Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2175 Great movie

? Although these people don't usually like watching movies, and they don't pay attention to movies, it doesn't mean they don't watch movies.

In fact, they sometimes go to the cinema, or choose some movies to watch on the Internet.

Now that "The Shawshank Redemption" is full of incredibleness, they naturally have some interest, and they also have the mind to go to the cinema.

Let's see what kind of movie it is, with the theme of "prison"? Can cause such a shock.

But when they walked into the movie theater, they found a helpless fact that movie tickets for "The Shawshank Redemption" were not easy to buy.

Although the cinema has already provided the most resources that it can provide to "The Shawshank Redemption", it is still far from meeting the needs of the market.

Want to see The Shawshank Redemption? Yes, buy a ticket, the time is three days later.

Is there any time closer? Sorry, no, if you hesitate, it is estimated that you can only buy tickets for four days later.

Buying tickets for "The Shawshank Redemption" is already the case.

Moreover, as is the case in almost all movie theaters, "The Shawshank Redemption" is spreading in more and more people's hearts at an incredible speed.

Many people watched it once, watched it a second time, watched it a third time, or even many times.

Every time I watch it, I will have new and different insights, and I will feel that I understand this movie more clearly.

Now there is such an accepted saying, "The Shawshank Redemption, if you don't watch it a few times, you may not really understand this movie."

Not just in the U.S., but all over the world.

Audiences in various countries have been completely captured by "The Shawshank Redemption" after experiencing a similar mental journey to that of American audiences.

This is going to be an absolutely classic movie, there's no arguing that.

Then, a lot of people started to think that the movie wasn't just an "absolute classic", it was a great movie.

"A great movie?" For this statement,

Some people agree, some people have reservations.

Because the word "great" cannot be used casually, and no movie has been called "great" before.

What kind of movie can be called "great"?

Can a movie like The Shawshank Redemption be called great?

This answer is obviously unconvincing.

So, what kind of movie can be called "great"?

There is obviously no answer to this question, or in other words, everyone has their own criteria for judging.

However, the famous filmmakers Gerald, Ferdinand and others in Languo made a comment on "The Shawshank Redemption", which made those with reservations think about it, and then nodded slowly.

Five days after the global release of "The Shawshank Redemption", famous filmmakers Gerald, Ferdinand and others jointly published an appreciation and film review of "The Shawshank Redemption".

Gerald, Ferdinand and others first gave an overview of the plot of the movie, and then stated that the tone of the whole movie is relatively dark on the whole, but it can always be firmly established through various ups and downs in the plot. Grab the hearts of the audience.

Moreover, everyone who watches the movie will fall into deep thought, and everyone's thinking is different.

Some people think about life, some people think about freedom, some people think about democracy, some people think about the system, and some people think about various social and legal insights.

Even for the same person, when watching the first, second, third, or even more times, what they think of each time is different.

The more you watch it, the more profound things you think about.

There is no doubt that this is actually a very polyphonic film, and at every level of thinking, this film embodies a thoroughness that goes deep into the bone.

It's trying to explain too much. And, everything is very thorough.

Therefore, Gerald, Ferdinand and others believe that just watching "The Shawshank Redemption" once is not enough.

If you only read it once, it is impossible to exhaust all the mysteries in it. It needs to be read carefully and repeatedly.

Every time you watch it, you will have a different perception.

Then, Gerald, Ferdinand and others made a very detailed appreciation and comment on many scenes and clips in the film.

In the end, Gerald, Ferdinand and others said that when we watched the movie, many people would sigh and feel excited and think about the many things that happened to them.

That's what a great film should be like.

When we watched this movie, it was very obvious that we were not just watching other people's stories, not just watching Andy and Reid's stories, we were also watching our own stories.

What kind of environment are we in? How to talk to the characters in the movie through the air? How to think of a certain difficulty in your inner world through the ups and downs of the characters in the movie, and then think about it, and finally have some kind of epiphany, suddenly open up, and gain a new life.

Gerald, Ferdinand and others believe that if a movie can make people feel that when they watch a movie, they are not watching other people's stories, but watching their own stories, so that they can fall into thinking and gain newborn.

Then, such a movie can be called a great movie.

Without a doubt, The Shawshank Redemption is such a great movie.

This appreciation and film review by Gerald, Ferdinand and others was first fermented in Lan Guo, and soon spread to various countries in the world.

Anyone who saw this appreciation and film review fell into thinking.

Those who have reservations about calling "The Shawshank Redemption" a great movie are also caught in the middle of thinking.

After thinking about it, they nodded slowly, and they finally thought that this was indeed a great movie!

Gerald, Ferdinand and others are all famous filmmakers in the world. Although their influence is much inferior to that of Grover in the United States, their influence is not too low.

And when this appreciation and film review spread around the world, American filmmakers headed by Grover did not object, and seemed to have acquiesced to Gerald, Ferdinand and others. Review of The Shawshank Redemption.

This makes most people regard the appreciation and evaluation of "The Shawshank Redemption" by Gerald, Ferdinand and others as an authoritative evaluation and evaluation.

The appreciation and evaluation of "The Shawshank Redemption" by Lard, Ferdinand and others were quickly recognized by the vast majority of people around the world.


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