Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2093 The opportunity to make people envious

The answer is ready to come out. The song they heard just now is from the legendary character, the first person in music, Li Fan.

No one wants to believe this is true, and no one dares to believe it is true.

Two ordinary boys in Tonghu Village, Menggen City, who could no longer be ordinary, had the chance to get Li Fan's songs.

This is unbelievable.

However, no one doubted that this was true, and everyone believed that only Li Fan could compose such a song.

Furthermore, Li Fan pays attention to doing things as he pleases, and writes songs for the two young men at will, which is indeed possible.

No one dares to believe, but no one doubts, the two seem contradictory, but they are not contradictory.

Because he is Li Fan, there is no need to doubt anything about Li Fan, just lament that the beneficiary's chance is against the sky.

Now, the chance of Shi Kai and Luo Zhan is undoubtedly the same as the existence of the sky.

Envy and envy.

Then, someone thought that it was a very normal thing for Li Fan to write such a song for the two boys, but Li Fan would never write such a song for the two boys for no reason.

What kind of story should there be?

Moreover, Li Fan may have been to Menggen City and the Tengger Desert in the past few days.

In "Desert Camel", there is such a lyric, "Only the heron eagle sings quietly."

In the boundless land of China, only the Tengger Desert has heron eagles, that is, snake eagles.

Of course, Li Fan, as a fairy-like legend, even if he doesn't come to the Tengger Desert, he must know that there are egrets in the Tengger Desert.

However, it can be judged from other aspects that the possibility of Li Fan visiting the Tengger Desert in the past few days is indeed very high.

Thinking of this, everyone at the scene became excited again, and they had a premonition that another legendary story about Li Fan was born.

Moreover, it was born beside them, born in Menggen City, born in Tonghu Village, and born in Tengger Desert.

This event itself, like the song "Desert Camel", made them feel extremely excited and excited.

So, the onlookers said in succession:

"Young man, we already know that this song is from Mr. Li Fan. Only Mr. Li Fan's works can be so attractive. However, we don't know why Mr. Li Fan wants to write such a song for you. What kind of story is there?"

"Young man, Mr. Li Fan has been to Menggen City these days, hasn't he? How did you get such an opportunity? You have met Mr. Li Fan, haven't you?"

"Young man, tell us the story about this song. We are very curious to know. We will all have the honor to witness the birth of another legendary story about Mr. Li Fan."

"Yeah, boy, tell us a story about this song."


The onlookers were very excited, not only because of the song "Desert Camel", but also because they were about to witness the birth of a new legend about Li Fan.

They excitedly asked Shi Kai and Luo Zhan their own questions. The most frequently asked question was asking them to tell the story about the song "Desert Camel".

They are looking forward to it!

Among the crowd, the most excited people were naturally the project leaders. Until now, they still couldn't believe that the song called "Desert Camel" was actually Li Fan's work.

But they, like everyone else, were deeply convinced that the song was Li Fan's work.

Only Li Fan can write such works.

What they couldn't believe was that the Tengger Desert could have such an opportunity.

Yes, this opportunity belongs to Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, but it also belongs to the Tengger Desert.

When the song came out, it troubled several project leaders.

The two-year-old problem will be solved in an instant.

Everything is no longer a problem.

The person in charge who said at the beginning that he could solve the problem with just one song, at this time, could not care that there were so many people laughing out loud, and said excitedly and a little proudly: "How is it? How is it? ? The problem really only needs a song to solve it, right?"

The other persons in charge said with emotion: "When you put forward this statement before, we said that if we want to solve the problem through various methods, there is only one possibility, and that is that the song belongs to Mr. Li Fan. Works. Originally, this condition was almost impossible to achieve. But now, it has actually been realized. Although the song was written by Mr. Li Fan to Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, it is the same for us. Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, and thank Goddess of Luck for your care."

Several project leaders hadn't finished sighing. At this time, Shi Kai in the crowd began to speak.

Before starting to sing, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan had gradually calmed down from their excitement and excitement, and they were also quite calm during the whole process of singing.

But now, the emotions of the people around them are so excited and excited that they are infected and also become excited and excited again.

For the story that everyone can't wait to know about "Desert Camel", the two are naturally willing to share with you.

They would have liked more people to know the whole story, not to make themselves famous, but to always be grateful and willing to share their gratitude with more people.

Shi Kai said: "As everyone said, Mr. Li Fan is indeed in Menggen City these days, and he also went to the Tengger Desert. I saw Mr. Li Fan yesterday and the day before yesterday. As for whether he is still in Menggen City? I don't know, maybe I'm still here, maybe I've already left. The story about the song "Desert Camel" starts from the day before yesterday, when I first met Mr. Li Fan. Of course, at that time I still I don't know the identity of Mr. Li Fan. It was the afternoon of the day before yesterday, around 2 o'clock..."

Shi Kai met him and Li Fan for the first time the day before yesterday afternoon. Li Fan rented their camel, and later went to Tonghu Village. They met again yesterday, and everything including the gift of songs, etc., was explained in detail. Once again, including what Li Fan said and so on.

Everyone at the scene listened quietly, feeling and envious, especially when they heard the plot of Li Fan's gift, they were even more emotional and envious.

Although they can't sing or are not singers, this kind of thing itself, such a chance, is the most enviable.


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