Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1529 The most important ring

Some star singers who think they are famous enough and have enough musical talents complained about themselves, "Why didn't they get selected by Mr. Li Fan?"

So, who are the four lucky people who are favored by Li Fan? All the star singers were very curious and speculated.

"Two men and two women, um, Lin Ye, don't hide it, honestly, is there you?"

"I really hope I'm hiding, but I really didn't receive an invitation. Alas! I hope I can be invited next time I have a chance."

"I'm thinking of one person. It's very possible that I was actually invited, Ling Hua."

"Well, Ling Hua is indeed very likely. I have been envious of the song "The Sound of the Wave" for more than a year. He can get Mr. Li Fan's gift, which means that Mr. Li Fan appreciates him and invites him to be his mentor. , it is very possible. Everyone quickly get him out, Ling Hua."

"Linghua, don't hide it, we all know it."

"This... I did receive an invitation from the program team, but it's not necessarily invited by Mr. Li Fan. Maybe it was invited by the program director Wang Pingsheng and Director Wang."

"Go and go! It wasn't invited by Mr. Li Fan. You will go? If you want to shy away, I don't envy it, really."

"Ling Hua, do you know who the other three are?"

"This... I really don't know, I actually want to know who they are more than you? You have also watched the program mode of "The Voice of China", the four mentors are in a competitive relationship with each other, or the four mentors There is also a game between them, and if I lose, it will be a bit embarrassing. Oops! I regret accepting the invitation now, I am afraid of losing!"

"Oh, is that right? That's fine, you quickly tell Mr. Li Fan that you regret accepting the invitation, and ask Mr. Li Fan to change someone. Anyway, the identities of the four mentors have not been disclosed, and you are unwilling to serve as mentors. Mr. Li Fan should agree. Then you suggest Mr. Li Fan invite me, I am not afraid of losing."

"Forget it, forget it, how can you go back on your promise? If you want to lose, let me lose."

"Your name is Se, you know? Se!"

"No, no, really no! Who are my three competitors? To be honest, I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm a little nervous."

"It turns out that you are also a little nervous. I thought I was the only one who was nervous."

"Nimei! Jiang Huan, it turns out that the other man is really you, but you can hold your breath. You didn't make a sound just now, so many times."

"Jiang Huan, why did Mr. Li Fan invite you but not me? My fame and talent are no less than yours, and I feel better to get along with the outside world than you!"

"Hey! It's very simple. Mr. Li Fan thinks I'm more suitable than you to be a mentor to those students."

"Go! Go! Shaose, you should think about your other three competitors. If you are at the bottom of the competition with them, then you can... Or, can you talk to Mr. Li Fan? Just Saying you don’t want to be a mentor anymore, I suggest inviting me, lest you lose face at the bottom of the competition.”

"Go! Go! It's beautiful to think about. But, to be honest, I'm a little nervous. Of course, it's more excitement and anticipation!"

"Jiang Huan, you have to be more merciful at that time. If I like a certain player and turn around, don't come and grab me."

"Ling Hua, this is what I want to say to you. You need to be merciful."

"Ling Hua and Jiang Huan have already been determined. Who are the other two women? Today's female compatriots are very quiet. Yun Fei Li Han Zhang Yuhan Liu Jiaqi"


"Sister Fei, there are a lot of people with you. Among the two female mentors, is one of you you? Don't be fooled."

"Xiao Ran, keep a low profile, let them guess slowly."

"Oh my god! Sister Fei, you really are there. It's really enviable to be seen by Mr. Li Fan."

"To be honest, I'm also a little nervous, I'm not afraid of losing to them, but I'm afraid that I will be a bad mentor and disappoint Mr. Li Fan.


"How come, since Mr. Li Fan invited you, it proves that you have that ability. You said that you were invited to be a mentor this time. Will Mr. Li Fan give you a song each?"

"It is unlikely that each person will give a song. However, whoever's student wins the final championship, it is really possible that Mr. Li Fan will give him a song."

"Mr. Li Fan's songs are absolutely classic. Sister Fei, you must cheer for Mr. Li Fan's songs! I believe in you."

"Xiao Ran, thank you, I will."

"By the way, Sister Fei, who is the other female tutor? Do you know?"

"I don't know, but I guess it's very likely Zhang Yuhan. I see what she said before, and it's a little too revealing."

"Well, I also feel that she is trying to hide something, and it is very likely that she is. Plus Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, and Sister Fei, your three competitors are all very strong!"

"Yeah, it's not easy to get the final championship!"

"It's okay, Sister Fei, I still believe you can do it, and I will cheer for you."


South Sichuan TV.

The "Voice of China" program team said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, you just posted a Weibo, "The Voice of China" has become popular on the Internet, and now you don't even have the identity of a mentor. When it is announced, when the identity of the mentor is announced, it will definitely become more popular."

"Yeah! If things go on like this, the ratings will definitely not be low."

The program crew was very excited, but Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "The voice of "The Voice" is indeed very popular on the Internet, but this does not mean that the final ratings will be very high. You know, this is just a topic It's just sex, even after the identities of the four mentors are announced, it will not cause a significant increase in the ratings. This is also the reason why people in the TV circles still think that our ratings will be very unsatisfactory. "

Listening to Li Fan's words, the excitement of the program crew gradually faded. They are also people in the TV station circle. Naturally, they know that people in the entire TV station circle still despise their "The Voice of China", even now. The topicality of "The Voice of China" is very high on the Internet.

If it’s just people in the TV circles, it’s fine. Many netizens on the Internet are also very doubtful about the point of “only talking about voice”, saying that there is nothing to watch in talent shows without handsome guys and beauties?

Thinking of this, the program crew was quite depressed, and they were too happy too early.

So, what should be done?

Someone asked: "Mr. Li Fan, how can we make the final ratings ideal?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's also simple, as long as our show itself is attractive enough."

Another asked: "How can I be attractive enough?"

Li Fandao: "As I said before, 'Only the sound' is the fatal flaw of this show in everyone's opinion, but in my opinion, it is the essence of this show and the most important part of attracting people. So , the next selection of contestants is the most important thing for us.”

Listening to Li Fan's words, the program crew all looked thoughtful.

Someone said: "Mr. Li Fan, when we screen the contestants, do we only listen to the voice?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, that's true."

Another person said: "Mr. Li Fan, what should we do to screen the players?"

Li Fandao: "Two steps are carried out at the same time. One is to select the voice samples sent by the applicants, select those with distinctive voices and high recognizability, and notify them to come to the scene to audition and make the final choice. Second, Send people to visit all over the country, take the initiative to find the 'good voice' we need, and I will make detailed arrangements for the specific operation."


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