Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2154 Disputes

? Netizens in other countries are discussing, and netizens in China are naturally also discussing.

As for the various remarks of netizens in other countries, netizens in China are more or less aware of some of them.

After learning about it, netizens in Huaguo could only helplessly and mourned for a second of silence for netizens in those countries. After all, those guys didn't feel deeply about Li Fan's legendary story, so that at the end of this time, they were destined to find out that they How wrong and ridiculous these statements are now.

Netizens in Huaguo don't want to argue with them now. Arguing is pointless and cannot convince them. Only when the final facts are presented will they believe and wake up.

That's fine. Those guys from other countries have never experienced the legendary story about Li Fan?

Then, this opportunity now will allow them to experience it for themselves, and it will surely give them a new understanding of Li Fan.

Netizens in Huaguo are all looking forward to this.

Of course, in addition to this, I am also looking forward to Li Fan's film works this time.

Although Li Fan did not choose to shoot in China this time, nor did he choose domestic actors, which made everyone feel a little regretful.

But everyone also knows that the reason why Li Fan chose to shoot in the United States and chose American actors is naturally his reason, they just need to look forward to it.

As long as it's Li Fan's work, it doesn't matter which country it's filmed in or which country's actors are chosen, it's all the same to them.


United States, Hollywood Boulevard.

Li Fan explained some things to the two leading actors, Robbins and Morgan, and asked them to deal with their own affairs and go to Mansfield State Prison in Ohio with him tomorrow.

Afterwards, Li Fan, Hu Fei, Yin Changming, Kong Xinlin and other filmmakers returned to their residence on Hollywood Boulevard.

This time, Li Fan will write the script of the film himself, while Hu Fei will be the director, and Kong Xinlin and Guo Tai will be the assistant directors.

Hu Fei was very eager to try, and said, "Brother Li Fan, I have a feeling that the film we made this time will be popular all over the world.

have a great impact. I really can't wait to start shooting. "

Li Fan said with a smile: "The impact may not be small. However, it may not be that easy to start filming. In addition to finding other actors, we also need to locate the main filming location, which is Mansfield State Prison. Take care of it. This prison has been abandoned for many years, and some facilities may need to be renovated, and the amount of work is probably not small."

Hu Fei nodded and said: "When the time comes, we will arrange for more people, and we must complete all the preparations in the shortest possible time."

Li Fan said: "You should be like this."


the next day.

Robbins and Morgan came to report.

Afterwards, Li Fan took the two, along with Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, and Guo Tai, and flew to Ohio in the United States.

In the north-central Ohio, there is a city called Mansfield. In the suburbs of this city, there is a prison called Mansfield State Prison that has been abandoned for many years, which is the destination of Li Fan and his party.

At this moment, the government department personnel of the city of Mansfield are arguing over whether the Mansfield State Prison should be demolished.

"I think we should start taking down that broken prison right now, I don't want to see that broken prison standing there for a moment."

"Oh! No, no, no, we can't tear down that prison, it's a hundred-year-old prison that's a landmark in our city of Mansfield. We should protect it, not tear it down, it's our A very important part of the city of Mansfield."

"Clarence, you regard a prison as a landmark of a city. Your view is really very novel, and it is really difficult to agree with. Also, you said that you need to protect it, but it has now been Dilapidated."

"To treat such a dilapidated prison as a landmark of the city, are you sure this is not a joke? Unless it is a world-famous prison, unfortunately it is not."

"I also think it should be demolished immediately. The demolished site allows us to do a lot of things. This is very important for the development of our entire city."

"I really don't want to see that unsightly broken prison again."

"Why can't a prison become an iconic building? I know that a prison is definitely not a good place in people's minds, and no one wants to go there. But if you just go to an abandoned prison to visit and play, I think it should be There will be a lot of people interested. If we can make Mansfield State Prison an attraction for people to visit and play, it will be a unique existence in the world, and it will be a part of our city of Mansfield. An important business card is naturally an iconic building.”

"I have to admit that your idea is very beautiful, but it is also very naive. Are you sure that someone would be willing to visit and play in such an abandoned prison?"

"Maybe not yet, but that doesn't mean it won't be. I think what we should be discussing is how to use that prison, not tear it down."

"I agree with Johannes' statement that the prison has a history of more than 100 years, and it is really a pity to demolish it now. Maybe we can discuss whether it is possible to build the prison into a tourist attraction in Mansfield City. Attractions for people to visit and play?"

"Do you think there is a way to turn an abandoned prison into a tourist attraction?"

"It's really difficult, but it's not necessarily impossible."

"No, there's no way, that's just incredible. I don't think anyone can do it."

"Arvid, what would you say if it really became a tourist attraction?"

"If it does become a tourist attraction, then of course I can agree not to demolish it, but that's impossible, no one can do it."

"Avid, don't you think you are too arbitrary?"

"No, no, no, it's not arbitrary, it's fact."


Mansfield City's government officials are at odds, and it doesn't just start today.

In fact, this dispute has been going on for a year. One side wants to dismantle Mansfield State Prison and put it to another use. The other party did not agree to demolish it because it has a history of hundreds of years.

The two sides were always at odds.

At this moment, a staff member knocked on the door and said, "Mr. Clarence, Mr. Li Fan from China came to visit."

"Li Fan of China?" Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others were all stunned. Why did Li Fan of China suddenly come to visit?

Huaguo Li Fan and the others naturally knew that he was a legend in Huaguo, but they never thought that Li Fan would come to visit.

They haven't paid attention to what happened at the Hollywood Film Exchange yesterday.

If they paid attention, they wouldn't be surprised now.


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