Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2148 Really ignorant!

? The media reporters at the scene are excitedly rushing to draft, and all the audience at the scene are talking non-stop.

The main focus of everyone's discussion is naturally the fact that the representatives of Chinese filmmakers chose "prison" as the theme.

In the eyes of most people, this is a very unwise choice.

"To even choose 'prison' as the theme, is the Huaguo filmmaker having a headache? I will never watch a movie with this theme. When I think of prison, I feel uncomfortable, how could I still watch this movie? What kind of movie?"

"It's not just that there are no audiences to watch, I am afraid that there will be no directors willing to shoot, no actors willing to act, and no investors willing to invest. This work is destined to die. And to die in this way, it is destined to be rejected. People are ridiculed, I really don't know what they think?"

"It seems that this subject was chosen by the young man. Who is he? Why did he choose such a ridiculous subject, Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others not only did not stop it, but they agreed directly with great pain?"

"Could that young man be Li Fan, the legendary figure in China? That's impossible. How could Li Fan choose such a ridiculous subject?"

"It shouldn't be Li Fan, but why didn't Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others stop it? Hua Guo is really incomprehensible this time."

"No, it's also possible that it's Li Fan. Only in this way can we explain why Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others didn't stop them. As for why Li Fan chose such a ridiculous subject? I guess it's because his fame outweighs his strength? It's also possible that it's about Li Fan. The rumors are too exaggerated, in fact, Li Fan is not as magical as the rumors say."

"Isn't someone saying before that as long as Li Fan of Huaguo is willing to make a move, the outcome of this time will be unpredictable? What about now? If that young man is really Li Fan, his shot will make the outcome even more uncertain. Suspense."

"This proves that the rumors about Li Fan are indeed too exaggerated. I'll just say, no matter how powerful and capable a person is, he can't be so magical."

"Of course, is that young man Li Fan? Not sure yet. But regardless of whether he is Li Fan or not, this time the Huaguo contest is completely at the bottom."

"That's for sure. There will be no filmmakers and investors to invest later. It depends on whether they will shoot at their own expense? If the young man is really Li Fan, he should have filmed at his own expense. After all, Li Fan is very rich. This must be true. The key is to find a director and an actor?"


Find out in a while. "


The audience at the scene talked a lot. The audience from China in the crowd listened to the discussions of the people around them and wanted to laugh. These guys would actually think that Li Fan was going to make a movie, and they might not be able to find the director and actors.

well! How ignorant!

How do you guys know that Li Fan only needs to send out a signal that no matter what work he shoots, the directors and actors will break their heads, including the top directors and top actors.

It seems that although these guys have heard the rumors about Li Fan, they haven't experienced it personally, and they still don't know the horror of Li Fan.

However, this is understandable.

After all, the story about Li Fan is indeed very legendary. If you don't experience it personally, it's really hard to believe.

The audience from China has already confirmed at this time that the young man is Li Fan. They were thinking about it just now, and now they can be completely confirmed.

This time, Li Fan actually came to Hollywood in person, which made the audience at the scene unprecedentedly excited, and felt extremely lucky for them to choose to come to the scene today.

They absolutely believe that a new legend about Li Fan will be born here, and they will all be lucky witnesses.

A movie with "prison" as the theme sounds very absurd?

Indeed, they also think so. If this was proposed by others, they would certainly be extremely disapproving of it like other people on the scene, thinking it was an extremely wrong decision.

But now, the person who proposed it was Li Fan.

Then, this is no longer a terribly wrong decision, but the beginning of a legendary story.

They absolutely believe it, not just them. They believe that when the news here comes back to the country, countless people in the country will be like them, and they firmly believe in it.

Because that was Li Fan, the legendary exiled immortal.

However, there is also one point that the Chinese audience at the scene can't confirm yet, that is, Li Fan's film with the theme of "prison" was filmed in China? Or filming in the US? Is it filmed with domestic actors? Or shoot with American actors?

Li Fan had previously spoken to young American actor Tim Robbins and also mentioned Mansfield State Prison in Ohio.

The reason why Li Fan chose to use "prison" as the theme seems to be precisely because of this.

Well, according to the rumored acting style of Li Fan, this work is likely not to be filmed in China, but at the Mansfield State Prison in Ohio.

Also, Li Fan is also very likely to find American actors to shoot this time, that is to say, this will be a movie with American prisons as the background.

And that young actor named Tim Robbins is very likely to be invited by Li Fan to star in this movie, and he may even be invited to play the leading role.

That's the chance for that actor named Tim Robbins.

All the audiences of Huaguo sighed in their hearts, and did not know what kind of intersection that kid had with Li Fan before? To have such an opportunity.

Of course, there is an opportunity, can that kid seize it? Not necessarily.

Because these American actors, like the audience in the United States, have never experienced Li Fan's legendary story in person, and do not know Li Fan's horror.

In their opinion, appearing in such a movie would be a matter of ridicule and a stupid decision.

In this way, will the young actor named Tim Robbins accept Li Fan's invitation? Really hard to say.

A lot of Chinese audiences are quite curious about this.

And the reason why they think that this time Li Fan will shoot the movie with the American prison as the background, and will find American actors to play, there is another reason, that is because of the contest proposed by American filmmakers represented by Grover. .

Grover and others are obviously prepared, they want to use the other 11 countries as the background, and once again realize the reputation of the United States as the largest country in the film.

Then, Li Fan decided to shoot a movie with a prison in the United States as the background. He also asked American actors to play it. With such a movie, he would compete with the movies of Grover and others.

Don't you want to use me as a background to fulfill your reputation? Then I'll crush you with a movie set in your American prison and leave you speechless.

The more the audience from China, the more excited they think, the more they look forward to it!


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