Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2128 the facts are in front of you

. . it was late at night, but many of the listeners were still awake.

They recalled the content they heard today, which was weird, thrilling, and exciting. Many times, it made people dare not express their emotions, and their hearts were always hanging. In some places, they were regrettable and sentimental.

On the Internet, it is very lively.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! It's really wonderful! It's almost like being in the scene! Many times it makes people extremely nervous, and they don't dare to let out the atmosphere."

"It's true, I feel like I'm on an adventure with Hu Bayi. Especially the episode on Kunlun, it's too thrilling."

"That weird fire ladybug is really weird and terrifying. It's really sad that Hu Bayi has killed so many comrades in arms."

"And the mysterious nine-story demon pagoda is even more weird. When I heard this, I felt that the nine-story demon pagoda was right in front of my eyes. It was really too cautious. feel terrified.”

"Tomb robbery, tomb robbery, it turns out that we all thought wrong before. All we thought about was to rob the tombs on the ground with obvious structures such as sealed mounds or tombstones. Only at the scene did we know that it was the lowest end, and people wanted to rob it. They are all those ancient tombs buried deep in the ground, just looking for the tomb is not something that ordinary tomb robbers can do.”

"According to the relevant feng shui to find the tomb, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. This is also a university question!"

"I used to think that tomb robbery was to dig up the tomb and take everything that could be taken from it. Now I know that this is just the practice of ordinary tomb robbers. People's real tomb robbery is very particular, and there are Rules to follow."

"'People light candles, ghosts blow lamps', although it sounds mysterious and mysterious, but it feels very reasonable, this is the real tomb robbery!"

"Now I finally understand what the three words 'ghost blowing the lamp' mean."

"I remember that at the very beginning, many people were thinking, is the theme of 'grave robbery' a supernatural work? Now that 'people light candles, ghosts blow lanterns', no one should be thinking about this issue. It's more than supernatural, it's simply too supernatural."

"That is, you must know that this is Gu Yongda's work. How could the subject matter chosen by Gu Yongda be not a supernatural being?"

"I used to think that ghost stories and supernatural stories were scary and terrifying, which also led me to never read ghost stories and supernatural stories.

Because this "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is a work of Gu Yongda, I finally got up the courage to audition it after struggling for a long time. Now, what I want to say is that, fortunately, I chose to audition, otherwise I would have missed such a wonderful work. It turns out that supernatural stories are not just scary and terrifying. "

"What you thought before was actually not wrong. Before Mr. Guyong's "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", the ghost stories and supernatural stories created by other writers mainly focus on scaring and terrifying. Enough. But after watching a lot, I found that it was all a routine. Now I look at it, not only it is not scary, but it is funny. This is why we, ghost story and supernatural story lovers, talk about ghost stories and supernatural stories now. , the reason why it is difficult for people to get interested again. It is also the reason why the previous "Late Night Ghost Story" program was suspended. But now, Mr. Guyong's "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" came out, finally for ghost stories, supernatural The story points to a new direction. The core of ghost stories and supernatural stories is not just scary and terrifying, it can also have many other aspects, such as suspense, adventure, mystery, weirdness and so on.”

"It's very well said! I have already said that Mr. Guyong can save the current ghost story and ghost story world. Now, is that true? It's not about those other ghost story and ghost story writers, who have to be with Guyong. The gentleman also chose 'grave robbery' as the theme, but no matter what theme you choose, you must come out of your previous thinking."

"I don't care about the other ones. Anyway, I'm very lucky now that I didn't give up because "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is a supernatural story. I know that there are still many people who dare not read ghost stories and supernatural stories and choose to give up. Now I want to say , everyone can choose to listen with confidence, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is not the kind of supernatural story that everyone thinks, so don't be afraid."

"If you say this, then I estimate that there will be some new audiences tomorrow. Haha! This is a good thing. The more audiences, the better. The more audiences, the more exciting it will be."



The audience was not sleepy, and there was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet. The writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories were also not sleepy.

Whether it is the writers who are looking forward to Gu Yong breaking the cage for them, or the writers who feel good about themselves, there is no sleepiness.

The former was excited and excited, and faintly felt that they had touched the cage that bound them tightly. As long as they used more force, they could break the cage and discover a new world.

But the mood of the latter is extremely complicated.

Before the launch of today's episode, they were confident that "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" would definitely hit the streets, and that once the theme of "grave robbery" began, the audience would think that this kind of shameless activity was really not available. No matter what they heard, it wasn't the supernatural stories they were expecting, so they began to choose not to listen to them.

However, the facts are now in front of them. Although they are reluctant to admit it, they have to admit how ridiculous their previous thoughts were.

In other words, it's not that their thinking is absurd, but their thinking is too dead. The tomb robbing they thought before was no different from the tomb robbing that ordinary audiences thought.

If "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is just about tomb robbing like that, it may indeed hit the street, and the audience may indeed choose to give up listening, and they can't be wrong.

But that's just what they think, just what their minds can think of.

Before the saying "people light candles, ghosts blow lamps" appeared, they still had a little fantasy and hope in their hearts. Fantasy and hope that the theme of "tomb robbery" may indeed be very attractive, but strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as a Paranormal works, at most, are suspense and adventure works.

In this way, they can hold onto this, and not be slapped in the face and ridiculed.

However, as soon as the saying "people light candles, ghosts blow lamps" came out, the last bit of fantasy and hope in their hearts was also shattered.

This is not a supernatural work, so how can it be regarded as a supernatural work?

They don't want to admit it, but they have to admit it.

An hour ago, they were in a good mood. They were looking forward to "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" hitting the streets soon. Guyong couldn't wait to jump out. It was an absolute joke to want to be the savior.

But now, just an hour later, everything has changed, and the real joke is them.

Their mood is extremely complicated, and a few people gradually feel a little ashamed. Their own vision and thinking are imprisoned. Instead, they laugh at others' Gu Yong, thinking that they are trying to show off.

But what most people gradually produce is not shame, but resentment, resentment of Gu Yong's nosy, not writing good online novels, and going to their ghost stories and supernatural stories to write "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

If that guy didn't come, they wouldn't question and ridicule, and they wouldn't be slapped in the face now. It's all that guy's fault for meddling.

Different mentality is doomed to their different endings in the future, which is also something that can't be done.

……nbsp; nbsp; small farmers big stars

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