Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2103 Pressure and excitement

? Jiang Rui once again despised in his heart, and in this group, in addition to Jiang Rui and Lu Yue, there are several others, and they are all on the same front as Jiang Rui and Lu Yue.

They are equally gloating.

"Anyway, 'Late Night Ghost Story' has no chance to turn around this time. Let's laugh at them struggling for the last week."

"They should have taken the initiative to vacate their seats long ago, and their shows have long been outdated."

"That is, who still listens to ghost stories now? It feels almost the same after listening to them. Ghost stories are no longer new and have been eliminated. It is estimated that the people in their program group don't think so. What a waste of resources."

"What I'm saying is, ghost stories or supernatural stories, they are all written and written. I'm tired of people who don't read such stories, let alone the listeners. Listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories" Such a low rate is quite normal.”

"There's still a week left, and they're supposed to have a new story and a last-ditch effort. Let's just appreciate their last-ditch struggle."

"It doesn't matter what kind of new stories you have, just watch the show for the last week. After the show is over, they won't waste resources."


Some people are ready to watch the show, and the members of the "Late Night Ghost Story" program team are still nervously and anxiously waiting for news from Zheng Jie.

Finally, while everyone was waiting anxiously, Feng Ge's phone rang.

"Is it Mr. Zheng's phone number?" All the members of the program team asked nervously.

Feng Ge looked at the phone screen, nodded, and took a deep breath before picking up the phone.

In fact, he was more nervous than the others.

"Lao Zheng... Really?... This is really great! It's great! Our show is saved... Thank you Mr. Li Fan! Thank you Mr. Gu Yong!" Feng Ge's voice became more and more excited, the more getting more excited.

The other people in the program group who were staring at Feng Ge and pricked up their ears to listen to Feng Ge's words were also getting more and more excited and excited.

Because, from Feng Ge's words, they could infer that Li Fan should have agreed to help them create a story.

In this way, their show can really come back to life.

When Feng Ge put down the phone, everyone asked impatiently, "Director, did Mr. Li Fan agree?"

Although the answer has been guessed, it is only a guess after all. Everyone will be completely relieved to hear the answer from Feng Ge himself.

Feng Ge let out a long breath and calmed himself down a bit before saying, "Mr. Li Fan will not create works for our show..."

"Ah..." Everyone was shocked, did they guess wrong?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Feng Ge knew what everyone was thinking, he waved his hand quickly, stopped everyone who wanted to speak, and continued: "However, Mr. Li Fan asked Mr. Gu Yong to create a story for our program. Mr. Yong agreed, and said that tomorrow enough content for us to broadcast for a week will be sent to our mailbox."

After listening to Feng Ge's words, the people who had just turned pale in shock, all patted their chests. Feng Ge's first half words just scared them to death.

After patting his chest, he couldn't help cheering. Although Li Fan wouldn't create stories for them, it would be the same if Gu Yong created stories for them.

Gu Yong can save them as well.

When everyone cheered enough, Feng Ge said: "Xiao Ai, you are the best broadcaster here, and you will broadcast this work of Mr. Gu Yong. Xiao Ai, this is the moment of life and death, and this important task will be handed over to you. already."

The "Xiao Ai" in Feng Ge's mouth is not too young. He is forty years old this year. His name is Ai Baoliang. He is the most senior and the best broadcaster in "Late Night Ghost Story". His voice is especially suitable for telling ghost stories.

Ai Baoliang was not surprised that Feng Ge said that he would give him the heavy responsibility, but he felt a lot of pressure.

As Feng Ge said, this is the moment of life and death, and there is no room for mistakes.

For the program "Late Night Ghost Story", the quality of the storytelling work itself is of course the most basic and most important. But the ability of the presenter to tell the story well is equally crucial.

A story that was originally very good, if the level of the broadcasters is not good, and the feelings and atmosphere are not in place during the broadcast, and there are still some stumbles, then the final effect will not be good, and not many people are willing to listen.

On the contrary, if you are a very good announcer, you will be very precise about your feelings and atmosphere, and you will never stumble.

Then, an otherwise ordinary story is likely to become very attractive.

Ai Baoliang is such an excellent speaker.

However, this does not mean that Ai Baoliang will not feel pressure.

The higher the quality of the original work, the more pressure Ai Baoliang feels.

Now, Ai Baoliang's upcoming works are from Gu Yong, and the show is at a critical moment of life and death. Ai Baoliang feels unprecedented pressure.

Although everyone has not seen Gu Yong's work yet, everyone believes that Gu Yong's work is absolutely no trivial matter, and it will definitely bring "Late Night Ghost Story" back to life.

Under such a premise, if the announcer did not broadcast well, the "Late Night Ghost Story" could not be brought back to life.

Then, the announcer obviously needs to bear the inescapable responsibility.

Therefore, even Ai Baoliang felt unprecedented pressure.

However, despite the pressure, Ai Baoliang would not refuse.

First of all, Ai Baoliang knows that this is his responsibility. He is the best broadcaster, and he should shoulder this important responsibility.

Second, Ai Baoliang felt unprecedented excitement while feeling unprecedented pressure.

Because, the works he is about to broadcast are from Gu Yong.

That is Gu Yong's work. Although Ai Baoliang has not seen it yet, he absolutely believes that it will be a very influential work.

Broadcasting such a work is a lot of pressure, but the excitement is even greater.

Therefore, Ai Baoliang is very excited and looking forward to it now.

He looked at Feng Ge and said, "Don't worry, Director, I will not disappoint everyone's expectations."

Feng Ge laughed and said, "Okay! Okay! Xiao Ai, I can rest assured that this important task is left to you."

The rest of the show team also expressed their opinions.

"Ai Ge must be fine."

"Mr. Gu Yong's works are indeed only qualified to broadcast by Ai Ge."

"To be honest, it is really enviable that Ai Ge can broadcast Mr. Guyong's works."

"I also want to broadcast, but I don't dare. It's Mr. Guyong's work."

"I don't dare either. Just thinking about it makes me nervous."



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