Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1605 The Secret of the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon-Slaughtering Sword

The "Journey to the West" TV series is about to officially start filming, and in the early days of filming, Li Fan has to do a lot of things.

First of all, he has to communicate with Yang Jie. How can he shoot the ideal TV series of gods and demons? How can we shoot "Journey to the West" to the perfect effect?

Then he had to personally guide the performances of the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng, especially the Monkey King played by Monkey Baby, how to perform, how to feel like a six-year-old child in the previous life, and so on.

In the end, he had to personally inspect the shooting location of "Journey to the West" and so on.

In a word, Li Fan during this time will definitely not be too leisurely.

Of course, in order to shoot a classic "Journey to the West" work, it is reasonable to work hard.


"Journey to the West" is about to start filming, and the filming of "Journey to the West" has already started, and countless netizens are looking forward to it.

And among these netizens, a large part of them are martial arts fans. For them, today is another very important day.

The martial arts serialized by Gu Yong in the magazine "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", "Eternal Dragon Slayer" officially ended today.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is the third part of the Eagle Shooting Trilogy.

After several months of serialization, it finally ushered in the finale today.

"The supreme martial arts, the treasured sword slays the dragon, and commands the world, don't dare to obey! If the heavens are gone, who will compete with each other?" It's been around the world for months.

In the world of rivers and lakes in the book, countless martial arts characters want to understand the mystery of this sentence, and want to find out what secrets are hidden about Tulongdao and Yitianjian?

In reality, countless martial arts fans also want to figure out this question. From the first time they saw this sentence, they have been discussing and debating what this sentence means. What kind of secret is there?

And with the continuation of the serialization, in today's finale, the secret about this sentence was finally revealed.

It turned out that the so-called "Wulin Supreme, the treasured sword slays the dragon, orders the world, do not dare to obey." It does not refer to the dragon-slaying sword itself, but the secret hidden in the dragon-slaying sword.

Likewise, "If Yitian doesn't go out, who will compete with him?" also refers not to Yitianjian itself, but to the secrets hidden in Yitianjian.

Of course, everyone has guessed this for a long time. Everyone just doesn't know what secrets are in Tulong Dao and Yitian Sword?

But now, everyone finally knows.

The Heavenly Sword and the Dragon-Slaughtering Sword are both immortal and invincible, and nothing in the world can destroy them.

However, if the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon-Slaughtering Sword were slashed against each other, they would both be broken at the same handle.

A piece of iron is etched with seven small characters, "Pudu Shandong Peach Blossom Island".

Another piece of iron is engraved with a map. The road is twisting and twisting, and it is very complicated. The back is engraved with 16 small characters "Wu Mu's suicide note, Jiuyin Zhenjing, expel Hu Baomin, and order".

It turned out that at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, when the Yuan army invaded the Song Dynasty and Xiangyang was about to fall, Guo Jing and Huang Rong hid martial arts secrets such as "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letters", "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" in Peach Blossom. in the island.

Later, he commissioned a craftsman to cast the black iron epee, the gentleman's sword and the lady's sword, which were donated by Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu, into the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon-Slaughtering Sword, respectively. A small piece of iron was embedded in the blade and the blade.

The map engraved on one of the small pieces of iron is exactly the map on Peach Blossom Island with martial arts secrets such as "Wu Mu's Posthumous Note", "Nine Yin Classics", and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon".

"Wulin Supreme, the treasured sword slays the dragon, and commands the world, don't dare to obey." This refers to the "Wu Mu's suicide note" found according to the map in the Dragon Saber.

Yue Fei used soldiers like a god in those days, and "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letters" is his life-long military method and experience. When facing the enemy with this method of warfare, he will definitely be able to win in battle and conquer in attack.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong buried the "Wu Mu's Will" on Peach Blossom Island, and also hid the map of the collection in the Dragon Saber. Naturally, it was necessary for future generations to use the "Wu Mu's Will" to expel the Tartars and restore the mountains and rivers.

The one who knew this secret was the head of the Emei Sect in all dynasties.

The original intention of Guo Jing and Huang Rong should have been to let the descendants of the Emei sect, when the time is right, select a man with a benevolent heart and sincerity to serve the country, teach him the book of war, and ask him to take an oath to exorcise the Hu prisoners. .

Or maybe this was the original intention of Guo Xiang, the founder of the Emei School, that future generations could use the "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letter" to expel the Hu prisoners and restore the mountains and rivers, so as to fulfill their parents' unfulfilled long-cherished wish.

However, the world is unpredictable, and there are many rivers and lakes. The Dragon Saber and Yitian Sword are destined to cause blood and rain on the rivers and lakes.

However, Zhang Wuji later presented the "Wu Mu's Will" to the rebel general Xu Da. With the help of the "Wu Mu's Will", Xu Da led the rebel army, defeated the Yuan soldiers in a row, drove the Mongols back outside the Great Wall, and recovered the Central Plains.

After the blood and rain, after several turns, the last wishes of Guo Jing and Huang Rong were finally fulfilled.

"If Yitian is out, who will compete with each other?" The secrets hidden in Tulongdao and Yitianjian, in addition to "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letter", there are also martial arts such as "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" Cheats.

Why did Guo Jing and Huang Rong bury these martial arts secrets together with "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letters"?

There should be two reasons for this.

First, Guo Jing and Huang Rong held on to Xiangyang back then, but in the end, the Yuan army was strong and Xiangyang could not be defended. Guo Jing and Huang Rong decided to die for the country, but Guo Jing’s martial arts were shocking and it was a pity that it was lost.

I also thought that although the Mongols occupied the Central Plains for a while, countless Central Plains people would not be willing to be slaves of the Tartars. In the future, there will be bloody battles in the Central Plains. In addition to the "Wu Mu's suicide note", those martial arts secrets will also be of great use.

Therefore, Guo Jing and Huang Rong decided to bury martial arts secrets such as "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" together with "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letters".

Second, "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letter" is used to drive away the Tartars and restore the mountains and rivers, but if one person holds the power alone, he will inevitably be a powerful force and a blessing, and the people of the world will be poisoned again.

Then, there will eventually be someone who learns the unique skills such as "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", holding a long sword against the sky and taking the head of a tyrant lightly.

It is intended to warn the person who used the "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letter" to drive away the Tartars and regain the mountains and rivers, even if you command a million soldiers and dominate the world, you will definitely not be able to stop the fatal blow of the Yitian Sword.

Only by being diligent in government and loving the people, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, will they not suffer the fatal blow of the Heavenly Sword.

Countless martial arts fans thought about this section, and they were filled with emotion. Guo Jing and Huang Rong were really well-intentioned.


In the previous life, in the revised edition of "Ei Tian Tu Long Ji", "Wu Mu's Posthumous Note" was directly hidden in the body of the Dragon Saber, and martial arts secrets such as "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" were also directly hidden. In the body of Yitian Sword.

Later, Mr. Jin Yong re-revised "Eternal Sky and Dragon Slayer", which was called "Century New Edition".

In this version, "Wu Mu's Posthumous Letters", "Jiuyin Zhenjing", "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", etc., were changed to be hidden on Peach Blossom Island, while the dragon-slaying sword and Yitian sword were hidden in the engraved A small iron piece with a treasure map of Peach Blossom Island.

Li Fan chose the new version of the century.


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