Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1551 Screen

The audience at the scene was dumbfounded and wanted to hear it again, as were all the audience in front of the TV.

They never thought before that one day they can't wait to listen to the commercial again.

What will the next show be like? I don't know yet, but there is no doubt that the advertisement has been played by "The Voice" in a new way.

Because of this, the host Ling Shao has become the absolute focus of the stage at this moment. He speaks so fast and speaks so clearly, which is definitely not something that ordinary hosts can do.

"I didn't expect South Sichuan Satellite TV to have such a powerful host. He looks quite handsome!"

"Ling Shao, I haven't seen it before, and I'm not famous. However, it may be uncertain in the future."

"Someone at the scene is calling the host to do another commercial. This request is definitely the first time in any program."

"Hey! If I'm at the scene and I'll shout too, it's really fun to listen to."

"Easy Selling Appliances will definitely laugh crazy when they see this situation. The advertising effect is absolutely good!"

"From the beginning of the show to the present, in less than a minute, there have been continuous surprises. I think it is necessary for us to get acquainted with "The Voice"."

"Perhaps we should get to know each other again, but after all, it's just the beginning, so let's continue to observe it. After all, the fatal flaw of this show is the players, and it is also the only flaw of the show. It's normal to be amazed now."

"Maybe it is, but I'm looking forward to it more and more."


The audience was amazed, and the people who watched the TV stations of South Sichuan Satellite TV were also amazed.

First there was the "world premiere", and now they have played a new trick with the advertising words, so they have to admire it. It is indeed a program planned by Li Fan himself.

However, they are not worried that the ratings of "The Voice" will increase. As someone said on the Internet now, the fatal flaw of "The Voice" lies in the players.

Now everyone is really surprised, but when the players appear, it is no longer a surprise, but a shock.

From surprise to shock, it's interesting.

"Surprise, surprise, surprise them now,

When the players came out, it was time to be frightened. ' someone said.

The rest of the TV circles also agreed and looked forward to it.


Among the audiences who watch South Sichuan Satellite TV, there are also a few hosts who have also hosted talent shows.

When they saw Ling Shao said the advertisement in this way, and it quickly became the absolute focus on the stage, their hearts suddenly throbbed.

They have hosted similar programs, and naturally know that the hosts of such programs are actually somewhat embarrassing, and hardly attract the attention of the audience.

But now, they have suddenly discovered a new continent, and it turns out that the hosts of such shows can also become the focus.

Although their speech speed is still far behind that of Ling Shao, it doesn't matter. They can keep practicing. If Ling Shao can speak at the current speed, it is because of hard practice.


"The Voice" live.

The audience shouted for another commercial, but it was a live broadcast, so it was impossible to do it again.

Ling Shao felt the atmosphere of the scene, listened to the shout of "one more time", and knew that he had succeeded, and he really became the absolute focus of the scene.

He was more excited than ever, and was full of gratitude to Li Fan. His voice was even higher, and he continued: "Tonight, we will start a war about music on this stage, and we are looking for a real singing talent. , is looking for the real good voice, will it be you?"

Having said this, the scene broke out again with bursts of cheers and applause.

The cheers and applause were a little smaller, and Ling Shao continued: "This is the most pure music stage, just in terms of sound, no matter what else, the four music instructors will find the real good sound here, and use their enthusiasm to help the students. We are opening the road to the palace of music. The 20 contestants tonight are all ready and ready to go. Authentic good electrical appliances, authentic good sound, now, let us welcome the four musicians with the warmest applause Instructor enters. First of all, please invite Linghua instructor!"

As soon as the words fell, the scene broke out into a tsunami of applause.

Ling Hua walked out from the back of the stage, waved in response to the enthusiasm of the audience, walked to the center of the stage, bowed to the audience, and then walked to his tutor chair.

After that, Ling Hua continued: "Now I have the teacher Yun Fei!"

The applause at the scene was warm again, Yun Fei also walked out from the backstage, also waved and bowed...

After that, Jiang Huan and Zhang Yuhan walked out of the backstage in turn...

Amid the bursts of applause and cheers, the four mentors took their seats on the mentor chairs.

Linghua continued to speak in a high-pitched voice: "The four music instructors are ready, they can't wait, their journey to find a really good sound is about to start! Authentic good electrical appliances, authentic good sound, Yisale Electric "Huaguo Good Voice" The world premiere of the first season begins now!"

With the sound of "start now", the applause, which had not been completely extinguished, suddenly erupted violently again. Everyone was very excited. They were completely infected. The current atmosphere has reached the highest level since the beginning of the show. .

They may not have been looking forward to "The Voice" too much before, but now, they are infected by the atmosphere of the scene, and they are already looking forward to it. They can't wait for the first player who is about to appear.

Ling Shao has left the main stage, but his voice is still high-pitched, "The first contestant please come on stage!"

When Ling Hua said these words, the mentor chairs of the four mentors also rotated 180 degrees, from the previous one facing the stage to the current one facing away from the stage.

This swirling action once again aroused the excitement of the audience.

Although we all know before that when mentors select students, they turn their backs to the stage, which is called "blind selection of mentors".

But knowing that they know, they have no concept or picture in their hearts. They don't understand how the tutors blindly choose with their backs to the stage?

Now, the process and pictures of the mentors turning their backs on the stage appear in front of them, and they finally have concepts and pictures in their minds.

Such concepts and pictures made them excited.

Such an idea suddenly popped into their minds. If they had such concepts and pictures in their minds before, would they still think that "The Voice" is not worth looking forward to at all?

The answer is absolutely no. If they have such concepts and pictures in their minds before, they will definitely be full of expectations for "The Voice".

This sense of expectation is not to say how strong it is, but it is definitely not low.


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