Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2041 Miracle of Vegetables

After the official launch of "Plants vs. Zombies", the data has soared, and the total number of registrations has exceeded 10 million.

At the same time, the number of online users has exceeded 5 million.

Many people who have never played computer games before, nor do they like to play computer games, played Plants vs. Zombies this time and had a great time.

Why do they like to play so much?

They couldn't tell the specific reason, but they knew that after playing one level, they couldn't help but want to play the next level, and they couldn't stop.

They can't tell where is this game fun? But just can't stop.

This is a somewhat contradictory and very strange phenomenon.

Countless people have noticed this phenomenon.

So why does this happen?

Countless people were amazed and wanted to figure out why.

Gamers want to figure it out, people who didn't play games before, and now Plants vs Zombies want to figure it out, and the media want to figure it out.

Everyone is analyzing and guessing, but no one can figure it out.

Until a heavy news came out, all the talents suddenly realized.

What's the big news?

The designer of the game "Plants vs. Zombies" is Li Fan!

This is a blockbuster news, and everyone is shocked but not surprised.

Why is it extremely shocking, because this is a news without warning, there is no preheating before.

Moreover, Li Fan has never been involved in the game industry before, and now it is suddenly reported that he is the designer of "Plants vs. Zombies", everyone is naturally shocked.

Then why not be surprised? That's because Li Fantian is a prodigy and is hidden in the city. Although he has never been involved in the game industry before, in everyone's opinion, now Li Fan is interested, and designing a game to play is a very normal thing. .

It is precisely because of this heavy news that everyone suddenly found out why there is such a confusing phenomenon in "Plants vs. Zombies"?


Because this is a game designed by Li Fan.

This is not the reason, but it is the reason, because this is a game designed by Li Fan, and it is very normal for any shocking situation to occur.

All the people suddenly realized!

"Damn it! It turned out to be a game designed by Mr. Li Fan. Why did Mr. Li Fan suddenly become interested in the game again? However, since it is a game designed by Mr. Li Fan. Then, it is quite normal for such a situation to occur."

"Indeed, although I still don't understand the reason, at least I know that this is a very normal phenomenon."

"Blue River Games has had great luck this time. It was only a little-known game company before, but now it is famous all over the country. This is the blessing of Mr. Li Fan!"

"I heard that it was Mr. Li Fan who came to visit by Blue River Games. Since they thought of visiting Mr. Li Fan, it is only natural that they have such an opportunity now."

"It turned out to be a game designed by Mr. Li Fan,

No wonder you can't stop playing. "


Countless people are talking about it, and the popularity of "Plants vs. Zombies" is much higher than before.


Schindler is one of the national Internet giants.

Its main product, qd chat tool, is the most well-known and most user-friendly online chat tool in the country.

The number of its users has reached as many as 1.6 billion, which is a very terrifying number, almost monopolizing the market of the national online chat tool.

Its products, qd music platform and qd live broadcast platform, are also the most influential music platform and live broadcast platform in the country.

All in all, this is a giant company.

Now, the company has set its sights on gaming, and they are ready to enter the gaming industry.

With the development of the times, the market of online games has become more and more prosperous, and there are more and more players in online games, and this piece of cake is getting bigger and bigger. .

Especially after the series of jaw-dropping phenomena presented by "Plants vs. Zombies".

The strong attack of "Plants vs. Zombies" made Schindler realize a problem, that is, the number of gamers is actually far more than the tens of millions.

Those who have never played games before, or people who don't usually like to play games, are also potential players of games, and they may also play games.

Even all of them are potential gamers,

The key is to see the game itself, can it attract them?

If attractive enough, they can instantly become gamers, just like Plants vs. Zombies this time around.

As a result, the number of gamers is quite terrifying.

It is precisely because of this realization that Schindler decided to speed up its entry into the game field.

Time is extremely precious, and the sooner you get in, the greater the benefits will be.

Moreover, Schindler has also set its sights on those who don't usually play games, and want to launch a game that, like "Plants vs. Zombies", can attract those who don't usually play games to play.

However, although such an idea is good, it is easier said than done to launch such a game?

If everyone can analyze why "Plants vs. Zombies" can attract those who don't usually play games to play, and why they still like it so much, and then can learn from and imitate, then it is possible that Schindler also wants to launch such a game. sex, and maybe some more.

But everyone can't analyze the reasons, can't learn from it, and can't imitate it.

Then, I believe that launching such a game will become extremely difficult, almost impossible.

Unless Li Fan can take another shot and design a game, that's possible.

Schindler Enterprise can naturally think of this, so Ma Shu, the top person in charge of Schindler Enterprise, came to Sansheng Village, ready to visit Li Fan in person and invite Li Fan to take another shot and design a game.

Ma Shu is not sure, is Li Fan still interested in making another move? But since it has been shot once, there should be some hope.

In the reception room, Li Fan received Ma Shu.

After the two exchanged greetings, Ma Shu proposed to go to the farm for a while. He has been very famous for the farm for a long time, but today is the first time he has come to the farm.

Li Fan naturally agreed to this, and walked out of the reception room with Ma Shu and walked into the farm.

In the vegetable garden, all kinds of vegetables are growing very well, with green leaves, yellow flowers, and red fruits. They look very vigorous and attractive.

Just seeing these vegetables can produce a strong appetite, and the phrase "beautiful and delicious" is not enough to describe it.

If you bring an anorexic patient here and show him these mouth-watering vegetables, there is a good chance that his anorexia will be cured.

In fact, such things really happen every day, and many patients with anorexia have recovered here.

The vegetables of Xianyuan Farm can make patients with anorexia heal without treatment. They have been famous all over the world. Every day, patients with anorexia from different countries in the world come here.

Medical scientists call the vegetables of Xianyuan Farm to cure anorexia and call it the "miracle of vegetables"!


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