Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1994 look excited


in the private room.

Li Fan met with Cen Geng and Shen Cong, and naturally there was another chat between the three of them.

After the greetings, Shen Cong introduced Liang Shang, Ren Chun and other famous historians to Li Fan. These famous historians are all the famous historians who are serializing their works on Qidian

Li Fan met with the famous historical experts one by one.

The famous historical masters did not dare to neglect, and returned their gifts cautiously. Although Li Fan was very young and a junior, the series of works released by Li Fan, especially those myths and legends, as well as works such as "Fengshen Romance", Let the famous historians know that Li Fan's research on history is not necessarily below them, and his research on myths and legends is far above them.

After seeing the ceremony, Liang Shang said impatiently: "Mr. Li Fan, I know the purpose of your visit this time, I must have finished writing the script you specially created for this TV series about the Three Kingdoms, I wonder if you can let me take a look. ?"

The reason why Liang Shang can't wait is because his serialized work this time is "Things in the Three Kingdoms".

He is already very familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms. This time, in order to create "Things of the Three Kingdoms", he has conducted a more in-depth study of the history of the Three Kingdoms.

He knew that Li Fan's script for the Three Kingdoms TV series would add some fictional elements.

Therefore, he was very curious about what fictional elements Li Fan would add?

In addition, he also wanted to compare Li Fan's script with his own work "Things in the Three Kingdoms".

There is no special purpose for this comparison, he just simply wants to compare.

Because it was a script written by Li Fan.

Cen Geng, Shen Cong, Ren Chun and other historians also looked at Li Fan after hearing Liang Shang's words. They actually wanted to see the script written by Li Fan.

Although the dynasty they are in charge of this time is not the Three Kingdoms, they are historians and are also very familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms.

More importantly, they also want to know how Li Fan will write the script to make this Three Kingdoms TV series attractive?

At the beginning of this matter, Shen Cong called Li Fan. After Shen Cong made the call, he had been looking forward to Li Fan's script, and now he always waited.

Listening to Liang Shang's words, Li Fan will naturally not refuse. Wang Xuetao, Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others took the part of the script that was printed out this afternoon, just for Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Liang Shang, etc. people take a look.

Li Fan looked at Wang Xuetao, Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others, Wang Xuetao, Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others naturally understood.

Wang Xuetao laughed and said, "I have a script here, which is the opening part. I'll show it to you."

The closest person to Wang Xuetao was Shen Cong. Wang Xuetao handed the script to Shen Cong and said, "Minister Shen, you have to return it to me after you read it."

Shen Cong replied with some humor: "Okay, I'll give it back to you after I read it."

At the same time, Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others also handed the script in their hands to several other historians present. .

Several historians also found it a little funny, how could they feel that those people regarded this script as a treasure, for fear that they would not pay it back after reading it.

Liang Shang held the script in his hand, opened it impatiently, then nodded, and seemed to say to himself: ""Romance of the Three Kingdoms", yes, the name is much better than "Those Things in the Three Kingdoms"."

After that, start looking at the content behind.

Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Ren Chun and others also began to read the following content.

Wang Xuetao, Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others looked at each other with smiles in their eyes. They were looking forward to how Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Liang Shang and others would react after watching "Taoyuan Three Bonds"?

There was no voice in the private room for the time being, but occasionally I remembered a knock on the door when the waiter came in and served food.

After about ten minutes, Liang Shang was the first to react. He suddenly slapped the table top, almost knocking over a dish that was close to him, but Liang Shang didn't notice it, but said excitedly, "Okay. Good! What a "Taoyuan Sanjieyi", Mr. Li Fan adapted it very well. In history, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei have an excellent relationship, and they are like brothers, but it is just a non-painful record. It seems very bland. After Mr. Li Fan's adaptation, the story of the three people who are like brothers immediately became extremely vivid, vivid, vivid, and very story-like. Moreover, the reason why the three of them became feudal was because of the national disaster at the time, The three of them all want to join the army to break the thieves, protect the country and the people, and make great things together. In this way, the intention of the three to form a righteousness becomes higher, which is to support each other in the national disaster. Good! Good! It's really good It's so much better than a fluffy record in history!"

Liang Shangyue said that the more excited his expression was, he was really pleasantly surprised, and he could absolutely guarantee that the story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" would be widely circulated, and those who were not interested in history would definitely know it after reading it. I like it very much, which will play a very big role in cultivating people's interest in history.

Although his own work "Those Things in the Three Kingdoms" is not bad, it is only aimed at readers who like to read books.

There are far more people who don't like to read books, and they simply don't read about things like the Three Kingdoms.

Now, as soon as the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" comes out, the effect is quite different.

It can be said that almost everyone will watch TV series and like to watch it. As long as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is attractive, almost everyone will watch it.

So, will "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" be attractive?

The answer is obvious and will be very attractive.

Just the beginning, there is a vivid story like "Taoyuan Sanjieyi", will there be less vivid stories later?

Liang Shang looked forward to it very much, and continued to turn the script back. He had already forgotten about the meal that was going to be eaten soon.

However, when he turned to the back and there was nothing left, Liang Shang realized that the food and wine had already been placed on the table.

However, even though the table was full of good wine and good food, Liang Shang didn't have much thought to eat at this time, but said eagerly to Li Fan, "Mr. Li Fan, what about the script at the back? Why doesn't it exist?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "I only printed so much. If Mr. Liang wants to read it, I will send the script to your mailbox after I come down."

"Good! Good! Good," Liang Shang nodded hurriedly, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, for all the script!"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, all the scripts."


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