Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2166 The death of old cloth

All the audience in the movie hall felt a bit of relief, and a smile appeared on their faces.

However, the next episode made them feel inexplicably sad.

There is a librarian in the prison, called Lao Bo, who has been in prison for fifty years, and he is very old.

One day, his parole was granted.

That is to say, he can get out of the prison, out of the prison where he has been for fifty years, to go outside and be free.

After staying for fifty years, finally being free should have been a very exciting thing.

The audience in the movie hall thought that Lao Bu should be excited to laugh, thank God for finally letting him be free, and then he is full of endless yearning and anticipation for the free life outside the prison.

However, this is not the case.

Not only was Lao Bu not happy, but he was very miserable.

Because he didn't want to leave prison.

In order to be able to stay in prison, the old cloth tries to hurt a fellow inmate with a sharp knife, so that he can stay in the prison.

Later, under the persuasion of Andy, Reid and others, Lao Bu finally let go of his cellmates.

Lao Bu did not hurt the inmates, his parole has been approved again, he can only leave the prison.

At this time, the inmates didn't understand why Lao Bu didn't want to leave the prison?

All the audience in the theater also did not understand. After fifty years in prison, shouldn't it be a joy to be free now?

The prisoners in the prison, the freedom that everyone desperately longs for has finally come, but why doesn't Lao Bu want freedom?

Rhett gave the answer to the inmates and to all the audience in the theater.

Red said that the old cloth was institutionalized.

Institutionalize? The inmates still didn't understand, and neither did the audience in the movie theater.

Reid went on to explain that Old Bu has been in prison for fifty years and has become a frog in the well, and he can still be useful in prison because he has studied and is a librarian.

However, once he goes out, the old cloth will become useless. He is just an old man with arthritis in both hands and no vitality. He may be refused to borrow books from the library. He does not know how to live outside?

Prison is a strange place, in the beginning, you hate it, then you get used to it, and after enough time, you become dependent on it, which is "institutionalization".

These words of Reid made all the audience in the movie hall ponder. Reid is undoubtedly a very wise person, and he sees everything very thoroughly.

Through these words of Reid, the audience finally understood, why does the old cloth not want to leave the prison?

Lao Bu has been in prison for too long, and he is completely out of touch with the outside world. When he knew that he was going to leave the prison, his heart was not excited, but confused, very confused, overwhelmed, and even fearful .

That's why Old Bo doesn't want to leave prison.

All the audience in the movie hall understood, but Lao Bu finally left the prison.

When Lao Bu walked out of the prison gate in a suit and leather shoes, the audience was not only not happy that Lao Bu was finally free, but was very worried about whether Lao Bu could live a good life outside?

He has been derailed from society for fifty years, too long.

The figure of Lao Bu walks through the flow of people and cars, lonely and hesitant, making people feel inexplicably sad. He only saw one car when he was a child, but now the streets are full of cars.

The outside world is changing rapidly and is too unfamiliar to Lao Bu.

The parole board arranged housing for Lao Bu, and also recommended a job as a packer in a supermarket.

Lao Bu is already an old man with arthritis in his hands. He has been unable to finish his work neatly, which makes people look pitiful and sad.

After get off work, Lao Bu would sometimes go to the park to feed the birds. He sat alone on a park bench, with only a group of pecking birds in front of him.

Old Bu was looking forward to the little guy he was feeding in prison, but the little guy didn't show up after all.

Lao Bu only hopes that the little guy can make new friends no matter where he goes.

This remark made the audience in the movie hall feel sad again. Lao Bu must also want to make new friends, but he is too old, and no one wants to make friends with him, the old man.

He is destined to continue to be alone, and then continue to wander, out of tune with this society.

Lao Bu is just a poor and lonely old man, which is inexplicably sad.

At night, Lao Bu would have insomnia and difficulty falling asleep. Even if he fell asleep, he would often be awakened by nightmares, and somehow he couldn't remember where he was.

Obviously, for Lao Bu, only prison can make him sleep soundly.

No doubt, this is very sad.

The audience in the movie hall could only sigh helplessly.

Lao Bo wants to rob a supermarket and commit the crime again so that he can be sent back to prison again.

But he's too old, so old that he can't continue to fool around and rob supermarkets? He can't do it anymore.

Lao Bu doesn't like the life outside, tired of being scared all day, he decides... to leave.

leave? Can Lao Bu go there?

All the audience in the movie hall were shocked. They suddenly had a bad premonition. They thought of where Lao Bu's so-called "leaving" was going.

They prayed that things wouldn't turn out as they thought, and they couldn't bear to see this sad and pitiful old man end up like that.

But everything is doomed.

Lao Bu put on his suit and tie again, just to let himself leave with dignity.

He took out a pocket knife and carved a line on the beam of the house where he lived, "Old cloth is here for a visit."

Then...with a rope, ended his own life.

Lao Bu finally left, no need to be alone, no longer hesitant, no longer afraid.

He went where he was supposed to be.

And such an ending may have been doomed the moment Lao Bu walked out of the prison gate.

All the audience in the movie hall let out a long sigh, they wanted to stop Lao Bo, but there was nothing they could do.

They can't stop it at all, even if they stop this time, they may not be able to stop the next time.

Perhaps, they shouldn't stop it either. Life ends like this, which is a relief for Lao Bu.

Perhaps, for Lao Bo, the dark Shawshank Prison is no longer a prison. The free world outside is the real prison.

Old Bo walked out of the gate of Shawshank Prison, not to freedom.

Instead, he went to... a real prison where he couldn't survive.


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