Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1540 Looking forward to one more

South Sichuan Satellite TV was the first to announce the specific time for the broadcast of the first issue of "The Voice".

In addition to knowing the specific broadcast time, the outside world also learned a very important information from the announcement of South Sichuan Satellite TV.


"The Voice" is actually going to be broadcast live. An entertainment program is broadcast live. There has never been an entertainment program like this before!

Not to mention that the live broadcast has very high requirements for the program, and there can be no mistakes. The key is that since it is an entertainment program, the editing in the later stage is essential.

A very attractive entertainment program, in addition to the program itself, often requires powerful post-editing, coupled with some special effects, plus some may be funny, or sensational clips and so on.

If it is live broadcast, all the post-production means are gone.

The means of attracting a show can only rely on the quality of the show itself.

"The Voice" was originally not favored by the outside world, and now it's messing around like this. Are you really planning to do whatever you want without considering the ratings?

In other words, when Li Fan planned such a show, he did not consider the issue of ratings at all, but purely wanted to provide a stage for those who have musical dreams but cannot express themselves through other talent shows. .

As a result, South Sichuan Satellite TV and Yisale Electrical Appliances have made a big mistake. One family invested a full 50 million. It seems that Nima is really going to lose money.

In this announcement of South Sichuan Satellite TV, the live broadcast format completely grabbed the limelight of the broadcast time, and all walks of life were talking about it.

People in TV circles.

"I rub it! The rumor that "The Voice" will be broadcast live turned out to be true, South Sichuan Satellite TV is flooded with water."

"Hey! From the moment they decided to cooperate with Li Fan, their brains have been flooded."

"In this way, I'm thinking that the rumors about the players they selected are mostly crooked melons and cracked dates, which should also be true."

"The outside world has always looked down on it, and most of the players are crooked. Now there is a live broadcast. "The Voice" is to prove that the ratings of entertainment programs are not the lowest, only lower?"

"Alas! It seems that "The Voice" is really going to be a farce. I wonder what the mood of the four mentors are now?"

"What else can it be like? Secretly screaming,

He obviously didn't want to accept the invitation, but he couldn't refuse, so he could only bite the bullet. "

"Haha! This is interesting. The four superstars are on the stage at the same time, but the ratings are terrible. It's a shame, and their die-hard fans will probably explode."

"Oops! I can't wait to see "The Voice" airing."

"Hey! Me too."



Entertainment star singer circle.

"Tsk tsk! @林华, @江华, the popularity of "The Voice" is not second. If it goes on like this, the ratings are probably not very good, and big-name superstars like you will definitely not be able to lose this person. Otherwise, for the sake of I don't want you to be embarrassed. Go talk to Mr. Li Fan, say you don't want to be a mentor, and suggest me to go. Anyway, I'm not famous, so I'm not afraid of embarrassment. "

"Yes, yes! I'm not very famous, and I'm not afraid of losing face. You can suggest me to be a mentor to Mr. Li Fan."

"@林华, @江华, come out quickly and seriously consider my suggestion, I'm also doing it for your own good."

"Go on! One is also a first-line superstar, can you be a little bit disciplined? Besides, why is your reputation smaller than ours? How can I bear to make you lose face?"

"Yeah, isn't it just shameful, what's there to be afraid of? You guys! Stop thinking about it and tell you, there's no way! Mr. Li Fan invited us, it only proves that we are more suitable to be mentors, and you are old Honestly stay in front of the TV and watch us select students."

"Jiang Huan is right, no matter how much you think, it's useless. It will start in less than a week, and it will be broadcast live, oh! Look forward to it!"

"That's right, look forward to it!"

"Go on! You two are squeamish!"



Major companies across the country are also discussing the fact that "The Voice" will be broadcast live.

"Live broadcast? Although I don't understand entertainment programs, I also know that many of the highlights of entertainment programs are edited in the later stage. "The Voice" is live broadcast, and the 50 million yuan of easy-to-sell electrical appliances is really going to waste. , tsk tsk!"

"Haha! That's a good thing. Didn't he always pride himself on being accurate? Let's see how they end up this time?"

"Sitting and watching Yixing electrical appliances has become a joke from all walks of life this time."



A group of netizens are also discussing the live broadcast of "The Voice".

They also know that the use of live broadcasts of entertainment programs will undoubtedly cut their arms, which is equivalent to automatically abandoning the later highlights and flexible program editing forms.

This is indeed not a wise decision.

However, the live broadcast also has the advantage that the recorded broadcast is far incomparable, that is, the audience's feeling when watching the live broadcast is completely different from the feeling of watching the recorded broadcast.

Watching the recording, everyone knows in their hearts that this is already recorded, and there will be a feeling that the ending is already doomed.

Moreover, no matter how secret the organizer keeps the show, there will always be some gossip leaked, and everyone will know more or less what happened later.

This will affect more or less, everyone's expectations for the following programs.

The feeling of watching the live broadcast is completely different. Everything happens in real time, and no one knows what will happen in the next second? Naturally, it is even more impossible to know, what is the ending like?

This kind of feeling is like watching a recorded program, which will never happen, and it is easier for the audience to become excited and anticipating!

If you want to ask a viewer, does he prefer to watch live or recorded?

Nine times out of ten, the answer is yes, I prefer to watch live broadcasts.

This is somewhat similar to the way fans feel when they watch the game. Watching the replay of the game is never as exciting and easy to be excited as watching the live game.

Therefore, in terms of both live broadcast and recorded broadcast, audiences will definitely prefer to watch live broadcasts.

For a program, the key is whether watching the live broadcast can attract enough audiences?

As the "Good Voice" of entertainment programs, can live broadcasts attract audiences?

In the eyes of most people, the answer is no, so it is a wrong decision to say that "The Voice" chose to live broadcast.

On the Internet, netizens have a lot of discussions about this. Although they prefer to watch live broadcasts, they can't understand why "The Voice" chooses to live broadcast?

Of course, it is undeniable that because "The Voice" chose to live broadcast, they had more expectations for "The Voice".


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