Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1556 Scramble for students

"The Voice" show.

Yuan Yunpeng finished his performance and was in the midst of extreme excitement. His excitement made the audience feel his sincerity and made him even more happy.

The four mentors could also clearly feel Yuan Yunpeng's emotions. After waiting for a while, Ling Huacai said, "Hello, you sing very well, your voice is slightly hoarse, simple, clean and moving. You are what we want tonight. Looking for a 'good voice', first please introduce yourself."

Yuan Yunpeng tried his best to control his emotions, bowed his thanks, and said, "Thank you, teacher, my name is Yuan Yunpeng, I am thirty years old this year, a construction worker, from..."

Hearing Yuan Yunpeng say that he is a construction worker, the four mentors and the audience at the scene were not surprised. From Yuan Yunpeng's burly body and vicissitudes of life, they had already guessed one or two.

All they have is emotion, infinite emotion. It is really not easy for an ordinary construction worker to be able to sing so well and keep the dream of music in their hearts.

At this moment, everyone was suddenly full of gratitude in their hearts, full of gratitude to Li Fan, and grateful that Li Fan planned the program "The Voice".

It is precisely because of the stage of "The Voice" that Yuan Yunpeng was able to come here, and they were able to hear such a beautiful singing voice.

Only at this time did they realize that those with ordinary looks, ordinary backgrounds, and dreams of music are more moving, and they are equally qualified to pursue their dreams.

It's just that they had dreams before, but there was no stage to help them realize their dreams.

The audience didn't feel it before, but now they feel very embarrassed when they think about it, they also have dreams!

Now, "The Voice" has come out, and they finally have the stage to realize their dreams.

So, Yuan Yunpeng came tonight, and the other 19 players also came. This is the luck of the 20 players and the luck of all their audiences.

The hearts of the audience are full of gratitude!

In front of the stage, the four instructors interacted with Yuan Yunpeng in a few sentences, and the audience knew more about Yuan Yunpeng.

After that, Ling Hua said: "Okay, Yuan Yunpeng, now it's time for you to make a choice, you are qualified to choose any of our mentors. Of course, I am the most eager for you to come to me, more than them, I I was the first to turn around for you..."

The words are finished,

Jiang Huan hurriedly interrupted: "Linghua, speaking is responsible, why do you say that you are more eager than us? Yuan Yunpeng, in fact, I am the one who desires you to come to me the most, you look tall and big. Yes, I'm also quite tall, we must be the best fit..."

Jiang Huan's remarks immediately caused a burst of laughter at the scene. I went, and I could even think of such a reason.

However, this scene is really interesting. The power is reversed. When the students choose the mentors, the mentors seem to have to do everything possible to successfully grab the students.

Sure enough, Yun Fei interrupted Jiang Huan's words and said, "Yuan Yunpeng, you came to me, I found that when you just sang, there were some small flaws, come to me, I will slowly correct you, let you The singing is more perfect."

Zhang Yuhan also refused to show weakness, saying: "Yuan Yunpeng, each of our four mentors is good at different things, and what I am good at is exactly what you lack. So come to me, our goal will be Straight to the final championship."

Zhang Yuhan's remarks immediately aroused, and the other three mentors shared the same hatred, and a bickering started among the four mentors.

It was interesting to see all the audiences having a great time, laughing and laughing. It was really interesting, even more interesting than I imagined.

They like the show more and more.

Seeing this situation, director Wang Pingsheng said to the four mentors through the wireless microphones connected to the four mentor chairs: "Four mentors, please control the rhythm and don't delay it for too long."

The four mentors understood, Ling Hua said, "Okay, Yuan Yunpeng, now make your choice?"

All eyes were on Yuan Yunpeng, Yuan Yunpeng knew that he needed to make a choice.

The four mentors have all turned around, which is indeed a very happy annoyance.

In the end, Yuan Yunpeng chose Ling Hua, the first mentor who turned for him.

Ling Hua laughed, happy as if he had won the grand prize, and proudly said to the other three mentors, "Three, I'm sorry, I'll take the lead first."

Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan sighed softly, feeling very sorry, and at the same time, they all told Ling Hua that it was too early for him to stop talking.

"Sure enough, Ling Hua was chosen, so I guessed that he would choose Ling Hua."

"I actually thought he would choose Zhang Yuhan. After all, Zhang Yuhan said that their goal is the final championship."

"Ling Hua was the first mentor who turned around for him. I wonder if it was for this reason that he chose Ling Hua?"


Whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, there was a lot of discussion about Yuan Yunpeng's decision to finally choose Linghua.

And when they were discussing, they were also full of expectations for the next player who was about to play!


A construction site in a small town.

A group of construction workers huddled in front of a TV were cheering, cheering from the heart.

"That kid Yuan Yunpeng is so handsome that four mentors turned around for him."

"Yeah, the four mentors all want that kid, and the situation is about to fight."

"That kid is going to be a star from now on, right? He will definitely not come back to our construction site again. Alas! Although I am very reluctant, I am really happy for that kid."

"Yeah, I'm so happy, who said we construction workers can't be singers or stars? That kid Yuan Yunpeng did a great job!"

"Hey! Our foreman is still waiting. That boy Yuan Yunpeng came back in a daze. Now he can't wait. Even if he wants to come back, it will be a glorious return."

"Who said it wasn't, the foreman's wishful thinking failed, I guess he would be jumping with anger?"


Not far away, the foreman listened to the workers' discussions with a dark face. He could not have imagined that Yuan Yunpeng was not only not sacked from the stage, but was turned around by the four mentors, and received applause and cheers from the audience. Science too.

However, even if it is unscientific, he knows that Yuan Yunpeng's fate has changed, and it is really impossible for him to come back here again.

Even if you want to come back, it is impossible to come back to be a construction worker again.

He originally wanted to wait for Yuan Yunpeng to come back in a daze, and the idea of ​​mocking him for a meal was impossible.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He was upset. He walked behind the workers and shouted, "It's none of your business if you want to be a star. You are trying so hard to flatter people here, and people don't know. They will become stars in the future. , and it is impossible to remember you again, I don't know what you are happy about?"

Some workers were upset and said, "That kid Yuan Yunpeng will definitely remember us in the future."

The foreman said impatiently: "If that kid can remember you in the future, my name will be written upside down, a group of whimsical people."

After speaking, the foreman left in a rage, he really couldn't stay any longer.

A group of workers looked at the back of the foreman leaving and despised them one after another. Then someone said, "Okay, okay, let's leave him alone, let's continue watching TV."

"That's right, keep watching, the second player is about to play. I wonder if he is as good as that kid Yuan Yunpeng?"

"I don't think so, at most one mentor will turn for him."

"It is also possible that he was eliminated without a mentor turning around for him."



The fourth update, for the tiger's roar and the lion's roar (3/10)


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