Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2159 do not live

? A week later, which happened to be the weekend, movies from six countries were officially launched.

8:30 a.m., a movie theater in the United States.

Grover's movie "Ape-Ape-Man" will be officially launched at 9:00 this morning.

This cinema has a total of 15 large and small theaters, and at 9 o'clock, 13 of them will play "Ape-Ape-Man".

It's still half an hour before 9 a.m., and inside and outside the cinema hall are already crowded with spectators waiting for the movie to start.

The vast majority of the audience came for "Ape-Ape-Man".

At 8:50 a.m., the audience entered the venue one after another. When all the audiences entered the venue, all 13 cinema halls were filled with audiences.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, "Ape-Ape-Man" officially started.

All the audience, all staring at the big screen with excitement and anticipation, did not want to miss a single detail from the very beginning.

The audience at 9:00 am was full, and in fact, judging from the situation of ticket sales, any time slot and any cinema hall where "Ape-Ape-Man" is played today will be full of audiences.

This is the release of the most anticipated "Ape-Ape-Man" among the six films.

This is not only the case with this movie. The same is true for movie theaters in other major cities in the United States. For all the movie screenings of "Ape-Ape-Man", whether it is a popular time slot or an unpopular time slot, whether it is a large theater, or The small movie hall, the tickets are all sold out.

Grover and a group of other American filmmakers, as well as the entire crew of "Ape-Ape-Man", were not too surprised after learning about these situations, and they were similar to what they expected.

And what they are most concerned about is not the domestic release situation in the United States. Anyway, it will be very ideal, whether it is concerned or not is the same.

Moreover, as far as the box office performance is concerned, the domestic box office performance is not included in the total box office score.

So, how about the release of "Ape-Ape-Man" in other countries outside the United States? That's where Grover and the other filmmakers, as well as the crew of Ape-Ape-Man, focus.

And the release situation of other countries is constantly fed back,

The results are still unsurprisingly very gratifying.

Although it is not as good as in the United States, the gap is not too far, and the total box office results will be very gratifying.

One filmmaker said: "Mr Grover, I think we can celebrate the victory now."

Grover smiled and said, "There's no hurry to celebrate, it's not too late to celebrate, anyway, you can't run. By the way, how about the other movies?"

Another filmmaker said: "According to the information we just got, the films of the four countries including Lan Guo and Bai Guo are far from ours. As for Hua Guo Li Fan's "The Shawshank Redemption", there is no such thing as yet. Any results. Because most countries have ranked this movie in the first time slot of the night, and only this time slot. It is still early, so this movie has not officially reached the audience yet. Let's meet."

Grover nodded and said, "I thought that Huahui would be our biggest competitor this time, but who knew that Li Fan would come out to disrupt the situation, and it was almost negligible that he had become like this."

The former filmmaker said: "What I've always been a little bit puzzled about is why don't Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others in Huaguo stop Li Fan? Let him mess around. If it's just Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others. , although the work that comes out can't win us, it shouldn't be too bad, at least it won't be at the bottom."

Grover said: "That's because Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others have a kind of blind trust in Li Fan. They have lost their basic ability to judge and think that Li Fan's shot will be no problem. However, it stands to reason. Said, no matter how they trust Li Fan, they can't even have the basic judgment ability. This is indeed a bit difficult to understand, maybe it is because they don't want to refute Li Fan's face and interest. After all, Li Fan is in China. The status is very high. After watching our movie, what did the audience say about it?”

The former filmmaker said: "Judging from the current situation, most of the audience's evaluation is very high. They all said that it is worthy of Mr. Grover's work, and they have been looking forward to it for three months. "

Grover was very proud after hearing this, but he just smiled lightly and said, "It's good that the audience is not disappointed."

It's already in the afternoon, and "Ape-Ape-Man" has been shown for two time slots. Many people have watched it, and now they are sharing their feelings after watching it on the Internet.

"I finally saw Mr. Grover's "Ape-Ape-Man". It's really wonderful. It is indeed Mr. Grover's work. I want to watch it again. Just watching it once is not enough."

"I've watched a lot of movie schedules in cinemas, and it's full of "Ape-Ape-Man", which shows how popular this movie is. Not only in our country, but also in other countries. It's very popular. It is the strength of the No. 1 movie power, this feeling is really cool!"

"What is Li Fan's movie called "The Shawshank Redemption"? It's quite bleak to see its schedule. I watched several movie theaters, and they were all lined up until the last time slot at 11:30 pm, and only one was given. Cinema. It's really pitiful!"

"That's nothing to be pitiful about. Everything was caused by Li Fan's willful actions. It's no wonder people's movie theaters."

"Of course, I can't blame the movie theater. It would be good to have it launched. If it weren't for "The Shawshank Redemption" being one of the six films in the competition, many movie theaters would not have introduced this movie. It would have been a waste of resources."

"So, the movie theater has given a time slot, and a movie hall is already very good. Anyway, no one will go to see it, and giving too much is a waste."

"Having said that, but you said that at 11:30 tonight, will anyone come to see it?"

"There should be, you know, there will always be some people who don't understand the situation at all. At that time, they walked into the movie theater and wanted to choose a movie to watch, maybe they chose "The Shawshank Redemption". In addition, It is not ruled out that some people deliberately go to see what kind of movie about 'prison' because of curiosity?"

"That's true. There should be people, not even a single audience. But what is certain is that no matter what the reason is, you will regret it after watching it. Even the movie didn't start long. , there is no one in the whole theater."

"This possibility is indeed very high. After everyone watched the opening part, they couldn't bear it anymore, so they had to leave the stage early."

"It really feels so cute. By the way, there is a saying in Huaguo, "You can live by doing evil in the sky, but you can't live by doing it yourself." It really fits the situation when you think about it.

"Indeed, it's called self-inflicted sin."



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