Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1593 leave

Yang Jie was taken aback when he heard the monkey baby's words, and said, "What? Have you seen it before?"

The monkey said: "I may have seen it, but I am not sure."

In fact, Monkey Baby is almost certain that the young master is Li Fan, but he will not say such a thing with certainty.

Yang Jie nodded, he didn't think the monkey baby had really seen Li Fan's skills.

Afterwards, he handed Houwa a business card and said, "Monkey baby, this is my business card, we will wait for you in Shaoxing City, two days later, you will come to Shaoxing City to meet us, and we will leave Shaoxing together, Back on set."

The monkey baby took it with both hands and said gratefully: "Okay, I will be ready in two days. Thank you Mr. Yang, Mr. Lin, Mr. Liu, thank you for coming to Shaoxing City to find me."

Yang Jie waved his hand and said with a smile, "You don't have to thank us, this is your chance. Well, we're leaving, so you should prepare to leave."

Later, Yang Jie said to the onlookers: "My friends, I know that you all like "Journey to the West" very much, like monkey babies, thank you. Our "Journey to the West" TV series will officially start filming soon, I hope everyone As long as we can continue to support our TV series, we will do our best to make it well.”

Hearing Yang Jie say this, everyone in the audience seemed very excited and said loudly:

"We will all support it. We believe that the "Journey to the West" produced by the big director will be very good."

"Thank you, the director, for coming to Shaoxing City to find the monkey baby."

"We support the "Journey to the West" TV series!"


Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu expressed their thanks and said goodbye to the crowd. They slowly walked out of the crowd and walked towards the city.

"Goodbye, Director! Slow down, Director!" Everyone said goodbye to Yang Jie and the three.

The three of Yang Jie waved their hands and walked away gradually.

After Yang Jie and the three left, everyone at the scene immediately surrounded the monkey baby in the middle and kept talking excitedly.

"Monkey baby! You really want to be a big star, it's amazing!"

"Monkey baby, you really want to play Monkey King, and it's the Monkey King in the TV series. It's amazing, it's amazing."

"Monkey baby,

You must act well and win glory for our Shaoxing city. In the future, we will all watch your Monkey King on TV. "

"By the way, Houwa, how did Mr. Li Fan know about you, did he come to find you before?"

"Monkey baby, how are you feeling now? Are you excited? Excited?"


Everyone was chatting, some sighed, some asked questions, and the scene was full of commotion.

The monkey doll, surrounded by the center, was naturally excited and excited, and kept thanking everyone and answering everyone's questions.

After a while, the voices of the audience became a little quieter. Seeing this, Monkey Baby said a little embarrassedly: "Well... everyone knows that I will leave with Director Yang Jie in two days. I want to go back early to pack up and get ready, I'm going to finish today's performance here."

The crowd around the audience listened to what the monkey said, and they all said:

"Of course, of course, of course you have to go back early, that's all for today's performance."

"Yeah, Monkey Baby, go back, you don't have to perform today, we are all happy for you. In the future, we'll be waiting to see your Monkey King on TV."

"That's right, from now on, we'll be watching your performance of Monkey King on TV. I said Monkey Baby, you must play it well. It's not like we are here on TV. How many audiences will watch your performance? "


Monkey baby said again and again, let everyone rest assured that he will definitely perform Monkey King well, and he will definitely not disappoint everyone, let everyone wait and watch him play Monkey King on TV.

After that, the monkey baby started to pack up and was about to go home. Someone met at the scene and helped to pack up together.

After a while, the monkey baby finished packing, and with everyone's farewell, left the west square of the city and walked towards the cabin in the deep mountains.

After cleaning up in the cabin, he has to go home to tell his parents the shocking good news, and say goodbye by the way.

On the west square of the city, everyone still sighed and felt a little reluctant to see the monkey baby leave.

During this period of time, they would come to the west square of the city to watch the monkey doll performance every few days.

However, they also knew that it was impossible for Houwa to perform in the West Square all the time. He had his own dreams.

Now, the monkey baby's dream has come true like a dream, and they are really happy for the monkey baby.

Then, thinking that they would be able to see Monkey King performing on TV soon, they became very much looking forward to it.

I don't know what Monkey King looks like when the monkey baby performs on TV? Is there any difference from the Monkey King he performed on the west square of the city?

The onlookers continued to discuss for a while before gradually dispersing.

The city west square slowly returned to its normal appearance.


Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu returned to Shaoxing City in a very happy mood, and things went much smoother than they had imagined.

In the next two days, they can have a good rest in Shaoxing City.

However, they don't plan to rest, they just feel very pressed for time now.

Because Li Fan has already sent them the script of the "Journey to the West" TV series, they must seize all the time, familiarize themselves with the script, ponder the script, and think about how to shoot one scene after another?

They hope to perform better in front of Li Fan at that time.

Therefore, they didn't do any other delays. After finding a hotel to stay, they couldn't wait to think about the script.


The monkey baby unfolded his fastest speed, and without stopping for a moment, ran straight towards the cabin in the deep mountains.

I don't know if it was because the whole person was extremely excited, the time he spent back in the cabin was almost half less than usual.

Since the young senior came last time, within ten meters of the cabin, there are no snakes, worms, rats, ants, and large beasts. The only animals who dare to come to the cabin are monkeys. .

The monkey baby knew that this must be related to the young senior, which made him even more awe-inspiring in his heart.

Of course, he now knows that the young senior should be the legendary Li Fan. He is excited, excited, and equally awe-inspiring!

When the monkey group saw the monkey baby come back, they all ran over and circled around the monkey baby. After several months of getting along day and night, the monkey baby was already very familiar with the monkey group.

The monkey baby took out the food for the monkey group from the backpack and distributed it to the group of monkeys to eat.

The monkeys were eating outside, and the monkey baby went into the cabin to clean up. In fact, there was not much to pack. It didn't take long for the monkey baby to pack up and walk out of the cabin.

Today he is leaving here to go home.

Looking at the group of monkeys that were still eating, the monkey baby sighed in his heart and felt a little reluctant. From now on, he will be separated from this group of monkeys.

At some point in the future, he might come back here to see these old friends, but for now, he has to go.

The monkey baby sighed inwardly and left the cabin, while the group of monkeys were still eating. They didn't know that it might be a long time before they could see their neighbors who lived here.


The fourth update, for Herodotus (1/3), please recommend votes!


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