The discussion among those in the TV circle continues.

"It is surprising that South Sichuan Satellite TV chose to cooperate with Li Fan, and it is also surprising that Li Fan would agree to cooperate with South Sichuan Satellite TV."

"Hey! I don't think this is surprising. Among all the satellite TVs, only South Sichuan TV is willing to cooperate with Li Fan. He has no other choice."

"No, no, it should be an accident. If I were Li Fan, I would not choose to cooperate with South Sichuan Satellite TV. I would rather let the show become pornographic."

"It's true, even if the show is yellow, it shouldn't cooperate with South Sichuan Satellite TV. Because if the show is yellow, Li Fan can also say that the TV shows have no vision, because the show is not broadcast, and the TV and the outside world can't refute it. He. But if it was broadcast on South Sichuan Satellite TV, the final ratings would be appalling, and Li Fan would be embarrassed if he lost face."

"That's right, if the show goes viral, Li Fan will be embarrassed, but he can still find an excuse to cover it up. Once the show is broadcast, the ratings will be terrible. This kind of embarrassment is real, and there is no cover up at all."

"So, Li Fan's decision is also extremely unwise. Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case. He is Li Fan after all, how could he make such an unwise decision?"

"Maybe he felt very shameless because there was no TV station willing to cooperate with him, so he was eager to prove himself. There is an old saying, 'A wise man has a thousand thoughts, and he must make a mistake', Li Fan occasionally makes an unwise decision , is not impossible.”

"That's right, it seems that this will be the first time he has been embarrassed."



Funan TV.

People in the entire TV station circle were talking a lot, and those people in the conference room before Funan Satellite TV were naturally also talking about it.

"Chuannan Satellite TV actually chose to cooperate with Li Fan. Their courage is really too big, right?"

"This is really unexpected. What did Director Meng Tao think?"

"No matter what he thinks, it's definitely a stupid decision anyway. Maybe Director Meng Tao will step down because of this, and then it will become a big joke in the TV circle."

"In that case, let's wait and see."


There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, but the director Ye Chu frowned slightly.

He has some friendship with Meng Tao, and knows that Meng Tao is a very cautious person. If this kind of huge investment involves tens of millions, if he is not absolutely sure, he will definitely not do it.

So, what is the reason for Meng Tao to have absolute certainty?

Ye Chu thought about it, and only thought of one reason, that was Meng Tao's absolute trust in Li Fan, and he absolutely believed in Li Fan's show.

Why does Meng Tao trust Li Fan so much?

This is another question, the more Ye Chu thought about it, the more his brows wrinkled.


Sansheng Village.

Ignoring the discussions in the TV circle, Li Fan accompanied Meng Tao and Chen Wei for a good tour of the village.

When night fell, the two of them were invited to eat in the Xianyuan Building. The superb food in the Xianyuan Building made the two of them get carried away.

At night, the two naturally lived in the Xianyuan Building.

Early the next morning, Li Fan and the two left the village together, preparing to return to South Sichuan TV with the two.

He will personally plan and arrange matters related to "The Voice of China".

South Sichuan Province is adjacent to Funan Province, and the distance is not far. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them had arrived at South Sichuan TV Station.

The main personnel of South Sichuan TV have already received the news and held a simple welcome ceremony for Li Fan, expressing their great welcome to Li Fan's presence.

After the welcoming ceremony, Meng Tao said: "Everyone, from now on, we will officially set up the "Voice of China" program group. Mr. Li Fan is the chief and top person in charge of the program group, and everyone must obey Li Fan's scheduling and Arrangements. Who will be transferred to the "Voice of China" program group? Listen to my call now..."

Who were transferred to the "Voice of China" program group? On the way back to the TV station, the three had already discussed it.

Meng Tao and Chen Wei said that they would provide the best resources for the "Voice of China" program group.

In this regard, Li Fan will naturally have no opinion.

The first is the director. Meng Tao and Chen Wei decided to call on Wang Pingsheng, the most experienced entertainment program director in Taiwan.

With rich experience and outstanding directing ability, Wang Pingsheng is a very good entertainment director.

Then there are a series of positions such as program editors, copywriting planning, photographers, videographers, makeup artists, technical processing, and lighting post-production.

These people are the best in their respective businesses in Taili.

These people have been selected on the way back to the TV station by Li Fan, Meng Tao, and Chen Wei, and now Meng Tao has read them out one by one.

Those whose names were read were both excited and apprehensive.

The excitement is that if this program is really as successful as Li Fan said, it will be a very brilliant stroke on their resumes.

And what is apprehensive is that in case, what they said is in case, in case the show fails, they will also become a joke in the eyes of their peers and lose face in the TV circle.

Both excited and apprehensive, but in the end, the excitement is far higher than the apprehension.

When Meng Tao finished reading the names of the entire program crew, those who were not selected all congratulated the program crew with envy.

The program team was proud of their hearts, but on the surface they waved their hands again and again, saying that this was just an ordinary operation, and it was not worthy of congratulations.

Afterwards, the staff of the program team once again greeted Li Fan and said, "I will trouble Mr. Li Fan this time" and so on.

Li Fan uniformly returned the gift to everyone, and then said: "I am very happy to be able to cooperate with everyone this time. Next, I will be thankful for everyone."

After listening to it, the members of the program team said again and again, "It should be Mr. Li Fan who is fortunate."

Li Fan smiled and added: "Everyone must already know more about this show, so I won't repeat it here. Everyone also knows that our show will invest 100 million yuan, which is indeed a huge investment. Therefore, we must use the best in everything, the most advanced live equipment, and the most famous instructor. Now, I will arrange everyone's work one by one. Well, before that, let's go to the studio to see a Look."

Li Fan did not intend to delay, but started work directly. The first thing to look at is the venue, which is the most basic condition and facility.

After listening to Meng Tao, he said: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, then we will go to the studio now. We plan to use the No. 1 studio on the stage to hold this program."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then there is Director Lao Meng."

Afterwards, Li Fan, Meng Tao, Chen Wei, and the entire program group came to Studio No. 1 together.


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