Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1500 Monkey Baby

on the ferry.

After the monkey juggler finished speaking, the passengers on the same boat nodded secretly. The idea of ​​"that kid" in the monkey juggernaut's mouth was indeed unrealistic.

If you want to be picked by the director and invited to act, how is this possible? There are many twists and turns in the entertainment industry, not just strength and dreams.

However, the idea of ​​that kid planning to play the role of Sun Wukong and performing his performance seems to be not bad.

Now the popularity of Monkey King is extremely high. If his Monkey King role is good enough, it will indeed be much more popular than the monkey show.

It's just that it will be quite difficult to play the role of Sun Wukong.

After all, Sun Wukong is just a character in a work, how should he act? How should I act? In order to make the audience think that he is performing Sun Wukong.

There is no reference for everything, and he can only rely on himself to keep trying and practice hard.

Maybe you are destined to experience countless failures, but if you stick to it, there may be a day of success.

After all, that kid is only 18 years old, and he still has enough capital.

A passenger said: "The idea that he intends to play the role of Monkey King is actually a good idea. As long as the Monkey King he plays can be accepted by others, it is indeed more popular than the monkey show."

"I think Mr. can support your child. It is rare for young people to be willing to work hard for their dreams."


The monkey juggler nodded and said: "He wants to perform Monkey King, of course I support it. After all, I also like Monkey King very much, and the performance of Monkey King is also related to our family's ancestral skills. I just think his ideas are somewhat inconsistent. Just realistic."

After listening to the surrounding passengers, someone laughed: "I don't think you need to worry, sir. If he really wants to play the role of Monkey King and is willing to work hard for it, I think it is very likely that he will succeed."

"Yes, sir, don't worry, I also think he will succeed."


The monkey juggler laughed and said again and again, "Thank you for your auspicious words. Big head, thank you friends for your auspicious words."

"Big Head" is the name of the big monkey of the monkey juggler. Hearing the master's instructions,

Datou stopped playing, stood up straight, clasped his fists with both front claws, and bowed to the surrounding passengers one by one in a very anthropomorphic manner.

The passengers were amazed when they saw it, and they praised it as an ancestral skill. This monkey is about to become a master.

At this time, Li Fan became interested in the 18-year-old child of the monkey juggernaut, and said with a smile, "Sir, may I ask your husband's name and where is his home?"

The monkey-playing human said: "Of course, my name is Zhang Zongyi. My ancestral home is in Shaoxing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Usually, I usually walk around the streets and alleys in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I make a living by playing monkeys and perform arts.

"So that's the case." Li Fan nodded and said again: "Dare to ask Mr., does that kid in your family usually follow you around the streets?"

The monkey joker said: "He did spend a lot of time with me before, but since he watched "Journey to the West", he returned to his hometown and concentrated on researching how to play Sun Wukong."

Li Fan nodded and said, "It turns out that, thank you sir for letting me know."

Li Fan didn't ask the specific address of the monkey playing person's hometown, which seemed very rude, and it was impossible for people to say that, maybe there would be some misunderstanding.

It was enough to know that the 18-year-old was in Shaoxing.

Li Fan doesn't plan to say anything to the monkey juggler now. He plans to meet the 18-year-old boy first.

After that, everyone continued to chat and laugh, and the ferry continued to sail at a moderate speed on the river.

It didn't take too long for the ferry to arrive at the Zhenjiang Wharf, and after it docked securely, the passengers disembarked one by one.

Everyone said "goodbye" to each other and left.

The monkey juggler also left in the same direction.

Li Fan glanced at the direction the monkey juggler was leaving, smiled, and left in the other direction.

I live in Zhenjiang tonight, and tomorrow Li Fan also has a destination, Shaoxing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang.


After a night of silence, Li Fan checked out of the room early the next morning and embarked on a journey to Shaoxing.

Shaoxing is not far from Zhenjiang and is adjacent to Tangzhou. In the afternoon, Li Fan has already stepped into Shaoxing.

As soon as you come to Shaoxing, you can feel a kind of beauty that belongs to the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River.

Shaoxing is a famous historical and cultural city. As early as 2,500 years ago, the ancient Yue Kingdom built a city here and established its capital.

Today's Shaoxing City, although it is already a modern metropolis, but some of the historical sites specially preserved in the city still show the long history of this city.

There is an ancient street in the west of the city, which runs from south to north. There is a tea shop at the entrance to the south. The tea shop is not small, and it is full of guests drinking tea and resting.

In addition to the good environment here, there is another important reason why there are so many guests here. There is a storyteller here.

The storyteller is talking about Li Fan's Journey to the West.

Li Fan also came to this tea shop, and saw that the storyteller was in his fifties, a little thin, his voice was full and loud, and his facial expressions were rich and not exaggerated.

I only heard that the book man said: "It turns out that this red boy is the son of the bull demon king. 500 years ago, when the walker was in Huaguo Mountain, he visited Yinghao everywhere, and he once became brothers with the six demon kings, known as the 'seven demon kings'. '. They are: the Monkey King, the Bull Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King and the Yu Tamarin King. The Monkey King and the Bull Demon King are righteous brothers, so the Red Boy is naturally the younger generation of Sun Wukong. , Bajie, and Sha Seng were all overjoyed when they heard the news..."

"It turned out to be the story of the battle against the Red Boy." Li Fan smiled lightly, chose a corner to sit down, and listened with interest.

Hundreds of listeners at the scene were mostly older people, relatively few young people, and a few children a few years old.

Everyone listened very seriously and devotedly.

About an hour later, the storyteller finished telling the story of "The Battle of the Red Boys" and went to the backstage for a temporary rest.

The audience in the tea shop stretched and started chatting and laughing, and the content of everyone's chat was naturally related to the story of "Battle Red Boy" just heard.

And after talking about a topic related to the "Battle of the Red Boys", someone mentioned something else, which made Li Fan's eyes light up and secretly said, "My guess is really correct."

"By the way, have you heard that there is a monkey doll in this Shaoxing city?"

"Monkey baby? I seem to have heard of it. I heard that his family specializes in performing monkey arts for a living. The family's ancestral monkey-playing skills are no trivial matter."

"It's true, that is the monkey baby. After he was born, he began to follow his father to walk around the streets, play with monkeys and perform arts, and was accompanied by monkeys since he was a child. This is why he is called 'monkey baby'."

"That monkey boy is born smart and has been with monkeys since he was a child. I heard that although he is only 18 years old now, his monkey tricks have already surpassed his father's."

"Monkey baby may indeed surpass his father's in his monkey-playing skills, but his current mind is not at all about monkey-playing."



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