Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2177 Rename (Happy New Year!)

? Happy New Year! !


It is not difficult to know the answer to this series of questions.

At the film exchange meeting three months ago, before Li Fan decided to shoot a film with the theme of "prison", he asked Tim Robbins, the actor of the protagonist Andy in the film, a question. Is there a prison in his home state of Ohio called Mansfield State Penitentiary?

After getting an affirmative answer from Robbins, Li Fancai decided to make a movie with the theme of "prison".

Well, the answer is obvious. The Shawshank Prison in the film is the Mansfield State Prison in Ohio.

The subsequent reports of major media in Mansfield State City also proved this.

And why did Li Fan change the name of "Mansfield State Prison" to "Shawshank Prison"?

It may be difficult to have an accurate answer to this question, but from the dialogue between Li Fan and Robbins at the film exchange at the time, we may be able to learn some reasons.

At that time, Li Fan said that the name "Mansfield State Prison" was too long, and it was inconvenient to mention it every time. Maybe it could be changed to a shorter name.

Everyone at the scene at the time didn't care about these words. Looking back now, everyone knows that Li Fan's words at that time have not been finished.

The unfinished words were, "Let's call it Shawshank Prison, for example."

This may be the reason why Li Fan changed the name of "Mansfield State Prison" to "Shawshank Prison".

As for why Li Fan chose to shoot at Mansfield State Prison? This is always unknown.

The answer may be known later, or it may never be, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the Shawshank Prison in the film is in Mansfield, Ohio, and everyone can go to the prison scene.

Thinking of this, countless people suddenly have a strong desire to go to Shawshank Prison to see the scenes that are very familiar in the film.

For example: Andy spent 19 years in prison,

The passage to freedom in the cell, the playground of the prison, the library, the roof of the building renovated by Andy, Rhett and others outside the prison, Andy climbed to the sewers of freedom, the river outside the sewers and so on...etc.

Once this desire grows, it can no longer be suppressed.


In front of the gates of Mansfield State Penitentiary, Mansfield City, Ohio.

Relevant personnel of the government department, Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others, are excitedly directing the workers to do one thing at this time.

Changed the prison name on the prison gate, "Mansfield State Prison" to "Shawshank Prison".

From this moment on, "Mansfield State Penitentiary" will officially be renamed "Shawshank Prison."

Seeing that "The Shawshank Redemption" continued to ferment around the world, Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others quickly made such a decision.

They knew that the Shawshank Prison was about to see a flood of tourists.

Li Fan really managed to turn the usually daunting prison into a tourist attraction through a movie.

Who would have dared to believe that one day he would have a strong desire to visit a prison?

Prison, that is definitely a place that everyone can't avoid, how could anyone be interested in visiting the prison?

I have to say, this is a miracle! The miracle created by Li Fan through a movie!

Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others are full of emotion, excited and looking forward to it!

Arvid, who had previously advocated for the demolition of the prison, laughed and said, "Clarence, Johannes, I really want to thank you for your strong opposition to the demolition of this prison. Otherwise, it might be in ruins now. . Our prison cannot be as world-famous as it is now."

Johannes said with a smile: "What we should really be thankful for is Mr. Li Fan, who made our prison famous all over the world in this way. This is definitely a miracle, and only Mr. Li Fan can create such a miracle. .

Arvid said: "Of course, the most thankful person is of course Mr. Li Fan. He has really turned a prison into a tourist attraction. This is really incredible."

Johannes said: "From now on, this prison is officially called The Shawshank Prison. To be honest, its original name is indeed too long."

Arvid said: "I also like the name now."

Johannes said: "Avid, you didn't like this prison very much before."

Arvid said: "Johnnes, you also said that it was before, and I have completely fallen in love with this prison now. Our entire city of Mansfield will be proud of this prison. Before this, it was indeed It's unimaginable.”

Johannes said: "But now it has become a reality. Mr. Li Fan has created such a miracle."

The two are talking, and the name change of the prison has been completed, and all the scenes in the prison that have appeared in the film have always remained the same.

Now, just waiting for the tourists to come.

And the first tourists came quickly.

A group of people walked by from a distance, at least thousands of people, including tourists from the United States and tourists from other countries.

"Look, Shawshank Prison, we're finally here!" A group of people looked excited and looking forward to it, and walked towards the gate quickly.

From a distance, they saw the outline of the prison in front of them, exactly what the Shawshank prison looked like in the film, which made them excited and looking forward to it even more.

When they came to the gate, they found that the name of the prison was "Shawshank Prison", which made them even more excited.

They naturally know that this prison was not called "Shawshank Prison" before, and the name was obviously changed because of the movie "The Shawshank Redemption".

This gives them an inexplicable pride, proud of the movie "The Shawshank Redemption".

Only if the influence is big enough can the prison be renamed.

Of course they liked that the prison was renamed "The Shawshank".

At the gate, all the tourists looked east and west, recalling the scenes and stories in the movie, and feeling filled with emotion.

At the beginning of the story, Andy entered Shawshank Prison through this gate and stayed there for nineteen years.

Thinking of the story in the movie, the originally excited mood became a little melancholy.

Of course, this melancholy is more of a feeling, not only for the film itself, but also for the many things they thought of through the film.


2018 has become a thing of the past, and here in the countryside, I would like to sincerely thank every book friend for their company in the past year.

In 2019, please continue to support!

I wish you all good health, good luck, and happy every day in the new year!



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