Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2152 Give him the role of the second protagonist

? Robbins was hesitating, but Li Fan did not urge.

After a while, Robbins said, "Mr. Li Fan, may I ask who the protagonist is?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Yes, the protagonist is a prisoner who was wrongfully imprisoned. Before he was imprisoned, he was an excellent banker. There is also a protagonist, the second protagonist, who is a real criminals."

"Prisoner? Can a prisoner also be the protagonist? Besides, the first and second protagonists are both prisoners." The hot-blooded and righteous police tea, I didn't expect it to be a prisoner.

As a result, this work is even more uninteresting.

Robbins was also a little surprised and said, "Mr. Li Fan, can I think about it?"

Li Fan said: "Yes, but you only have one minute to think about it."

"One minute?" Robbins was stunned. What he originally thought was to answer Li Fan after thinking about it. The time varied from a day or a few days. Now Li Fan only gave him one minute.

But thinking of Li Fan's identity, Robbins was relieved and said, "Okay, Mr. Li Fan."

After saying this, Robbins' heart was suddenly very calm, and he seemed to feel that he should seize this opportunity.

When everyone at the scene heard Li Fan say that they only gave Robbins one minute to think about it, many people sneered in their hearts, and they only gave them one minute to think about it, which was too serious about their own work. Bar.

A lot of people thought that Robbins would get so annoyed and just say no, without even thinking about it for a minute.

However, to their surprise, Robbins did not immediately refuse, but seemed to be really thinking.

There was no direct rejection. Most of the people on the scene despised him in their hearts. After all, he is a little-known actor who doesn't even have the guts. The protagonist of a garbage movie only gives you one minute to think about it. Not outright rejection?

In addition to the audience from China, only Hector, who had just reached an investment agreement with Li Fan, looked at Robbins, nodded slowly, his eyes showed admiration, and said, "I hope you will make the right decision."

One minute is coming soon, the eyes of all the people at the scene,

It all focused on Robbins.

Robbins looked at Li Fan, bowed slightly, and said, "Mr. Li Fan, I am willing to act. Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, for your trust in me."

One minute is too short, and Robbins hadn't thought about it yet, but for some reason, he always felt that he shouldn't refuse.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Welcome Mr. Robbins."

"I actually agreed." Most of the people at the scene were surprised, and then deeply despised. After all, he was an unknown actor, and he even agreed under such circumstances.

There are many other actors on the scene who, like Robbins, come here to look for opportunities, and they are not well-known actors. They also despise Robbins in their hearts.

"I really don't understand why Robbins agreed? If Li Fan gave enough time to think, instead of such a gesture, then the agreement is understandable. Now, it is really despised to agree under such circumstances."

"It's alright, it's okay to agree, and he will definitely regret it later. With the theme of 'prison', the protagonist is still a prisoner. Not only will such a movie not increase his fame in the slightest, on the contrary, it will bring him some inconvenience. positive effect."

"That's right, he'll definitely regret it."


A group of actors gathered together and despised Robbins. They knew Robbins, but they were not friends, or they were not friends with each other. The reason why they are together now, It was because of the things about Robbins that they had a common topic for the time being.

Of course, not all the actors were like them, and there were a few thoughtful ones, like a dark-skinned actor named Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman has passed the age of confusion and has acted in dramas for more than ten years, but for various reasons, he has never been famous and can only play some inconspicuous roles.

He also dreams of becoming famous one day. This is his dream that has not changed for more than ten years, and it is also to make the life of his family better.

This is also the reason why he came to the exchange meeting today, hoping to get some kind of luck here, although the hope is very slim, but only when he comes, there will be a chance after all.

However, sometimes you need to take the initiative to find your own luck. Morgan Freeman walked out of the crowd and said to Li Fan, "Mr. Li Fan, I am Morgan Freeman and an actor. I hope I can give Mr. Zai this opportunity. I play a role in this work, I hope Mr. can give me a chance."

"Someone actually asked for a role?" The audience at the scene was surprised again, all of them looked at Morgan Freeman, and they were relieved to see that he was a dark-skinned actor who had passed his age.

No wonder he took the initiative to ask for a role. It turns out that he is still a black-skinned actor, and he is not famous at all. Such an actor is almost destined to become famous in this life.

In this case, it is understandable to take the initiative to ask for a role, anyway, it is impossible to become famous, and it is destined to be only able to play some inconspicuous small roles in the future.

So, what kind of roles are actually the same, and how are the box office results of the films they acted in? It has almost nothing to do with him, only the amount of salary has something to do with him.

And the reason why he asked to play a role was naturally just for that little paycheck.

The audience at the scene thought they had found the answer, and even a group of filmmakers, including Grover, almost thought so.

Li Fan looked at Morgan Freeman and saw that he was tall and his face was covered with traces of time. He should be almost 50 years old.

Generally speaking, this age has passed the age of chasing dreams, and the pride and ambition of the past should have been spent in the long river of time.

However, Morgan Freeman still seems to still have dreams and pursuits, and Li Fan can feel it.

Looking at Morgan Freeman, Li Fan said, "Mr. Morgan, why do you want to play a role in this movie?"

Morgan Freeman replied directly without hesitation: "I have to fight for every opportunity to act. Maybe sometime, my dream will come true."

Li Fan smiled, nodded, and said, "As long as you pursue it, your dream may indeed come true. My movie also has a leading role, which is the second leading role, and now it will be played by Mr. Morgan."

Morgan Freeman's heart trembled, he didn't expect Li Fan to give him the role of the second protagonist and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it, just bowed and said, "Yes, thank you Mr. Li Fan. "


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