Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1524 Accept the invitation unconditionally

After confirming the live broadcast, Li Fan added: "There is another important thing, that is, we need to open a separate page for "The Voice of China" on the official website of South Sichuan Satellite TV, to serve the program throughout the whole process, and we need to open the audience. The voting function will require audiences to vote in some links, is there anyone familiar with this?"

Someone quickly replied: "Mr. Li Fan, no one in our program group is familiar with this one, but we can go to the network management department for help, they are professional."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you to deal with, how about it?"

The man replied, "No problem, I'll take care of it."

Li Fan nodded, and then arranged some other trivial matters one after another. After finishing the arrangement, he finally said: "Okay, everyone just arranged things according to me, and each got busy. Our program preparations have already started from this moment. Everyone must do things as quickly as possible on the premise of ensuring the quality of completion.”

"Okay, no problem!" the crowd replied in unison.

Afterwards, they dispersed and went about their own business.

Meng Tao said with a smile: "It's hard work, Mr. Li Fan, I'll have to work on you next."

Li Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Meng Taichang is very polite, we are a cooperative relationship, and I should work hard."

This is indeed the case, but Meng Tao and Chen Wei expressed their thanks again, and then they both said goodbye and left together. They were busy with their affairs, and naturally it was impossible to stay in the show group all the time.

After the two left, Li Fan was also busy with his own affairs.


Wang Pingsheng returned to the office of the program group and was about to call and invite the four to serve as mentors.

He is still a little nervous, but he has enough confidence.

"Who should be invited first?" Wang Pingsheng pondered this question in his mind.

After thinking for a while, he decided to invite Ling Hua first, because among the four, only Ling Hua was fortunate enough to have Li Fan write a song, "The Sound of the Waves Still".

Now, "The Sound of the Waves" has already become a timeless classic, as well as Ling Hua's representative work.

If the other three might refuse the invitation, Ling Hua should definitely not refuse the invitation.

Therefore, Wang Pingsheng decided to invite Ling Hua first.

Of course, Wang Pingsheng couldn't directly contact Ling Hua himself, he could only contact Ling Hua's assistant, which was enough.

After making up his mind, Wang Pingsheng no longer hesitated, and directly called Ling Hua's assistant.

After a few rings, Assistant Ling Hua answered the phone, "Hello, who is that?"

Wang Pingsheng was suffocated and said, "Mr. Lin, hello! I am Wang Pingsheng, the entertainment program director of South Sichuan Satellite TV. Our satellite TV is preparing to launch a new music talent show, "The Voice of China". The program needs four guests. Join as a mentor. We are going to invite Mr. Ling Hua to join as one of the mentors.”

After speaking, Wang Pingsheng waited slightly nervously for the other party to reply.

On the other end of the phone, assistant Ling Hua sneered in his heart after listening to it. The new talent show of South Sichuan TV also has the courage to invite Ling Hua?

Isn't this bullshit? What is Ling Hua's identity? Could it be that he could invite a small Sichuan Satellite TV? There is also director Wang Pingsheng, who has never heard of such a person.

Besides, it's no secret that Ling Hua never accepts invitations from judges or guests of entertainment programs.

The assistant really didn't know, where did the director named Wang Pingsheng on the other end of the phone get the courage?

This kind of thing is naturally rejected directly, and there is no room for negotiation.

So, the assistant replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ling Hua has no time and will not accept such an invitation."

The assistant would reject it outright. Wang Pingsheng was not surprised and continued: "Mr. Lin doesn't know anything. This time, we cooperated with Mr. Li Fan to launch this new program "The Voice of China". This program It was also planned by Mr. Li Fan himself, and he is the general director of the show. Inviting Mr. Ling Hua to join the show as a mentor is actually what Mr. Li Fan meant. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Lin to think about it again."

The assistant almost stumbled upon hearing what the other party said. Was this program planned by Mr. Li Fan himself? Mr. Li Fan also personally serves as the general manager?

If that were the case, then things would be completely different.

What is Li Fan's identity? When he invited Ling Hua, the situation changed completely. Ling Hua should feel extremely honored.

The assistant doesn't doubt the other party's words, this kind of thing may be exposed at any time, and the other party cannot lie.

So, the assistant quickly said: "Director Wang, I'm really sorry, I didn't know the specific situation, so I just said that. I'll tell Mr. Ling Hua about it right now and listen to what Mr. Ling Hua said. After that, I'll call you back, can you see it?"

Wang Pingsheng was filled with emotion when he heard the different attitude of the other party before and after, and at the same time became more confident, and said, "Of course you can, then I will trouble Mr. Lin."

On the other end, after the assistant hung up the phone, he immediately found Ling Hua and said, "Brother Hua, there is a very important matter here..."

After the assistant finished speaking, Ling Hua was a little surprised at first, then smiled again, and said, "When did Mr. Li Fan become interested in entertainment talent shows? Xiao Lin, this 'mentor' statement is quite new, can you? Have you asked what a 'mentor' is? Also, when will the show start recording?"

"This..." the assistant said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Brother Hua, I didn't ask. As soon as I heard that the program was planned by Mr. Li Fan, I immediately came to you. Otherwise, I'll call and ask now. Director Wang?"

Ling Hua waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't ask, you don't need to call and ask. Since it is a program planned by Mr. Li Fan, it is no trivial matter. Director Wang's invitation."

The assistant said: "Brother Hua, don't you need to learn more about it? What if their program recording time happens to conflict with Brother Hua's previous arrangement?"

Ling Hua smiled and said, "No need to learn more about it, it is definitely my honor that Mr. Li Fan invited me, and I will accept the invitation unconditionally.

It is best if there is no conflict between the recording time of the program and the previous arrangement. If there is a conflict, the previous arrangement can only be pushed back, or the time can be changed.

"The Voice of China"? Xiaolin, I am already full of curiosity about this show, I think, this will definitely not be an ordinary music talent show.

Xiaolin, you should call Director Wang back immediately and accept the invitation first. No, this is Mr. Li Fan's invitation, and I'm going to call back in person. Xiaolin, you can dial Wang Dao's number now, and then give me the number. "

The assistant was not too surprised by Ling Hua's words and said, "Okay, Brother Hua, I'll call Director Wang back now."


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