk of the island country. Shit, we blamed him before."

Abbot Huiming said with a smile: "This donor, the author of this verse is here, and the donor has been fortunate enough to meet."

The prejudice monk also smiled and said: "The donor has wrongly praised, and the old monk must never be the word 'high monk'."

Li Fan looked at the prejudiced monk and said with a smile: "It is true that the great monk cannot be a 'high monk'. As for the reason, the great monk knows it in his heart."

Hearing Li Fan's words, the prejudice monk's heart jumped, a trace of panic flashed on his face, and he thought to himself, "Does he know this verse? This is absolutely impossible!"

Afterwards, Li Fan turned to the abbot Huiming and said, "Master Huiming may have misunderstood something. The author of this verse has passed away for thousands of years, so why is he here? How can I be lucky enough to meet him?"

Li Fan's words caused a thousand waves, and the scene was buzzing.

"What does this kid mean? This verse has existed for thousands of years? This is impossible. If it is true, Abbot Huiming can't possibly not know."

"What he means is that the author of this verse is not a monk from that island country?"

"He said that the author of this verse has passed away for thousands of years, so naturally he can't be the monk of the island country. Is it true?"

"Hey! I think it's really possible. I just said it. With the narrow mind of the island monk, how could it be possible to make such a verse? It's not scientific at all."

"Who is this kid? Has he seen this verse before?"


The tourists talked a lot, and Gu Yuan, Qin Yulin, Xia Xiaoyue and other crew members were pleasantly surprised. Since Li Fan said that this verse was not written by the monk of the island country, it must not have been written by the monk of the island country.

It turned out that this verse was really stolen from the monk of the island country, so the matter could be solved.

After the scandal of stealing verses was exposed, what kind of face does the monk from the island country still have to stay here to make trouble?

Qin Yulin said happily: "I'll just say, how could the monk make such a verse? It turned out to be a steal."

The tourists were talking, the crew was pleasantly surprised, and the prejudice monk was thumping wildly in his heart. Fortunately, after all, he has a good way of doing things. What other carriers recorded that verse? That stele does look quite old, is it really thousands of years old?"

Abbot Huiming, on the other hand, was much more calm. This verse has existed for thousands of years?

In the view of Abbot Huiming, this should be impossible.

Otherwise, why are there no records in all Buddhist-related classics throughout the ages?

He recited "Amitabha Buddha", then looked at Li Fan and said, "What do you mean by this benefactor? Please clarify."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "I have seen this verse on a stone tablet before. According to my observation, that stone tablet has existed for thousands of years, so I said that the author of this verse has passed away. millennium."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and the discussion became louder.

"I saw it on a stone tablet? It's getting more and more pretentious. Is it true?"

"I think it's very likely to be true. Anyway, I still don't quite believe that the monk from the island country can make such a verse."


Although the tourists are all very willing to believe what Li Fan said, but now Li Fan is saying nothing, and the tourists cannot believe it 100%.

Maybe Li Fan said this just to give the crew a chance to continue filming in the temple.

Of course, no matter if Li Fan had actually seen it or said it on purpose, the tourists all hoped that after Li Fan's words, Abbot Huiming could really lift the ban.

The prejudice big monk secretly said "not good", since Li Fan can say that he has seen the verse on the stone tablet, it means that Li Fan has probably seen the stone tablet as well.

Thinking of this, the prejudice monk became very uneasy, and the dream that was passed down through the ages suddenly woke up a lot, and there were some regrets, regretting that he had not resisted the temptation of being famous through the ages.

But the feeling of regret just flashed away in my heart, and the matter has come to this point, I can only insist that this verse is what I did.

Hearing what Li Fan said, Abbot Huiming felt a sudden burst of excitement, and then quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said, "Is this the truth of the donor? I dare to ask the donor, where did you see that stone tablet?"

Where is the stele now? Li Fan naturally has a way to know that he has just used a method called "memory theft" in the space mall to know the specific location of the stone tablet from the memory of the prejudice monk.

The prejudice monk did not choose to destroy the stone monument, but Li Fan nodded secretly.

Of course, even if the prejudice monk destroyed the stele, Li Fan still had a way to restore it.

Hearing Abbot Huiming's question, Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Where exactly is that stone tablet now? We can ask Master Prejudice about this question."

Then, Li Fan looked at the great monk Prejudice and continued: "Master Prejudice, dare to ask where is that stone tablet now?"

The prejudice monk was flustered in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and smiled, and said, "This donor is joking, why do you ask the old monk this question?"

Li Fan said: "Because the master saw that stone tablet a few days ago."

The prejudice monk was even more flustered, wondering why Li Fan knew that he had seen the stone tablet a few days ago?

Then he thought that as long as he was bitten to death and he had never seen the stone tablet, there was nothing the other party could do.

Then he calmed down and said: "This is just the word of the donor. How could the donor know what stone tablet the old monk saw a few days ago? The old monk understands the purpose of the donor's words. The monk advised the benefactor to stop wasting your time, how can the pure place of Buddhism be covered with dust?"


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