Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1573 The big surprise at the end

On the stage, the last contestant to appear was Wang Na, the woman Li Fan met at the audition for "Dream Singer" in West Lake, Tangzhou.

As the last player to play today, Wang Na is very excited and stressed.

Because in a sense, she is today's finale player, although this was not deliberately arranged, but drawn by lottery, but in any case, she can also be called the finale player.

If this axis is pressed well, it can definitely produce the effect of one plus one greater than two, but if it is not pressed well, it is very likely that today's program will lose points at the last minute.

If that's the case, then I'm so sorry for Li Fan, who was so kind to her. While Wang Na was excited, she was also under a lot of pressure.

Besides, the contestant in front of her was such a beautiful woman, she was just beautiful, the key was her voice. All four mentors turned around and tried their best to fight for her.

The audience at the scene was also excited and cheered because of her.

Such a player is extremely successful. If Wang Na's final axis is not well pressed, the audience is likely to say that the beautiful woman should be the last to appear.

Various reasons have put Wang Na under a lot of pressure. Fortunately, she is also very confident. She is a player that Li Fan personally likes, which allows her to withstand the pressure and be confident.

Standing in the center of the stage, Wang Na knew that it was impossible for her to use her beautiful face to arouse the excitement of the audience like the previous contestant.

She gave the band teacher a thumbs up and said she was ready.

Then, the prelude music starts.

With the prelude music, both the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV were all excited at first, then puzzled, and finally looking forward to it.

Excited first because this song is also a song that almost everyone is very familiar with. It is also a work by Li Fan, "My Future is Not a Dream" sung by Zhang Yu.

This is a very nice and inspirational song. In addition to the birth of this song, there is also a legendary story. The audience was very excited to hear this song on the stage of "The Voice".

The latter doubt is because the contestant on the stage is obviously a girl, but chose a song sung by a boy, which is somewhat strange.

Because in general,

Girls don't choose songs that boys sing.

Of course, this is not impossible, so the audience is not surprised, just a little bit puzzled.

Finally, I look forward to it. A girl sings "My Future is Not a Dream". I don't know what it will sound like? They have never heard it on the official stage and are looking forward to it.

It's just that no one of them knows now, and their expressions will soon turn pale, as if they have encountered something extremely unbelievable.

The expressions on the faces of the audience were clearly seen by the four instructors. The four instructors were a little puzzled. They could understand the excited and expectant expressions on the audience's faces, but what was the question in the middle?

Don't they think that the contestants on the stage can sing this song well?

The four mentors whispered a few words, and then they were also full of expectations for the performance of the last player today.

On the stage, Wang Na slowly put the microphone to her mouth and sang the first lyric.

"Are you like me bowing your head in the sun,

Work hard and sweat silently.

Are you like me, even if you suffer from indifference,

Don't give up the life you want.


The singing is crisp, high-pitched, and penetrating, which is somewhat different from the high-pitched voice of Zhang Yu's original voice, but it is equally comfortable to listen to, and the voice is highly recognizable.

The eyes of the four mentors are bright, and it seems that the last player to play today is also very strong.

You know, to sing this song "My Future is Not a Dream", the requirements for the sound are very high.

The four mentors are all thinking that they must grab the last player.

It's just that they were suddenly shocked to find that the expressions on the faces of the audience on the opposite side were not quite right. The expressions on the faces of the audience were all shocked, astonished, and unbelievable, and some of the audience's mouths opened into a big "0" shape, which was not closed for a long time. , seems to have seen something extremely incredible.

This is too exaggerated.

The four instructors looked shocked. The contestants on the stage sang really well, and their voices were highly recognizable, but the audience's expressions didn't need to be so exaggerated, right?

The four instructors looked at each other and couldn't understand it at all. They didn't understand the expressions of the audience. Why were they so exaggerated?

The four mentors didn't understand because they didn't know that the contestant on the stage was actually a girl.

When they turned around, I believe they would also be extremely shocked.

Now, for the audience, they are really shocking, incredible.

Before Wang Na spoke, they imagined many kinds of Wang Na's voices in their minds, and also imagined a female voice singing "My Future is Not a Dream", what kind of feeling is it?

But they never imagined that when Wang Na opened her mouth, the voice she sang turned out to be a male voice.

Nima turned out to be a male voice, and it was a very natural, unpretentious male voice. Just listening to the voice, you would definitely think it was a male singer singing.

It's just incredible, The Voice is a magical stage.

After a while, the shocked expressions on the audience's faces slowly disappeared, replaced by excitement, uncontrollable excitement, even more excited than seeing the absolute beauty Xie Shiyu just now.

The shock just now has turned into a surprise, an extreme surprise!

From the beginning of the show to the present, they have not known how many surprises they have felt, but this time the surprise was the biggest.

They looked at the girl Wang Na on the stage and sang their favorite songs with a pure and natural male voice. This feeling was really amazing.

They love and enjoy it so much!

At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed on the Internet, "Ah! I remembered, I know who is singing on the stage of "The Voice" now, who is the singer?"

"Do you know her? Who is she?"

"No, I don't know her, but I have seen her. It was at the audition of "Dream Singer" in West Lake, Tangzhou. She went to participate in the audition for "Dream Singer" that day. However, she just started singing after she took the stage. After saying a word, I stepped down amidst the laughter of the judges and the audience. I have no impression of her appearance, but now I hear her singing, and I vaguely remember that it should be her. It's just that that day her The voice doesn't seem to be so pure and natural, and it doesn't sound so comfortable. Of course, it may also be because she stepped down after only one sentence that day, and she didn't sing her best level at all."

"It turns out that her external conditions are indeed difficult to pass the audition of "Dream Singer", and everyone will feel weird when they hear her singing voice. But now, she is destined to be a big player on the stage of "The Voice" It's been brilliant, The Voice is such a magical stage."

"Yes, it is indeed a magical stage. To have such a stage is extremely lucky for those players and for our audience."



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