Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2198 How to improve children's writing ability?

? Everyone urged, excited and looking forward to it.

The young man who played the second line became the focus of the audience. He was very excited. What he was waiting for was this moment.

I racked my brains to think about the next couplet, in addition to my love for the couplet itself, just to enjoy the feeling of being the focus of the audience at this time, being envied and cheered by the audience.

After he thoroughly enjoyed it for a while, he picked up the pen and wrote out his second couplet.

"Hong is a riverside bird."

As soon as the next couplet came out, there were even more enthusiastic cheers at the scene. Although many people could not agree with the second couplet, it did not mean that they would not judge whether the second couplet was right or not?

This second line, no matter how you look at it, is a masterpiece, and it is very clever.

Hong, also known as Dayan, divides "Hong" into Zuojiang and right bird, and the confrontation with the upper and lower worms of Shanglian is very neat and ingenious.

"You're right, boy!"

"Nice job lad!"

Everyone was not stingy with their praise, and they all applauded, and the young man was even more excited, and clasped his fists to express his gratitude.

Looking at the handsome young man at this time, those who had been thinking hard before but could not connect, were both envious and annoyed.

Annoyed that I didn't think of this next link? This downlink is very simple, you should think about it yourself.

It's a pity that it's useless to be annoyed now. This time the scenery already belongs to the young man, and they can only look forward to being the first to be the first to show the next couplet next time.

Of course, in addition to the lower link, the upper link can also be presented. If the upper link is good enough, it can also become the focus.

Just like the middle-aged man before.

It's a pity that the lower link is not right, and the upper link is not easy to come out. It can even be said that it is more difficult to make a good upper link than the lower link.

Many people are eager to try and want to come up with a first line, but they don't think of a good first line, so they can only watch others take the limelight.

At this time, they are also thinking, why is it so difficult to come up with a good first couplet? If there is any book that can teach people to write the Shanglian,

It's fine for the next link.

Outside the crowd, Zheng Jie said: "This couplet is really good. It seems that there are some people here who already have a high level of couplet skills. Not bad! Not bad!"

Liang Sheng said: "The second link has been released, and we should also set off."

Li Fan, Shen Cong, and Cen Geng nodded at the same time, and Shen Cong said, "Let's go then."

Then, the five left from the periphery of the crowd and continued to head towards the entrance of Baiyun Mountain.


Children's writing ability is a headache for many teachers and parents.

For teachers, the compositions written by students are often ironic, but they cannot blame the students.

After all, it's normal for students to be young enough to write poorly.

Moreover, the poor composition of the students has something to do with the teachings of their teachers. They cannot just blame the students.

However, they thought of various ways to improve the students' writing ability, but the results were not ideal.

When it comes to students' composition problems, many teachers feel a headache.

Several Chinese teachers in a famous elementary school are having a headache at this time.

One of the teachers was reviewing the composition for an exam in the class, and was always shaking his head helplessly while reviewing.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Huang, Mr. Zhang, what exactly do you need to do to improve the children's composition and writing skills?"

After listening to the three teachers, they shook their heads helplessly at the same time and said separately:

"I feel like I've tried all kinds of methods, but it still doesn't work. It's hard! Maybe it's only after the children grow up that they can improve."

"When children grow up, their composition writing ability will indeed improve accordingly. But at that time, the gap between everyone's composition writing level will become larger and larger, and it will also make people very headache, I am afraid it will become more and more pain."

"It may be more and more painful, but what can be done? It's not just that we can't do it, it's the same all over the country."

"So, this is a very difficult problem for our teachers. Those books that claim to improve children's writing ability are very well promoted one by one, but there are actually no books that guarantee a big improvement. What effect."

"Who said it wasn't? It's not that those books are not well written, but that the students are still too young for those books to be useful."

"Alas! It's a headache!"


Teachers have headaches, and so do parents. They also know that when their children are older, their writing skills will definitely improve, but they are still anxious!

Who doesn't want their children's writing ability to be improved early?

Parents often communicate on the Internet, and their children's learning situation and children's writing ability are often mentioned.

"Do you have any recommendations for books that can help children improve their writing ability? It must be really able to improve their writing ability."

"There are many books on this subject, but it's not necessarily how useful they are."

"I also want to buy a book on this subject. I've read a lot of them, but everyone's comments are not good. They all say it's useless. I don't even know what kind of book I should buy?"

"Headache, I guess I can only wait until the children grow up to improve their writing ability naturally."

"At present, it can only be so. In fact, the children are still young and their writing skills are poor. We can understand, but for some reason, they always have headaches and anxiety."

"It's all like this, after all, it's my own child."

"Yes, my own child."



Sansheng Village.

Li Fan, Shen Cong, Zheng Jie and the others had already climbed to the top of Baiyun Mountain and stood in front of the rather spectacular nameless tower.

Shen Cong and Cen Geng circled around the base of the tower and turned around several times. The more they looked, the more they sighed. No wonder there is such a legend about such a tower.

When this tower was just built a thousand years ago, it must have had some kind of huge effect. People at that time could not have run up to the top of Baiyun Mountain for no reason and built such a tower.

Since it has some kind of great use, it is not surprising that legends about the tower have been passed down to this day.

When they finally saw the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain, Shen Cong and Cen Geng were satisfied.

Of course, in addition to the nameless tower, the scenery of other places on the top of the mountain also fascinated them, especially the green Baiyun Lake, which made them feel emotional.

After staying on the top of the mountain for a long time, the group began to slowly descend the mountain.

When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, the sky was already dark, and the couplet meeting held at the foot of the mountain had long since ended.

Back home, after dinner, Li Fan came to the study and turned on the computer.

He was going to code that piece out.

He believes that the work will be very popular.


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