Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2012 The truth

Then, a question arose, and that is why did Li Fan recommend the girl named Qiu Jing to Huaxia Records?

Although Li Fan does whatever he wants, he doesn't need any special reason, but at least he needs a reason, right? It is impossible to recommend it for no reason!

Could it be that the girl named Qiu Jing knew Li Fan?

This shouldn't be possible. If Qiu Jing knew Li Fan, it would not have been that series of reactions before.

Also, how did Li Fan know what happened here? From the previous situation, it is obvious that Li Fancai recommended it to Huaxia Records after Qiu Jing finished singing.

Because, Huaxia Records only said that they would pay appropriate attention before, and then suddenly said that they could directly sign the contract.

This shows that the time when Li Fan recommended Qiujing to Huaxia Records was after Qiujing finished singing and Huaxia Records said that they would pay due attention.

Why is the time so precise? Is Li Fan at the scene?

Thinking of this, all the students at the scene suddenly seemed very excited, shaking their heads suddenly, looking back and forth.

Just thinking about it right away, it shouldn't be possible, right? Why did Li Fan suddenly appear here?

Although it's not surprising that Li Fan appeared anywhere, the students still felt that it was too incredible to say that he was here before.

So what is the truth of the matter? All the students can't wait to find out.

And there were people at the scene who knew the truth, Lin Luoxue, Rao Dan, and the students around them.

Those students have been standing around all the time. They witnessed the whole incident with their own eyes, and also heard Qiu Jing say that Li Fan had asked her about the way before.

It can be said that the cause of all this is that Li Fan once asked the student named Qiu Jing for directions in this school.

It's that simple.

But to the surrounding students, this is not surprising, Li Fan does whatever he wants, and this pretext is enough.

They are now just completely shocked and excited, and then it is unprecedented satisfaction, there is a sense of superiority.

The reason why they were shocked and excited was because they could not have imagined in their dreams that the person they called "boy" turned out to be the legendary exiled immortal, Li Fan.

They were so close to Li Fan just now that they heard what Li Fan said.

At this time, they finally fully felt it for themselves, why the legend always said that Li Fan was hidden in the city.

That is really hidden in the city. The only person in this world who has reached such a state is Li Fan.

How can they not be shocked? How not to get excited?

The reason for the unprecedented satisfaction and a sense of superiority is that all the students in the entire auditorium do not know the truth of the matter, let alone that Li Fan was here just now, and of course they did not see Li Fan with their own eyes. , I heard what Li Fan said.

Even the recruiters of Huaxia Records did not know the truth of the matter at this time, nor did they know that Li Fan was here just now.

How can the students around you not be satisfied? How can you not feel superior?


It's time for them to pretend.

So, they spread out excitedly, and they had to pretend to tell the truth of the matter to the other students who were ignorant.

"Wow haha! Do you want to know the truth of the matter? Come on, come and listen to me, this matter has to start not long ago. How long ago? It's not clear yet, but it must have been not long ago. At that time, that classmate named Qiu Jing was walking alone on campus..."


"Then, when Mr. Li Fan arrived here, he happened to meet Qiu Jing again. He learned that Qiu Jing was also a student of the music department, and wanted to go on stage to show himself, but he didn't dare to go on stage. So..."


Sounds like this sounded simultaneously in many parts of the auditorium.

After these voices finished speaking, the other students in the auditorium finally understood the truth of the matter.

I see! I see!

Then, there are various emotions.

"Oh my god! Qiu Jing's luck is too good to have such an opportunity. This is really enviable!"

"I'm rubbing it! So Mr. Li Fan was really there before? God, then Mr. Li Fan may have passed by me before!"

"It's not just you, Mr. Li Fan must have passed by many people, but unfortunately Mr. Li Fan has reached the highest level of returning to the original, no difference from ordinary people, even standing by our side, we can't feel anything. Weird."

"I...I...I...suddenly...suddenly thought of a question, do you think it is possible that Mr. Li Fan is still here?"

"Should have left. Those of us who were fortunate enough to witness the truth before have just searched the auditorium several times, and we didn't see Mr. Li Fan, so they should have left."

"Oh! It's such a pity. By the way, what is Mr. Li Fan doing in our academy? Do you know?"

"I don't know this, but maybe you can ask Qiujing. Didn't Mr. Li Fan ask her for the way? If you know what way Mr. Li Fan asked? Then the purpose of Mr. Li Fan's coming to our college may be able to Guess one or two."

"Good idea, let's ask Qiu Jing."


At this time, Qiu Jing had completed her contract with Huaxia Records and was surrounded by students in the auditorium.

"Qiujing, Qiujing, how did Mr. Li Fan ask you for directions? Tell us, please."

"Student Qiu Jing, apart from asking you for directions, did Mr. Li Fan tell you anything?"

"Qiu Jing, Mr. Li Fan is asking you for directions. Where is it? Tell me quickly."


The classmates were chatting, Qiu Jing was a little uncomfortable, she had not fully recovered at this time, and she still couldn't believe that she could have such a chance.

She was still dizzy.

The classmates' questions made her even more dizzy.

But the students were so excited and enthusiastic that they could not answer a single question, so she chose a few questions that were asked the most and answered them all at once.

She said: "Mr. Li Fan didn't say anything other than asking me for directions. After I told him the answer, he thanked him and left. He asked about the exact location of Professor Yang Hongji's apartment. "

After answering these questions, it took a while for Qiu Jing to escape.

Lin Luoxue and Rao Dan giggled and said, "Qiu Jing, how did you feel when you were surrounded by so many people? Did you feel like a big star?"

Qiu Jing shook her head and said, "I'm still stunned, how can I feel anything else?"

Afterwards, Qiu Jing seemed to remember something. She glared and said, "I'm about to settle accounts with you. You already know Mr. Li Fan's identity, why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Luoxue said, "Tell you? If you knew Mr. Li Fan's identity, would you still dare to sing on stage?"

Qiu Jing thought about it, too, if she knew Li Fan's identity at the time, her legs would have been frightened, and how would she dare to go on stage to sing?

"Okay, I forgive you." Qiu Jing had no choice but to say.



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