Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1504 send off the senior

The female guy had also arrived outside the cabin, and Li Fan knew that he had to take action.

With a light jump, Li Fan jumped directly from the top of the tree, and after landing on the ground, after a few ups and downs, he was already outside the cabin.

The two big guys inside and outside the house, one male and one male, suddenly became extremely uneasy, with tension and fear in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the male guy in the house hurriedly squeezed out of the door, and together with the female guy outside, he timidly stared at Li Fan who was not far away, looking very restless.

After a few seconds, the two guys suddenly turned around and ran towards the depths of the jungle.

"It took a few seconds to escape." Li Fan was very satisfied with the performance of the two guys.

In the log cabin, the monkey baby saw the two big guys suddenly fled in panic, as if they had encountered some natural enemy.

However, the blind bear is an animal standing at the top of the food chain. Where can there be any natural enemies?

Moreover, if there is an animal that even the blind bear is afraid of approaching, why can't he sense a trace of danger?

The monkey baby was full of doubts in his heart, but it was obviously not the time for doubts. The monkey baby, who felt that he had escaped from death, took a breath and grabbed the door at the first time, dodging out the door.

When he went out, the monkey baby was very calm, and when the two blind bears came back, he was not afraid at all.

Just the next second, the monkey baby's eyes suddenly burst, and his heart suddenly jumped wildly, and a much more fearful emotion than before suddenly hit his heart.

Under the moonlight, he actually saw a figure standing not far ahead.

A figure suddenly appeared in this barren mountain, is this Nima...

Could this be the reason why the blind bear just now suddenly panicked and ran away?

No matter how daring the monkey baby is, he can't help but tremble. What the hell happened tonight?

Li Fan looked at the monkey baby's reaction and felt a little funny. He naturally understood the reason why the monkey baby would have such a reaction.

"You seem scared?" Li Fan said.

Hearing Li Fan's words, Monkey Baby's heart jumped again. Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person. After this short period of time, the fear in his heart has been reduced.

take courage,

The monkey baby said, "Who are you? Are you a human or a ghost? Why did you suddenly appear here?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said as he approached: "I am naturally a human being, as for who? It doesn't matter, why did I suddenly appear here? It doesn't matter either, you can think I'm a person who happened to pass by here. It's important. Yes, I just drove away two blind bears for you, shouldn't you thank me?"

After finishing speaking, Li Fan had already walked in front of the monkey baby.

Hearing that Li Fan said it was a human being, the monkey baby was obviously relieved, and the fear in his heart slowly disappeared.

Hearing Li Fan say that he helped him drive away the two blind bears, I was shocked again, wondering why the two blind bears were so afraid of Li Fan?

However, Houwa didn't doubt Li Fan's words, the two blind bears would suddenly run away in panic, and the reason could only be because of this person who suddenly appeared here.

As for why the two blind bears were so afraid of Li Fan? Why did Li Fan suddenly appear in this barren mountain? The monkey baby couldn't understand the reason, so he could only regard Li Fan as an unfathomable alien.

When Li Fan approached, the monkey baby saw Li Fan's face clearly, and saw that it was only a young man who was only a few years older than himself.

"Yiren is so young!" The monkey baby was shocked again.

However, he also confirmed that Li Fan is indeed a human, an unfathomable young alien, and also his savior.

Thinking of this, the monkey baby quickly said respectfully: "Thank you for your life-saving grace, sir, please come to the house to rest."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "I'm just a few years older than you, so you don't need to call me senior. I'll drive away the two blind bears, but it's just a gesture of effort, you don't have to thank me, and you don't have to go to the house, I just have a few questions. I want to ask you."

The monkey baby felt more and more strange in his heart. He didn't understand the sudden appearance of the young alien. What questions should he ask him? However, he still replied respectfully, "Mr. Zhang Jinglai is my savior. If you want to ask any questions, the monkey will naturally know everything."

He thought to himself that the other party might not like the name "senior", so he stopped calling him "senior" and changed his name to "Mr.".

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then let me ask you, why do you want to live alone in this barren mountain?"

Monkey baby replied: "To tell the truth, Mr. Monkey baby has recently had a dream, that is to play the Monkey King who can be recognized by most audiences, and live with the monkeys in this deep mountain, just to have a better understanding. ."

Li Fan added: "Then how far do you think the Sun Wukong you are currently playing is from the ideal Sun Wukong in your mind?"

Monkey Baby said: "To be honest, I don't know the answer to this question, and I don't know what kind of Sun Wukong is the ideal Sun Wukong. I only know that as long as I keep trying and breaking through, the Sun Wukong I play will be the best. It will get better and better.”

Li Fan nodded, and the monkey baby's answer, he recognized it very much, and then said: "If you want to find a successful Monkey King alone, this road will be extremely difficult, perhaps even more difficult than you think, you are not afraid ?"

Houwa said firmly: "Since I have chosen this path, I will never give up. No matter how difficult this path is, it cannot be more difficult than the westward journey of Tang Seng and his disciples. I believe I will succeed. I'm still young, and I still have enough time and capital."

Li Fan smiled and said again: "That's right, as long as you persist, there will be hope. Finally, what is the purpose of you practicing hard to perform Monkey King?"

Monkey Baby said: "First of all, Mr. Li Fan's "Journey to the West" is extremely exciting and successful, and I like the character Monkey King very much.

The second is because I have been with monkeys since I was a child, and I have a very close relationship with monkeys. I have a very special feeling for the character of Monkey King.

Third, if I perform Monkey King's performance, it will definitely be more popular than the ancestral monkey performance. Of course, I will not lose the skill of performing monkey tricks.

Fourth, I want to show Sun Wukong to a lot of audiences, and get the recognition of a lot of audiences.

Finally, I hope that after my Sun Wukong is successful, I will have a chance to be on the screen. Only then will more audiences be able to see the Monkey King I perform. "

After listening to this, Li Fan nodded and said, "Keep working hard, you will be on the screen. Also, the two blind bears will not dare to come here again. The rest of the snakes and beasts will also not Dare to come. You can concentrate on studying here in the future."

The monkey said: "Yes, thank you sir."

Li Fan nodded and said again: "Okay, you go back to the house and continue to rest, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Li Fan's figure flashed, and he was already several meters away. After a few flashes, he completely disappeared into the vast night.

The monkey baby looked at the direction of Li Fan's disappearance, and was shocked. The speed of the other party was unbelievable.

Originally, the martial arts handed down by their family were known for their speed and maneuvering. With all-out effort, Monkey Baby believed that his speed would be able to rank in the forefront of the entire martial arts.

But now, after seeing Li Fan's speed, he realized that there are still people in this world who can be several times faster than him.

The opponent's skill is really unfathomable!

Surprised in his heart, the monkey hurriedly moved in the direction of Li Fan's disappearance, bowed to the end, and said respectfully, "Respectfully send the seniors, I wonder if I have the honor to know, what should I call the seniors?"

"We will meet again, and you will naturally know when the time comes." Li Fan's voice came from a distance.

"Yes, senior!" said the monkey baby, still keeping a sigh of relief.

After a while, the monkey baby stood up straight, thinking that the other party said that they would meet again, and was very excited, very excited, and no longer sleepy.

He simply stopped going back to the house, but stayed outside and continued to think about playing Sun Wukong.


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