Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1804 Shi Guanyin

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1804, Shi Guanyin Author: In the Countryside]

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After Chu Liuxiang arrived in the desert, she met two close friends, Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan.

Hu Tiehua is chivalrous and forthright, but sometimes acts recklessly. Ji Bingyan was silent, seemingly cold, but in fact passionate.

After the two learned that Chu Liuxiang was going to the desert to find the three daughters, regardless of the danger in the desert, they had no hesitation to help Chu Liuxiang to find them together.

The three prepared sufficient food and water and entered the desert, but soon after entering the desert, the three seemed to be targeted by an extremely powerful opponent.

Because of an oversight, in order to save two dying people, they fell for the two people's calculations instead.

The two men broke the water the three were carrying and then fled quickly.

Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua chased out, grabbed them easily, and asked who they were instructed by?

However, the two of them not only did not say who instructed them to do so, but also said that the three of Chu Liuxiang would not survive for five days, because the people who instructed them were extremely strong,

Afterwards, the two committed suicide.

Obviously, the three of Chu Liuxiang were targeted by a very powerful opponent.

who is it?

I don't know yet, but it shouldn't be long before we know.

They did know very quickly that that person was Shi Guanyin.

The most beautiful, most vicious, most ruthless, and the most powerful woman in martial arts.

Shi Guanyin, book fans are not unfamiliar with this name, and they are very impressed.

In the previous story "Fragrant Sea of ​​Blood", the person who forced Qiu Yunsu to disfigure himself was Shi Guanyin.

Shi Guanyin is extremely beautiful and has extremely high martial arts, and she will never allow a woman more beautiful than her in the world. If anyone is more beautiful than her, she will definitely kill that woman or disfigure her.

For such a magical woman, book fans are naturally very impressed.

I just didn't expect that in the story of "The Great Desert", Shi Guanyin appeared again.

Moreover, she is very likely to be Chu Liuxiang's opponent this time, this is by no means a simple woman.

Fans have guessed before that the mysterious opponent will be "Miao Monk" Wuhua?

Now it seems that he guessed wrong before, the mysterious opponent is not Wuhua, but Shi Guanyin.

So, when will no flowers appear?

If Wuhua appeared, it would obviously be Chu Liuxiang's opponent.

Wuhua and Shi Guanyin are both opponents of Chu Liuxiang, so, shouldn't there be any relationship between them?

Book fans thought so in their hearts.

If you just want to know the answer, you can only continue to look back.

Although the three of Chu Liuxiang knew that their opponent was Shi Guanyin, Shi Guanyin did not show up, but kept hiding in the dark.

Without water, even though the three of them had extremely high martial arts skills, they could only survive in the vast desert.

Fortunately, their luck seemed to be good. After a few days of struggling to survive, they found an oasis.

Chu Liuxiang dived over, it was two clear green ponds.

And that's not the point.

The point is, there is a very beautiful girl bathing in the pond, naked and naked.

Chu Liuxiang's luck always seemed to be good. He saw good things like this, but his two friends Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan didn't.

The girl found Chu Liuxiang, but she was not angry, and instead treated Chu Liuxiang as a guest of honor.

The girl's identity is not simple, but a princess.

The Pipa princess of the Qiuci Kingdom in the Western Regions.

King Qiuci was also there, and he also treated Chu Liuxiang as a guest.

Not only Chu Liuxiang, but after Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan came here, King Qiuci also treated them as guests after seeing what they were capable of.

Obviously, King Qiuci is deliberately making friends with them, the martial arts people of the Central Plains with high martial arts.

In fact, before the three of Chu Liuxiang, several people from the Central Plains martial arts had already become the guests of King Qiuci.

Why didn't the King of Qiuci enjoy happiness in his own palace and his own country? And to bring hundreds of people to this desert that seems to be populated by people?

Also, although the country of Qiuci is a small country in the Western Regions, the King of Qiuci, as the monarch of a country, is still a noble man, and his status is still high. Why did he deliberately make friends with people in the world?

These things are abnormal, and abnormality proves a problem.

The fact is of course the same. King Qiuci is in trouble now, a big, big trouble.

There was a rebellion in his country, and he was driven out of the Qiuci country, or he escaped himself, with hundreds of people, and fled into the desert.

Then he deliberately made friends with people in the rivers and lakes, just to get the help of those people in the rivers and lakes, and wait for the opportunity to take back his country.

This is a conspiracy and turmoil about the usurpation of Miaoquan of the Qiuci Kingdom, and Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, and Ji Bingyan are unfortunately involved in this turmoil.

They originally came to the Great Desert to find the three daughters of Li Hongxiu, Su Rongrong, and Song Tianer who were kidnapped by the Black Pearl, but who knew they would be involved in the conspiracy and turmoil of the usurpation of Miaoquan of the Qiuci State.

Now that he has been involved in it, according to Chu Liuxiang's temperament, he will naturally take care of it to the end.

The rebellion of Qiuci this time was apparently initiated by two traitors of Qiuci, but it was actually planned by a mysterious person behind the scenes.

It's a bloody, murderous, intriguing story of a bloody power grab.

That mysterious behind-the-scenes messenger not only has a clever mind, but also has extremely high martial arts.

Chu Liuxiang could see this, as could King Qiuci, so he deliberately made friends with those people in the arena, hoping to get help from the people in the rivers and lakes.

It's just a pity that the characters in the rivers and lakes that King Qiuci made friends with turned out to be a counter-attack at a critical moment.

It turned out that they had been bribed by the mysterious behind-the-scenes messenger, asking them to kill King Qiuci and Princess Pipa.

Princess Pipa's martial arts are not weak, but after all, she is not the opponent of several rivers and lakes.

At a critical moment, Chu Liuxiang rescued King Qiuci and Princess Pipa.

Then, after a series of turmoil, Zhongyuan Yidianhong came in again.

Someone spread a word to the Central Plains, saying that Chu Liuxiang invited him to the desert to kill the king of Qiuci.

But Chu Liuxiang obviously didn't say such a thing, that person deceived Zhongyuan Yidianhong.

A problem arises here. The reason why that person can successfully deceive Zhongyuan Yidianhong is because he is very familiar with the affairs between Chu Liuxiang and Zhongyuan Yidianhong.

He knew that the two did not know each other, and they had become good friends. He also knew that Zhongyuan Yidianhong had already washed his hands and changed his career and was no longer a killer.

And the only people in the world who knew about these things were Nangong Ling, Wu Hua, Su Rongrong and Black Pearl.

Nangong Ling and Wu Hua were already dead, so it was impossible for Su Rongrong to harm Chu Liuxiang.

Then, that person can only be the black pearl.

In this way, Black Pearl and Shi Guanyin are together, and they are also the mastermind behind this incident.

Chu Liuxiang thinks so, but countless book fans don't think so.

In their opinion, that person should not be a black pearl, but a flowerless.

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