Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1595 Awe

Netizens in Shaoxing City are proud and a little excited to share the story of the monkey baby on the Internet.

In addition to telling the story of the monkey baby performing Monkey King, their focus is that the monkey baby was personally favored by Li Fan. The three directors of the "Journey to the West" TV drama crew personally went to the place where the monkey baby performed in Shaoxing City to invite the monkey baby. Play the role of Sun Wukong.

Their story about the monkey baby quickly spread on the Internet, the mystery of the monkey baby was finally revealed, and everyone knew the story of the monkey baby.

There are several key points in this. First, the monkey baby was born into a family of monkey operas, and he was only 18 years old at a very young age.

Second, the monkey baby is not a professional actor, nor a student of the film and television academy, but an artist who performs monkey tricks. Through his own thinking about Monkey King, he performed Monkey King in front of the crowd.

The third is that the monkey baby was favored by Li Fan, and the three directors of the TV series "Journey to the West" personally went to the place where the monkey baby performed.

For the first point, everyone mainly sighed about the luck of the monkey baby. At the age of 18, they encountered such an opportunity. The luck is really good.

Regarding the second key point, everyone admires and expresses that Monkey Baby's love for "Journey to the West" and Monkey King must be deep enough to think about it and perform Monkey King in front of the crowd.

This may be the reason why Monkey Baby got such an opportunity when he was 18 years old.

At the same time, everyone has some doubts and worries in their hearts, that is, Houwa is neither a professional actor nor a graduate of the film and television academy.

That is to say, Monkey Baby has never been exposed to acting and has no acting experience. Can he play Sun Wukong well?

You know, acting as Monkey King in a TV series is completely different from his own performance of Monkey King on the street.

However, thinking that since the monkey baby can be seen by Li Fan, there should be no problem, and everyone no longer doubts and worries.

What everyone is most interested in is the third key point, how did the monkey baby get noticed by Li Fan? There should be some story in it, right?

Li Fan took a fancy to the monkey baby, just because the Monkey King performed well by the monkey baby? Or is there any other reason?

Since the monkey baby has always been performing in Shaoxing City, it means that Li Fan should have been to Shaoxing City, which should be certain.

After all, no one would find it strange that Li Fan Shenlong appeared anywhere.

The key point is the reason and process of Li Fan's fancy monkey baby,

Everyone was very curious.

It's just that no one knows the answer to this.

The netizens in Shaoxing City who broke the news didn't know either. They only knew that the monkey baby was picked by Li Fan himself. As for the reason and process, they didn't know, and could only rely on guesswork.

The three directors of the TV series "Journey to the West" probably didn't know either. They only knew that Li Fan personally invited Monkey Baby to play the role of Monkey King, which made them attach great importance to Monkey Baby.

Even the monkey baby didn't know, why did Li Fan like him so much?

Therefore, what everyone is most interested in is the reason and process why Li Fan took a fancy to the monkey baby. There should be no answer.

This makes everyone feel a little regretful, but because of this, what will everyone think of Monkey King, who plays the role of Monkey Baby? more curious.

In addition, the actor of Sha Seng was also confirmed, which also caused a lot of discussion, and Yan Huaili's identity was gradually exposed on the Internet.

He used to be a traditional opera actor, and then bid farewell to the stage for some reason. Recently, he plans to come out again and play a role in the TV series "Legend of the White Snake".

After these news came to light, everyone speculated that the reason why Yan Huaili was able to soar into the sky and directly got the opportunity to play the role of Sha Monk was probably because, when he played a role in the TV series "Legend of the White Snake", because For some reason, Li Fan took a fancy to it.

The exact reason is also unknown.


Netizens are just curious about the fact that the two leading actors have been confirmed, and for those actors who intend to join the "Journey to the West" TV drama crew, it is very regrettable.

And especially those actors who originally wanted to fight for the roles of Monkey King and Sha Seng, they were already fully prepared for this, but now they are useless, and they can only fight for other roles. .

This will undoubtedly increase the competition for actors who are interested in other roles.

Of course, even so, a group of interested actors are still eager to move. The audition began two days later. After getting the news, a group of actors gathered from all directions to the Xiaojianghu Studio, the provincial capital of Funan Province.


Two days later, Yang Jie, Lin Xin, Liu Yu, and Houwa returned to the Xiaojianghu studio. After receiving the notice from the crew, Yan Huaili also came to the studio to report.

Li Fan also went to the provincial capital. He naturally had to personally check the selection of actors for the TV series "Journey to the West".

Actor auditions begin today, May 28.

At eight in the morning, the audition booth of Xiaojianghu Studio.

The actor audition starts at 8:30, and there are only three people in the audition studio: Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu.

Lin Xin said, "Director Yang, is Mr. Li Fan really coming later? I'm a little nervous."

Liu Yu also said, "I'm also a little nervous."

Yang Jie smiled and said, "Of course he's coming, Mr. Li Fan will definitely check the actors personally, today's actors are auditioning without makeup, which is more demanding for the actors, but also for the assessors. Higher, requires the examiner's vision to be sharper and more accurate. The vision of the three of us is definitely far less than that of Mr. Li Fan. It doesn't matter if you are nervous now. After you meet Mr. Li Fan, you may not be nervous. already."

"Why?" Lin Xin and Liu Yu asked at the same time, puzzled.

Logically speaking, they should be more nervous after seeing Li Fan, right?

Yang Jie said: "Actually, when I visited Mr. Li Fan in Sansheng Village last time, I was quite nervous before meeting Mr. Li Fan, but after seeing Mr. Li Fan, I was not nervous. The reason, I think, may be because Mr. Li Fan has reached a realm of returning to the basics, and facing Mr. Li Fan is like facing an ordinary young man."

Lin Xin and Liu Yu looked at each other and nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

After a while, Lin Xin said again, "Director Yang, we may not be nervous when facing Mr. Li Fan, but we should be more in awe, right?"

Yang Jie nodded slowly and said, "That's true. If you don't know Mr. Li Fan, you'll be fine when facing Mr. Li Fan. If you know that the other person is Mr. Li Fan, you will be more in awe."

Lin Xin and Liu Yu looked at each other again and nodded slowly.


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