Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1514 No one believes

【Le Wen.】,

Today's Xiaojianghu Studio is quite large, with more than 100 employees in various departments, and this is not counting the artists and actors that it has signed.

Walking into the studio door, the receptionist was still the same girl from last time.

The last time the girl didn't know Li Fan, or more precisely, she didn't know Gu Yong, but this time, when the girl saw Li Fan, she immediately exclaimed, "Old... Boss!"

Then he felt that it seemed impolite and reckless, and hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands.

Then I felt that this action seemed inappropriate, and I quickly put my hands down, the whole person looked rather unnatural, his face was blushing, and his heart was pounding.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Hello, how about Mr. Rao?"

The girl quickly replied: "Mr. Rao is receiving a guest, boss, you... you sit, and I'll pour water for you."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "No need, you are busy with yourself. Also, don't disturb other people, you just don't see me coming."

"Oh, oh, okay, boss, I see." The girl said hurriedly.

Li Fan smiled and walked straight to an empty lounge, waiting for Rao Qianqian while resting.


About 10 minutes later, Rao Qianqian sent off the visitors, and the girl at the front desk immediately said, "Sister Rao, the boss is here."

"Really?" Rao Qianqian was overjoyed in his heart, but he snorted softly and said, "I haven't come to see it for so long, but he's doing a good job as a dumping boss. Where is he?"

The girl stuck out her tongue secretly. She could hear a hint of anger from Rao Qianqian's tone. This was the second time she heard anger from Rao Qian's tone of voice.

The last time she heard anger from Rao Qianqian's tone of voice was when Li Fan came last time.

Then, the girl told Rao Qianqian where Li Fan was in the lounge.

Rao Qianqian nodded and said, "Since everyone is here, I'll go see him. After all, he's our boss, isn't he?"

After finishing speaking, Rao Qianqian walked to the lounge where Li Fan was.

The girl at the front desk looked at the back of Rao Qianqian leaving,

Covering his mouth with his hand, he snickered a few times.


In the lounge, Li Fan heard the footsteps and knew it was Rao Qianqian.

After Rao Qianqian pushed the door and came in, Li Fan said with a smile, "Mr. Rao, I'm really honored to see you again."

Rao Qianqian gave Li Fan an angry look and said, "If there is nothing to do, the boss will not come to the studio. If the boss has anything to do, please tell me."

Li Fandao: "Who said that I must have something to come here? I just came to see you today, and there is nothing to do. Of course, it can be considered a business. I invite you to have a big meal in the evening, and you can choose the place. How about it?"

Rao Qianqian pouted and said, "It's almost the same, I'm going to eat hot pot."

Li Fan said: "Of course we can, we can also order two pots, eat one pot and pour the other pot, it's not bad money is so willful."

Rao Qianqian smiled and said, "Okay! We can also order two servings of all the dishes, and eat one portion instead of the other."

Li Fan laughed and said, "No problem, being rich is just so willful."

Then, when it was 5:30 in the afternoon, Li Fan and Rao Qianqian walked out of the studio together and chose a hotpot restaurant nearby to eat hot pot.

Of course, they didn't order two pots, eat one pot and pour the other, nor did they order two dishes, eat one and pour the other.

In addition to the good taste and good taste of hot pot, there is another feature, that is, it can be eaten slowly, and it is normal to eat it for an hour or a few hours.

The hot pot meal between Li Fan and Rao Qianqian took more than an hour.

After coming out of the hot pot restaurant, Li Fan first sent Rao Qianqian home, and then found a nearby hotel to stay.


After a night of silence, Li Fan got up the next morning, and after breakfast, he took a taxi to Funan Satellite TV.

The location of the TV station is not far from the city center, so it doesn't take too long to get there.

While Li Fan was in the taxi, Funan TV's entertainment program planning team and new program team were holding an emergency meeting.

This meeting was personally arranged by director Ye Chu. He asked the entertainment program planning team and the new program team to come to the TV station early this morning, as there was an important meeting to be held.

The new program group here is a brand new music entertainment talent show that Funan Satellite TV plans to invest 30 million to build.

The members of the new program group include directors, editors, planners, copywriters and other staff.

The new program has not yet been fully determined and needs to be further improved.

Ye Chu was naturally attending this meeting in person, and the theme of this meeting was naturally to discuss the feasibility of Li Fan's "The Voice of China" program.

Ye Chu first explained the process and characteristics of "The Voice of China" in great detail to everyone, and then asked everyone to express their opinions.

Liu Hai, the director of the entertainment program planning office, took the lead in saying: "Director, this program is very creative and full of highlights, especially the process of blindly selecting students by the instructor. But this program is also bad here. It was blindly selected like this. The students must be tall, short, fat and thin, which will undoubtedly greatly affect the effect of the program, and it does not conform to the market rules of entertainment talent shows, so the ratings may not be optimistic."

After hearing this, Ye Chu nodded and said, "Director Liu's analysis is very accurate. The advantages of this program are very obvious, but the disadvantages are also very obvious. How should we choose? Let's talk about it."

A planner said: "I think when we are discussing whether this show is good or not, we should also think that the planner of this show is Mr. Li Fan. If it was planned by others, then this kind of program is not in line with entertainment talent shows. Programs that follow the rules of the market are destined to fail. But now the planner is Mr. Li Fan, and the result is probably another matter."

Another planner retorted: "I don't think that even if it was planned by Mr. Li Fan, the result will not change. Mr. Li Fan has never done an entertainment show before, and it is normal that he does not understand the market rules of entertainment talent shows. We cannot Because of Mr. Li Fan's fame, it has affected our own judgment."

Ye Chu said at this time: "By the way, Mr. Li Fan said that the ratings of his show will surpass that of "Dream Singer" on Magic Capital TV."

As soon as these words came out, many people in the conference room laughed. This entertainment program does not conform to the rules of the market. How can it be possible to surpass the most popular "Dream Singer" in ratings?

And those who didn't laugh were also shaking their heads secretly, and they also didn't believe it.

Including the person who said that since the planner is Li Fan, the result is afraid to be another matter.

Although he believes that the show will be successful, he does not think that the ratings will surpass that of "Dream Singer".

No one in the entire conference room believed that the ratings of "The Voice of China" would surpass that of "Dream Singer".

Even if its mastermind is Li Fan, even if that is what Li Fan himself said.


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