Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1834 Get it

[Book Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars, Chapter 1834 to Hand Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The reborn layman, the king of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy ruins, the lord of Xue Ying, and the legend of the eternal dragon king. "A lot of people think that way.

But Liu Hui didn't seem to think so, or maybe he had no time to think so when he was so angry.

He said angrily: "Very good! Very good! So what? You will know later. Now, I will ask you, do you want to fight with me for this rough amber stone no matter what?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "If I remember correctly, I was the one who made the first bid. Should it be said that you have been arguing with me, so it would be more accurate?"

Liu Hui smiled angrily and said, "Very good, then we will fight to the end, I don't believe you can come up with more money."

Li Fandao: "It doesn't matter if I can take out more money. The important thing is that I want to remind Young Master Liu that even if you are from the Liu family, you are still just a young master. You are the Liu family's money. I don't have the right to take out more. I advise Young Master Liu to give up on this, so as not to be unable to explain it to the family."

Liu Hui was taken aback by Li Fan's words. He had already forgotten about it when he was angry just now.

Li Fan is right, according to his current status in the family, the money he can come up with is indeed limited.

10 million is almost the limit, and the maximum can be another one or two million.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen a direct dialogue just now.

Originally thought that the other party would voluntarily choose to give up after knowing his identity, but he never thought that the other party was so stubborn that he still refused to give up.

What should I do about this?

Liu Hui had no choice but to ask Yang Yuan for help, shouting, "Uncle Yuan!"

The other party still refused to give up, which also surprised Yang Yuan.

Now, the only way is to apply for more funds from the family. For the face of the family, the family should agree.

Yang Yuan told Liu Huiyi the solution, Liu Hui's eyes brightened, and he asked Yang Yuan to apply quickly.

Yang Yuan nodded and started to apply. After a while, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Liu Shao, the family agrees, this time the funds you can use are 20 million. 20 million should be enough. "

After hearing this, Liu Hui couldn't help laughing excitedly, and he took on the attitude of a winner, and said to Li Fan: "Boy, you are right, the money I can give is indeed limited, but this limited amount of money is It's enough. Since you want to fight with me to the end, come on and see how long you can last?"

Subsequently, Liu Hui reported a price of 12 million.

He no longer intends to increase the price too much at one time, he wants to increase it slowly, and then sees Li Fan becoming more and more desperate, and finally has to choose to give up.

He really wants to enjoy that feeling now.

Liu Hui continued to make quotations, basically announcing that the direct dialogue between the two sides had come to an end.

Everyone was surprised by this result, but it didn't seem too surprising.

The young man in the 16th row of the second district knew that the other party was a VIP private room before, but he still insisted on it to the end, which means that he should not care about the other party's identity.

Now the fact is the same, the identity of the young master of the Liu family in the magic capital did not make the young people in the 16th row of the second district feel afraid.

So, this result is not surprising to everyone.

Now, the two sides have determined to use the money to continue the competition.

So, who will choose to give up first? This is very exciting.

The No. 12 private room has been bid for 12 million, and now it is time to see the attitude of the young people in the 16th row of the second district.

Everyone pricked up their ears.

Li Fan said: "Oh? You have more money to continue to add? I must have just applied for more funds from the family, right? How much did you apply for? Please also ask Master Liu to add it all at once, so as to save a little time. Well, we've already taken up a lot of time, and I'm a little embarrassed about it."

After hearing this, Liu Hui was a little surprised and thought to himself, "This kid is really smart, he has guessed it all."

Then there was another sneer in my heart, "Guess what? I still don't believe that 20 million won't make you shut up."

So he said, "I'm afraid to scare you if you add it all at once. However, since you want to give up earlier, I'll do it for you. Listen, I'll add it directly to 18 million this time!"

"18 million!"

The entire hall was once again in an uproar. As expected of the Liu family in the magic capital, Nima was really rich, and for the sake of a little family face, he even spent 18 million to buy a rough amber stone of unknown quality and go back.

Does family face really matter that much? Many people do not understand, but some people do.

Now, let's see what the young people in the 16th row of the second district will do?

"Should I really give up this time?" Many people thought so.

"18 million?" Li Fan nodded and said, "Your Liu family has some courage, and it's not bad. Moreover, according to my judgment, 18 million should not be the limit price your family gave you, you still have a hand. . If I guessed correctly, the limit price your family gave you should be 20 million. So, in order to save time, I decided to bid 20.1 million!"

As soon as Li Fan's words fell, Liu Hui almost spit out a mouthful of blood, his body began to tremble slightly with anger, and he pointed at Li Fan, unable to speak for a long time.

Yang Yuan on the side was also full of disbelief. For a full 20 million, he did not let the other party choose to give up.

Who is the opponent?

The whole hall was also completely fried. The young people in the 16th row of the second district not only were not scared off by 18 million, but also increased the price by more than 100,000 for the first time.

20.1 million!

The reason why he bid 20.1 million is because he calculated the No. 12 private room, and the limit price that can be used is 20 million.

He was so confident, calm and graceful in his inferences.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that the young man in the 16th row of the second district has always been indifferent. No matter how high the price of the private room on No. 12 is, his mood seems to have never wavered.

They had ignored this before.

In this way, it can only show that the background of the young man is deeper than everyone thinks.

At least it is deeper than the background of the Liu family of Modu.

Perhaps, everyone has made a mistake before. Who said that the identity and background of the people in the hall must be inferior to those in the VIP private room?

People like the lobby, but they don't like VIP private rooms, can't they?

The people in the hall thought so, and the expressions of all the people in the VIP private rooms also became solemn.

At this time, they also realized that they may have made an unforgivable mistake before.

They have never used correct thinking to guess the identity and background of the young man.

In other words, they have always been disdainful to think about how deep the identity and background of a person in the hall can be?

This was a very serious lesson for them, and everyone's faces became solemn.

In private room 12.

Liu Hui and Yang Yuan finally noticed that their competitor, the boy in the 16th row of the second district, always looked indifferent.

Yang Yuan said slowly: "Liu Shao, we have to give up now. The identity of that young man may be far beyond your imagination. I know you are not willing, but you must give up. We will investigate his identity later. , if we can afford it, we will get back the face we lost today sooner or later. If we really can't afford it, then today's matter can only be left to chance."

Liu clenched his fists, what do you want to say? But still didn't say it.

What can I do if I don't give up? He has no way to spend more money to compete with the other side.

Finally, private room No. 12 chose to give up.

The rough amber stone was obtained by Li Fan with 20.1 million.

Although Li Fanduo spent more than 10 million because of the trouble in the private room No. 12, but for Li Fan, more than 10 million was simply ignored.

This piece of amber rough stone is not worth much to others, but to Li Fan, it is priceless.

Li Fan was very pleasantly surprised to meet him at the auction.

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