Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2171 cheers

? In 1966, Andy successfully escaped after spending 19 years in Shawshank Prison.

The Shawshank Prison arranged for a large number of prison guards to search for Andy's whereabouts, but in the end, the prison guards only found a prison uniform full of muddy water, a bar of soap, and a matt that was very old and was almost falling apart.

In 19 years, Andy used that little pickaxe to dig out a passage to freedom.

Reid once said that if you want to use such a small thing to dig a channel to escape, it will take six hundred years.

Andy only took nineteen years.

To escape from prison, all you need is a small pickaxe, a huge star poster, nineteen's persistence, and a strong desire for freedom...!

Next, the picture of going back in time tells the process of Andy's escape from prison.

Every day, Andy digs a handful of wall stones with a pickaxe, and then hides the wall stones in his trouser pockets. Every day when he goes to the prison playground to let the wind out, he spills the wall stones in his trouser pockets along his trousers. On the playground, God does not know, ghosts do not know.

Andy sprinkled a handful of wall stones on the playground of the prison every day. At the age of 19, a passage to freedom was finally sprinkled.

The audience in the movie hall watched like this, without shouting or cheering, but their eyes and slightly clenched fists showed that their hearts at this time must be extremely uneasy.

The time-reversing picture continues.

After Tommy was shot by Norton, Andy finally decided not to stay long.

On that day, he and Reid talked and said that it seemed that he had only one choice.

It turned out that he said there was only one choice, not to accept his fate, nor to commit suicide, but to escape.

At this time, all the audience in the theater had understood.

I also understood that what Andy said to Rhett after that was not a last word, but that he decided to go out.

Before going out, he deliberately said to Rhett that if one day Rhett could go out, he needed to do him a favor.

In fact, he didn't really need Rhett's help, he was just leaving a hope for Rhett to live after going out.

Because, Rhett has also been in prison for too long, almost 40 years, and he has been institutionalized by prison just like Lao Bo.

If one day, he succeeds in going out, it is very likely that he will be the same as Lao Bu, unable to live outside, and will only end up with the same ending as Lao Bu.

Andy didn't want Rhett to end up like the old cloth, so before he escaped from prison, he left Rhett with hope that he could live outside.

The time came to the night before Andy escaped, and in Warden Norton's office, Andy was doing the accounting for Norton.

There was this scene before, and the audience knew it, but now there is an extra scene. After Andy completed the accounting, while Norton was not paying attention, he replaced Norton's ledgers and materials with fake ledgers and materials. , changed Norton's real account books and information, and then hid it on his body.

Seeing such a scene, all the audience in the theater cheered, although they didn't know yet, what was the purpose of Andy stealing Norton's account books and materials? But at least it can be guessed that Andy's doing this must be of great use, maybe it will make Norton unlucky because of it.

Next, Norton left, letting Andy wipe his shoes before leaving.

Andy did as he did, and really wiped Norton's shoes very clean, only to put them on his feet after they were wiped clean. Then put the shoes you wear into the shoe box.

The guards didn't notice that when Andy came out of Norton's office and returned to his cell, he was wearing a pair of shiny black leather shoes.

This scene once again made the audience in the movie hall unable to help but want to applaud.

Next, Andy returned to his cell, the lights went out, Andy didn't sleep, just sat like that, holding the two-meter-long rope in his hand.

This scene once made the audience in the movie hall feel their hearts to the extreme.

Now seeing this scene again, everyone is no longer worried.

Lightning and thunder began to pound outside, and Andy wrapped the ledger and information he had exchanged from Norton with something, and tied it to his feet with the rope.

It turns out that the rope is for this purpose.

Afterwards, Andy opened the huge poster and drilled into the passage he had dug out for 19 years.

Looking at Andy's figure crawling in the passage, all the audience in the movie hall felt a kind of excitement and excitement, which were constantly brewing and accumulating in their hearts.

Climbing out of the passage, Andy came to a sewer pipe, and then raised a stone, with the help of thunder, and smashed it hard on the sewer pipe.

After smashing it several times in a row, I finally smashed a hole in the sewer pipe, a hole leading to freedom.

Through the smashed hole, Andy entered the sewer, and then continued to climb forward.

The sewer pipes stink, but freedom is ahead.

After crawling for 500 meters, Andy finally climbed to the exit, and he was finally free.

Below the exit is a small river with not too deep water. The rain is still falling, and Andy runs a few steps in the small river.

This is his first free run in 19 years.

Then, Andy took off his prison clothes and threw them into the river. The prison clothes had bound him for 19 years, and now he can finally throw them away without any worries.

He threw away the prison clothes and the spiritual shackles that had been bound for nineteen years.

Andy stood in the river like this, with Chiguo on his upper body, looking up at the sky, his hands in a hug, letting the rain fall on his face, on his body, and on his heart.

The sky above his head is still the same sky, but there are no towering walls around.

What Andy saw at this time was already a free day.

Andy can now finally embrace the sky and embrace freedom!

He had been waiting for this moment for nineteen years.

At this moment, all the audience in the movie hall could no longer restrain their excitement and excitement, and cheered, as if they had been bound for nineteen years, and now they are finally free.

Even Grover and other filmmakers clenched their fists at this time, and felt heartfelt joy and relief that Andy was finally free.

At this time, they have long forgotten that the purpose of their watching this movie is to belittle it after they are familiar with it.

They're just excited about the movie now, that Andy is finally free, like a normal moviegoer.

In a previous life, this movie was called by many, one of the greatest movies of the 20th century, if not even one.

Such a movie is enough to make Grover and others simply fall in love with this movie without mixing anything else.

All the people in the whole theater were cheering.

They don't know it yet, their cheers are just beginning.


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