Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1884 Laughing with pleasure and hatred

In the expectation of countless people, the time is getting late, the time of the night slowly passed, and the time finally came, at 8:50 in the morning of the next day.

There are ten minutes left, and Li Fan's work for this "Sword of Proud Jianghu", "A Laugh From the Sea" will be officially uploaded.

The qd music platform has been prepared, but has not made any publicity, because there is no need for that.

Whether it is Li Fan or Guyong, their own private Weibo has already surpassed all means of propaganda.

Countless people, such as martial arts fans, martial arts writers, musicians, etc., have been standing in front of the computer, logging into the qd music platform, and creating a special column for this time.

They can't wait!

And the ten minutes finally passed slowly, and the time came to nine o'clock in the morning.

Countless people were refreshed and refreshed the page of the column. The long-awaited "A Laugh in the Sea" finally appeared in the column.

They took a deep breath, and then clicked open, and when they opened, they suddenly felt a great surprise, and then became even more excited and excited.

Because they found that what they clicked was not just a single, but a music MV video.

What Li Fan released turned out to be an MV!

The single can make people enjoy the hearing, and the MV can make people enjoy the hearing and vision at the same time.

The effect of the combination of hearing and vision is far greater than one plus one equals two.

Everyone understands this, so they are even more excited.

The MV officially started. The first set of shots appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The green water was vast and surrounded by mountains. It was an extremely beautiful and refreshing picture.

An extremely wide water surface, surrounded by green and majestic mountains, the water surface is clear, bottomless, and dyed green by the surrounding mountains.

The surrounding mountains and peaks are raised, and the walls stand thousands of miles, which makes people only sigh at the magic of nature's creation.

The camera slowly switches between this vast landscape.

Suddenly, the camera zoomed in, and a flat rock protruded from the mountain by the water, about ten meters above the water below.

On the rock, there is a man and a guqin.

The man, dressed in black, with ancient clothing, ancient hair accessories, thin cheeks, and a long black beard, looked in his forties, maybe fifty.

There is a guqin in front of him, but now he is not playing the qin, but standing up straight, looking into the distance, there is a hint of worry in his eyes, but more is a kind of unrestrained, ignoring the world The freedom and pride of the rules.

A person, a guqin, placed in this vast world, makes people feel lonely, but also makes people feel proud!

At this moment, everyone only felt that there was an infinite yearning in their hearts, but at the same time, they were a little afraid that they would be lonely.

There is only one person between heaven and earth, so it must be lonely, right?

There is only one person between heaven and earth, and it is indeed lonely, but if he still has a confidant, he will be in this world with him.

Then, he will no longer be lonely.

His confidant is also not lonely. No matter how big the world is, as long as there is one person who can communicate with each other, it is enough.

Everyone found that that person is not lonely.

Because, as the camera switched, they found that not far from the rock on which the man was standing, there was a similarly protruding rock.

On that rock, there was also a person holding a Xiao.

The man before was dressed in black, but this man was dressed in white, and his long beard was also white, and they were about the same age, with the same thin cheeks, the same ancient hair accessories, and even the eyes that looked into the distance. identical.

The two of them stand together between the heaven and the earth, and they really no longer seem lonely, and there is only a kind of pride standing between the heaven and the earth.

Everyone knows the identities of these two people, the people in black before,

It is Qu Yang, the elder of the Demon Sect, because Qu Yang is the best at playing the qin.

And the person in white behind is naturally a decent person Liu Zhengfeng, Liu Zhengfeng is the best at playing the flute.

Does everyone know what the two of them are going to do? They are going to sing "Swordsman" here.

This will be the last sound they leave the world.

After one song, they will have no regrets.

Their ensemble is about to start.

Because the prelude music has quietly sounded, the sound is melodious, melodious and melodious, with ancient style and ancient rhyme.

Looking at the picture in the camera and listening to the melodious and melodious prelude music, everyone felt a sense of relief that they had never felt before.

This is the ultimate enjoyment.

Dizi, guqin, sanxian, and drums are still just a few simple musical instruments, but they play an intoxicating melody.

After a while, I saw Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng in the camera, suddenly burst into a hearty, free and bold laughter.

That kind of loud laughter, happy and grieving and laughing, laughing at all kinds of unreasonable shackles in this world.

That kind of loud laughter instantly brought everyone into the world of the world of joy and hatred.

Let them also suddenly want to laugh out loud, to laugh freely and uninhibitedly, to laugh like a proud river and lake.

In the camera, Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng started to play the piano and blow the flute after laughing, how cool!

I saw Qu Yang sitting cross-legged on the rock, his eyes narrowed slightly, his hands quickly plucking back and forth on the strings of the piano, his movements were very unrestrained.

And Liu Zhengfeng pressed the jade flute with his hand, his luck was slightly spit, and he stood up against the wind, which was equally dashing.

The melody of the prelude music, accompanied by the two playing the piano and flute, becomes more distant, atmospheric, heroic and free and easy, which makes people feel more broad in their hearts.

The melody is getting farther and farther, and everyone only feels that their hearts are slowly moving towards a peak with the melody.

It's getting closer, getting closer, and they can feel that the highest point is coming soon.

And just when they felt that they had reached the highest point, Liu Zhengfeng in the camera sang:

"The sea laughs,

The surging tides on both sides,

Ups and downs with the waves remember the present.


There is a little vicissitudes in the voice, and then it is more heroic and carefree. Between the mountains and rivers, the sound of the piano is gurgling, the sound of Xiao is leisurely, and there is a laugh in the sea. How many mundane worlds are left behind, and they are happy and romantic.

All the people were already completely intoxicated.

After Liu Zhengfeng, Qu Yang sang again:

"Heaven laughs,

The tides of the world,

Whoever loses who wins God knows.


The same voice with a little vicissitudes, the same heroic and carefree, exhausted all the feelings in my heart.

Liu Zhengfeng sings again:

"Jiangshan laughs, misty rain is far away,

The waves are washed away, how much the world knows.


Then Qu Yang again:

"Qingfeng laughs, as if lonely,

Pride still has an evening photo left.


Finally, the two sing:

"Cangsheng laughs, no longer lonely.

Pride is still giggling.


After the two chorused this sentence, there was a burst of laughter of joy and hatred, indescribably dashing and heroic!


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