Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1526 Start the propaganda

The office of the program group of South Sichuan Satellite TV's "The Voice of China".

Wang Pingsheng did not expect that Jiang Huan, who seemed to be not easy to get along with to the outside world, actually called him back in person, and spoke quite politely.

It seems that these biggest stars are not as high as they usually think.

Wang Pingsheng's self-confidence became stronger again.

Ling Hua and Jiang Huan have accepted the invitation, and only Yun Fei and Zhang Yuhan are left.

"I wonder if the two female stars are willing to accept the invitation?" Wang Pingsheng muttered in his heart.

After that, there was no other delay, and they dialed the numbers of Assistant Yun Fei and Assistant Zhang Yuhan one after another.

Things still went very smoothly, Yun Fei and Zhang Yuhan also accepted the invitation very simply.

When the two of them accepted the invitation, they also did not ask about the details of the joining, nor did they ask how much the show fee was given by the program team?

So far, the four mentor candidates have all been confirmed to join.

All four of them, without exception, did not ask about the joining details, which obviously shows that they do not care about joining details and appearance fees.

That is to say, no matter what the program team asks at that time, they will not have any opinions and will cooperate fully.

As for the appearance fee, they didn't ask at all, they just said how much the appearance fee is, they don't care at all, even if they don't want the appearance fee.

There is only one reason for this, that is, Li Fan's influence on these star singers is much greater than what Wang Pingsheng thought before.

Even the four of them are all top star singers.

Moreover, when Wang Pingsheng received the call from the four, he seemed to feel that the four of them couldn't wait.

For fear that it was too late, Li Fan would no longer invite them, but would instead invite others.

To make the four top superstars have such a heart, I am afraid that only Li Fan can do it.

Once again, Wang Pingsheng was filled with emotion in his heart, knowing that Li Fan had such a great influence on them, where did he need to be nervous before, and why would he not be confident?

But in any case, the matter of the four mentors is settled. Wang Pingsheng has absolutely reason to believe that when the names of the four mentors are made public, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Excited for a while, Wang Pingsheng left the office to find Li Fan.

Li Fan is in the studio, making further inspections of the studio.

When he arrived at the studio, Wang Pingsheng said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, it's done, the matter of the four mentors is done, it's far easier than I thought, when the four of them heard that this program was planned by Mr. Li Fan, you personally planned it. Yes, they agreed directly. Not only did they not ask about the joining details, but they didn’t even need to ask about the appearance fee. Look at the meaning, that is, if we don’t give the appearance fee, they are still willing.”

If you can really save the appearance fees of the four mentors, it will definitely save a lot of money. Wang Pingsheng is very excited.

Li Fan smiled and said: "If you don't give them the appearance fee, they may indeed agree, but our program team is not bad, and I don't want to lose their appearance fee. Naturally, I still have to give it. To be worthy of their worth."

"This... seems to be the same. How can Mr. Li Fan lose their appearance fee? Mr. Li Fan, I didn't think about it carefully." Wang Pingsheng said a little annoyed.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Director Wang is serious. Now that the four mentors have been confirmed, we can officially publicize them. Of course, the identities of the four mentors need to be kept secret for the time being."

Wang Pingsheng nodded and said: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, since we are going to start the promotion, I will urge the network management department to make the exclusive page of our program as soon as possible."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trouble Director Wang."

Afterwards, Wang Pingsheng said goodbye and left, and as soon as Wang Pingsheng left, the girl who was in charge of the poster design came over again.

The girl said: "Mr. Li Fan, I have designed the poster according to your requirements. Please go and review it."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work, we'll go over here."

The girl said, "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, please!"

The two went to the computer where the girl designed the poster, and the official poster of "The Voice of China" was displayed on the screen.

Li Fan read it carefully and was very satisfied. The poster design fully demonstrated his requirements.

This pretty girl is an excellent designer.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Your design is very good, I am very satisfied, you are an excellent designer."

Hearing Li Fan's praise, the girl blushed a little and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, for your compliment. It's good that Mr. Li Fan is satisfied."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Now upload this poster to the official homepage of the TV station and make it a large floating window. It should be very conspicuous so that everyone can see it at first glance when they click on the website. Wait until the dedicated page. After completion, this floating window is the jump button for the dedicated page.”

The girl replied: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, I'll do it now, it's very simple, it only takes about ten minutes."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you."

The girl blushed and said, "It's not hard."

Then, he sat down on the seat, his slender hands "slapped" and started to operate on the computer.

After about ten minutes, the girl stopped the operation and said, "Mr. Li Fan, it's alright."

Li Fan has been watching the girl's operation, and he naturally knows that it is ok, and said: "Okay, you have worked hard for you, you continue to work on other things, I will go first."

The girl quickly stood up and planned to send Li Fan out. Li Fan waved his hand, let the girl sit down, and turned around and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, Li Fan took out his mobile phone and updated a Weibo.

"Recently planned a music talent show, "The Voice of China", and today officially reached a cooperation with South Sichuan Satellite TV, "The Voice of China" will be officially broadcast on South Sichuan TV in the near future. This is a real, only belongs to The stage of singing, regardless of appearance, height, age, gender, occupation, background, or voice, as long as you have a good voice, as long as you love music, this is the stage for you to show yourself. "Voice" registration is about to start, please visit the official website of South Sichuan Satellite TV for details."

Every time Li Fan's Weibo is updated, it can be seen by many people at the first time, and this time is no exception.

"Damn it! When did Mr. Li Fan become interested in talent shows?"

"A few days ago, wasn't Li Fan still at Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang? Why did he come to South Sichuan TV again today? He also planned a talent show. Mr. Li Fan is a dragon who can't see the end!"



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