Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1982 Traveling through the novel boom


After uploading their own works, several historians all found their own works on the homepage of the website at the first time, and then clicked on them.

Their works do not need to be reviewed, and are displayed directly on the relevant pages of the website after uploading.

Several historians looked at their works. They were all big-shot figures, but for some reason, they were quite agitated, very restless, and even a little nervous, just like a real networker. Fiction writer, just uploaded his latest work like that.

They don't know how readers will evaluate their work? Not sure if your readers will like it? I don't know how many readers will vote for them?

Therefore, their mood is not calm, and they are even a little nervous. After a while, they will refresh the page to see if there is any change in the data of their works.

At this time, they fully realized the various moods of online novel writers after uploading their new works.

Overall, it's a good feeling and can give people a passion.

From the moment they uploaded their works, they have been communicating with each other, both academically and complacently when they are leading the data.

Shen Cong said with great joy: "I said everyone, everyone, how many recommended votes do you have? I have already exceeded 50,000."

Shen Cong is quite proud. He has just looked at the recommended vote data of several other works. He is the highest, followed by Cen Geng, which is close to 5 votes.

For the other films, there were more than 30,000 votes and about 40,000 votes.

Of course, Shen Cong understood that this did not mean that he and Cen Geng wrote better than other historians, but that the dynasties they wrote had a certain advantage.

Tang and Song dynasties.

If you want to ask a person, which dynasty in history does he like the most?

Then, the probability of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty being answered is definitely higher than that of other dynasties.

When readers choose, they generally start with their favorite dynasty.

Therefore, they have such an advantage at the beginning, and they get more referral votes, which is very normal.

However, although it is because of its advantages, it feels good to have a large number of recommended votes.

Therefore, Shen Cong was a little "squeaky".

The rest of the historians naturally wouldn't let Shen Cong be so embarrassed, and responded one after another:

"Old Shen, don't be complacent. My recommendation votes are about 2,000 less than yours, and I can overtake you at any time."

"Old Shen, you are writing about the Tang Dynasty. You do have some advantages at the beginning, but you don't have enough stamina. It will be a matter of time before we overtake us."

"That's right, Lao Shen, just wait for us to overtake you."

"Have you all read your own book reviews? The readers are so cute, I can't help but interact with them."

"Don't say it, the feeling of serializing works on the Internet is really good. It feels much better than the traditional paper carrier. Guyong has launched such a platform, people have to admire it."

"Indeed, I didn't personally feel it before, and I don't know how the platform he launched. Now I feel it personally, and I feel that this is really a great innovation. I have to say that online novels are really the trend of the times. Yongzhen is not a simple character!"

"I'm really getting more and more curious about Gu Yong. If I have the chance, I really hope to meet him."



Several historians were excited, and countless online novel authors and ordinary book fans were even more excited.

On the homepage of Qidian, there are all kinds of works, such as "Things in the Tang Dynasty", "Those in the Song Dynasty", "Those in the Three Kingdoms", etc., which are quite dazzling.

They finally waited, historical works about various dynasties.

After hesitating in their hearts which dynasty should be looked at first, fans of the book clicked on it one after another, the dynasty they chose at the beginning.

Among them, the number of people who click on "Things in the Tang Dynasty" and "Those in the Song Dynasty" is indeed more.

After clicking on it, it really is the writing style of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty". Although it is not exactly the same as "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", the fans are still very happy.

The recommendation votes in hand are constantly being cast, and the data of several works are constantly changing.


For the next period of time, historians will update their works every day, with more or less words.

Even if the number of updated words is small, no one has ever broken updates.

It seems that several historians already know that during the serialization of online novels, it is best not to be interrupted.

Although they can completely cut off updates, and book fans can understand, but they compare the number of recommended votes with each other every day, and naturally no one wants to cut off their popularity.

In addition, there is another reason that the more several historians serialize on the Internet, the more passionate they feel, and the more handy they are in their creation. The text they create every day is enough for serialization, and there is no need to break it.

The works of several historians are serialized every day, as is Gu Yong's "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince".

Yang Ling has become a prosperous person, often taking advantage of modern people to solve one problem after another, which makes all book fans very happy and excited.

They like this kind of work even more.

So, here comes the problem. Now, there is only one "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" that is not enough to watch.

They also want to see more similar works, even if the quality is far inferior to "Return to the Ming Dynasty and Be a Prince", it doesn't matter, as long as they can watch it.

How can more similar works appear? Naturally, there are other authors of online novels, although they publish their own works.

They started some time ago, and they are preparing for it. It should be almost ready to launch now, right?

This is indeed the case. Halfway through the serialization of "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", some other authors of online novels finally officially uploaded their own works.

After the first work was uploaded, it was out of control, and works with various titles appeared one after another.

The upsurge of crossing historical novels has officially kicked off.

The most excited are the book fans. They finally waited for the emergence of similar novels, and there are so many of them. Even if the quality is seriously uneven, they can always find some works that can be read, right?

This is indeed the case. Among the works that appear in large numbers, there are indeed many works that can be watched, and even a few works are of good quality.

Although there is still a big gap compared to "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", it is enough to make people happy.


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