Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1591: A chance that I can't even dream of


Lin Xin was a little dumbfounded when he heard the monkey baby's question, but he could understand why the monkey baby asked such a question.

So he smiled and said, "We are the real crew of the "Journey to the West" TV series, and the crew of the "Journey to the West" TV series shot by Mr. Li Fan himself."

"What?" The monkey baby was even more confused and said, "The crew of the TV series "Journey to the West" filmed by Mr. Li Fan himself?"

Lin Xindao: "Yes, you should be following Mr. Li Fan's Weibo at all times, right? You should know that the "Journey to the West" TV drama crew has been formed, right?"

The monkey said: "I know, Mr. Li Fan said on Weibo yesterday, are you the crew that Mr. Li Fan said?"

Lin Xindao: "Exactly, I am the assistant director Lin Xin. In addition, our director Mr. Yang Jie and another assistant director Liu Yu are also here."

The monkey baby didn't realize at this time what the three directors of the crew had come to find him, and continued confusedly: "What are you doing here with me? Is there anything?"

Lin Xindao: "There is indeed something, our director will tell you personally."

At this time, Yang Jie and Liu Yu also walked out of the crowd and came to the monkey baby. Lin Xin introduced, "Mr. Zhang, this is our director, Mr. Yang Jie, and this is our assistant director, Mr. Liu Yu."

Yang Jie smiled, stretched out his right hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhang!"

The monkey baby quickly stretched out his right hand, held it with Yang Jie, and said, "Yang...Mr. Yang, hello!"

The monkey baby is still a little confused at this time, and he has not figured out the situation in front of him, and the crowd around him is also confused.

Li Fan and the others knew that he was the author of "Journey to the West", a well-known figure. They didn't know that Li Fan wanted to shoot the TV series "Journey to the West".

However, they know that there are indeed people who want to shoot the TV series and movies of "Journey to the West". Now listening to what these three people mean, is it Li Fan himself who is going to shoot the TV series "Journey to the West"?

These three people are the director and assistant director of the TV drama crew, which should not be fake.

It's just, what do they come to find monkey dolls for? Also, how did they know the monkey baby's real name? How famous is the monkey baby? Shouldn't be.

The onlookers didn't think that Yang Jie and the three of them recruited Monkey Baby to play Sun Wukong. In their opinion, it was impossible.

Yang Jie looked at the confused monkey baby, and did not spare the circle, but said directly: "Mr. Zhang, we came to Shaoxing City to find you this time, and we would like to invite you to join the "Journey to the West" TV drama crew and star in A corner of Sun Wukong."

The monkey baby understood this sentence, and so did the onlookers, but none of them seemed to understand what Yang Jie meant by this sentence.

Invite monkey baby to join the "Journey to the West" TV drama crew? Also play the role of Sun Wukong?

"What did that person mean just now, did the monkey baby play the role of Monkey King?"

"I don't know, but that's what he meant."

"The director personally invited Monkey Baby to play Monkey King? Monkey Baby is going to play Monkey King?"

"That's what it seems to mean."


The onlookers whispered, they were not sure if they understood Yang Jie correctly?

After a while, the monkey child seemed to suddenly wake up, his whole body began to tremble with excitement, and his words were not going well, "Yang...Mr. Yang, what you just said, what you just said, yes... yes. .. mean... mean, do you want me to act... act... act as Monkey King?"

Yang Jie nodded, smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, Mr. Zhang, you heard right, our crew wants to invite you to play the role of Monkey King."

This time, both the monkey baby and the onlookers have understood, and they have confirmed one thing, that is, their understanding just now is not wrong. The director Yang Jie in front of him really wants to invite the monkey baby to go. Play Sun Wukong.

A moment later, the scene exploded, completely exploded. The director of the TV series "Journey to the West\

,"To actually go to the place where the monkeys perform in Shaoxing City, to invite the monkeys to play Monkey King, is really unbelievable.

Everyone is reluctant to believe that this is true, but the fact is in front of us and cannot be false.

Unless, these three people are not real directors, but fake ones.

It's just that this possibility is almost impossible to exist. Who would use such a lie to deceive the monkey baby?

Then, it can only show that all this is true, although it is unbelievable, but it is indeed true.

The scene was completely bombed, and everyone seemed very excited, although they didn't know how the three directors knew about the monkey baby? But that doesn't seem to matter.

The important thing is that the monkey baby is really going to play Sun Wukong.

Moreover, it was filmed by Li Fan himself, Sun Wukong in the TV series.

They were still saying just now that even if the monkey baby goes to Mao Sui to recommend himself, it is almost impossible to have a chance, and they are still saying that the monkey baby is still very young, as long as he works hard, he will have a chance in the future.

But how could I have imagined that, it has only been half an hour, and the director of the TV drama crew has come to invite Monkey Baby to play Monkey King.

This should be the so-called chance. The so-called hard-working people can always be blessed by God.

Everyone at the scene was very excited, talking loudly, and sighing...

The monkey baby was even more excited and his whole body was shaking. For him, it was a dream, a very real and very beautiful dream.

He once suspected that he was dreaming. If it wasn't a dream, how could such a thing happen?

Well, maybe it wasn't a dream, because even in a dream, he didn't want to believe that such a thing would happen.

The director of the TV series "Journey to the West" filmed by Li Fan personally went to the place where he performed and invited him to play Monkey King?

This kind of thing, even if it is a dream, the monkey baby dare not think about it.

What kind of opportunity does this happen that you can't even dream of, but it actually happened? How much love did God give him?

Monkey baby's excited heart can't be calm, he can't calm down at all, he needs time.

Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu also knew that the monkey baby needed time to calm down, so they waited quietly without saying anything, and at the same time sighed in their hearts, "It's no wonder that the monkey baby is so excited, this is for him In other words, it is indeed an opportunity that I could not even dream of.”

The three of them looked at the monkey baby, and suddenly felt a little envious, envious that the monkey baby encountered such a shocking opportunity at such a young age.

Since then, the monkey baby's life is destined to change.

It is said that hard-working people can always be blessed by God.

So, what kind of hardworking person is Monkey Baby? Only at such a young age can be so blessed by God.


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