Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1664 in the cinema hall

The people who came to the scene for "The First Monkey King" walked towards the cinema while discussing.

Walking and walking, everyone suddenly realized a problem, that is, the reason why Li Fan appeared here, is it also for "The Monkey King Comes Out"?

Everyone's heart jumped, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that this possibility was very high.

Because it can be seen from many previous situations that Li Fan attaches great importance to the film and televisionization of "Journey to the West". Today is the day of the premiere of the first "Journey to the West" movie. Li Fan will go to the cinema to watch it in person, which is very likely. .

If it is true, then the movie theater Li Fan went to must be the movie theater on the second floor of this square, and the movie theater they are going to now.

That is to say, they will be in the same movie theater as Li Fan, watching the premiere of "The Monkey King", maybe even in the same theater.

Thinking of this, all the people became excited once again, and all hoped in their hearts that they could be in the same theater as Li Fan.

Wait a minute, there are still 10 minutes left until 10 am, which is almost the time to start entering the theater.

If he was at the entrance of the cinema at this time, he might be able to see Li Fan entering the cinema.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were bright, and they all quickened their pace and trotted towards the cinema.

The cinema is on the second floor, there are stairs and escalators, but whether it is stairs or escalators, everyone steps up in a few steps.

Then he rushed straight into the cinema hall.

The staff in the cinema and the audience waiting at the scene were shocked when they saw a large number of people suddenly rushed in, thinking that there was an emergency.

They all looked around for the first time, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

The lobby manager was also alerted at the first time, shocked, and hurriedly asked in the last issue, what happened?

The person who rushed in waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Then, they all stretched their necks and looked towards the entrance of the cinema.

At the entrance, two rows of people were checking tickets to enter the venue. Because of the sudden influx of a large group of people, they were also looking around a little nervously.

There was no familiar young figure in the crowd, and everyone who rushed in was very sorry.

I don't know if Li Fan has already entered, or they made a mistake. Li Fan appeared in the square downstairs, not for "The Monkey King First Comes Out"?

Everyone in the cinema hall, after looking around for a while, found nothing unusual, so they were relieved.

Afterwards, all of them looked puzzled and dissatisfied. Looking at the large group of people who had just rushed in, they couldn't understand what was going on in this large group of people, why would they rush in in such a hurry?

I don't know if this will cause panic among other people at the scene?

The hall manager was also a little dissatisfied. Really, he thought something unexpected happened, and he was really shocked.

Looking at the large group of people, the lobby manager said, "I said, what's the situation with you? It really surprised us."

In the crowd who had just rushed in, a tall and thin man said apologetically, "I'm sorry, sorry, manager, we are in a hurry to see, is Mr. Li Fan here? I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding."

The hall manager nodded first, then, suddenly suffocated, he asked, "Mr. Li Fan? Which Mr. Li Fan?"

The tall and thin man said, "Just that Mr. Li Fan, or who else is there Mr. Li Fan?"

"Just that Mr. Li Fan?" The lobby manager was still a little confused.

He naturally knew which Mr. Li Fan was "just that Mr. Li Fan" when the tall and thin man said it? He was stunned, how could these people come to Mr. Li Fan here?

Could it be that those people think that their cinema has invited Mr. Li Fan as a guest today?

They thought, but how is this possible? What is Li Fan's identity? They are a small movie theater,

How is it possible to invite it?

The hall manager said suspiciously: "I know you are talking about Mr. Li Fan, but what do you mean? Why are you here looking for Mr. Li Fan? We didn't advertise that Mr. Li Fan would come."

The tall and thin man added: "We know that you have no propaganda. We are here because Mr. Li Fan has just appeared in the square downstairs, and he has found justice for a young mother. We guess the reason why Mr. Li Fan will be there I appeared in the square downstairs, it should be for the "Monkey King First Comes Out" to be released at 10 o'clock this morning, so I rushed in in a hurry to see if Mr. Li Fan is really here?"

The tall and thin man's voice was not small, not only the hall manager heard it, but also other people on the scene.

Although they still don't know the specific process of the matter, but they understood the meaning, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly changed, and the voices were everywhere.

"I'll wipe! Are you telling the truth? Mr. Li Fan was really in the square below just now?"

"What kind of justice did Mr. Li Fan find for a young mother? What happened? Can you tell me in detail?"

"What happened just now? I rub! We missed it."

"What happened in the end? Can you talk about it?"


Everyone at the scene was chatting, and the hall manager also became very excited and said, "You mean Mr. Li Fan will come to our cinema? Is he here now? Have you seen him?"

The tall and thin man was speechless for a while, and said, "Manager, you asked this question, do you see our reaction now, as if we saw Mr. Li Fan?"

The lobby manager sighed, then shook his head with a smile. The question he just asked was really nonsense. If those people really saw Li Fan, how could they be as calm as they are now?

Of course, the absence of Li Fan at the scene does not mean that he is not in a certain cinema now, and Li Fan may have already entered a certain cinema.

Because, at 10 o'clock this morning, all 12 large and small halls of the entire movie theater will show "The First Appearance of the Monkey King".

Thinking that at this moment, Li Fan was in a certain movie hall of the cinema, waiting for the release of "The First Monkey King", the hall manager couldn't help but feel excited and excited.

If this thing spreads, it will definitely make their movie theater famous.

Moreover, this matter does not need to be 100% certain, as long as Li Fan is in their movie theater, the probability of watching "The First Appearance of the Monkey King" is very high.

In fact, things that have a very high probability but cannot be 100% certain are better than things that can be 100% certain.

Because if things are not 100% certain, there will be speculation and controversy from the outside world.

There is speculation and controversy, and there will be stories.

For a movie theater, this is clearly better.


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