Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2312 finally waited

Zheng Jie was not surprised that the first group of tourists came so quickly.

There is no need to visit the program, just watch it when you come. As for the crowd after a while, if the people coming from behind can't squeeze in at all, then it's better to come in batches.

Tourists will definitely cooperate very well. This is Sansheng Village. No tourist dares to do anything special here, nor dare to make any temper.

After the first group of tourists approached, they all said hello to Zheng Jie. Then he locked his eyes on the display rack.

Everyone is very familiar with "Thousand Characters". "Thousand Characters" calligraphy works, everyone has seen the works of many calligraphy masters including Zheng Jie.

But now, Li Fan's "Thousand Characters" has made everyone completely intoxicated from the first sight.

Most of them are usually not interested in calligraphy, and they don't know how to describe the works they see in front of them.

They only knew that what they saw did not seem to be written one by one, but a magnificent landscape painting.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear various sounds coming from the scroll.

The sound of running water, birdsong, and even the wind.

This is a magical picture created by magical words.

Everyone was intoxicated, the scene was quiet, and no one spoke.

It was not until a large number of hurried footsteps sounded from far to near that the intoxicated people in front of the exhibition stand were suddenly awakened like a dream.

There was an unbelievable exclamation from the scene.

"Mr. Li Fan's calligraphy is really amazing, and I am afraid that this kind of realm can only be achieved by very few people."

"I also think that ordinary people can never reach such a state. Only the exiled immortals in the sky can reach such a state."

"Haha! Isn't Mr. Li Fan an exiled immortal? Your statement is very appropriate."

"Thank you Mr. Zheng for such a benefit. It is really lucky to be able to see this calligraphy by Mr. Li Fan today."


Amidst all kinds of sighs, the second group of tourists finally arrived in a hurry, and found that the front was already crowded with people, and there was no good place.

"Friends in front, you have watched it for so long. Could you let us come to the front to see it for a while?" someone said.

The first group of tourists looked back and saw the faces of the newcomers behind, full of excitement and anticipation, just like when they first arrived, they couldn't help but nodded and took the initiative to give up the best position in front of the display rack.

Everyone is here for Li Fan's works, and they are all excited and looking forward to it. They are willing to let other people feel the charm of Li Fan's "Thousand Characters".

It feels so good!

They gave way to the best position in front of the exhibition stand, but did not leave, but retreated to a slightly farther place, watching the group of tourists behind, slowly approaching the exhibition stand.

It's very empty, and it can accommodate more people. It's just that the people behind can't see the works on the display rack.

It doesn't matter if you can't see it, you can chat and discuss, and you can share your feelings when you just admired the work.

At this time, it is also very good to communicate and share with everyone.

The group of tourists who came from behind saw that the tourists in front took the initiative to move away, and they were overjoyed.

Zheng Jie couldn't help but smile slightly when she saw such a scene. This is the same as what he thought before, there is no need for visiting regulations and procedures, and everyone will visit them reasonably.

After the second group of tourists saw the works on the exhibition stand, they were naturally as completely intoxicated as the first group of tourists.

After a while, the third group of tourists arrived again. The second group of tourists voluntarily gave up their positions, and then, like the first group of tourists, retreated to a slightly farther place.

In this way, tourists come in batches after batches, and then the first batch of tourists, after appreciating,

And always take the initiative to give up the position to a group of tourists coming from behind.

No one was there to organize, but everything was in order.

At this time, the thoughts of countless netizens on the Internet are also here.

"Which friends are in Sansheng Village at this moment? Did you go to Yuanlaiju to appreciate Li Fan's "Thousand Characters" calligraphy? There are friends at the scene, tell us about the scene."

"Of course there is. I'm now in Yuanlaiju, and I just finished appreciating Mr. Li Fan's "Thousand Characters" calligraphy. All I can say is that the scene is already crowded. Besides, there should be many people on their way. I It is estimated that most of the tourists who come to the village today will be concentrated here after a while. Fortunately, this place is spacious. Otherwise, it would not be able to accommodate so many people."

"It's to be expected. I said you who are on the scene, you must be careful when you appreciate it. Don't get the work dirty or damaged."

"That's right, so many people are really worried that someone will accidentally soil or damage the work."

"Please rest assured, we will never get dirty or damaged. In our opinion, it is an absolute art treasure, and we will naturally take care of it."

"That's good, so we can rest assured. I said, how about Mr. Li Fan's "Thousand Characters" calligraphy? Is it more amazing than the works of other calligraphers?"

"It's even more amazing, it just doesn't look like a calligraphy work anymore. It's like a magnificent landscape painting, and you can still hear the sound. Hey! I'm talking about it now, I guess you don't understand it either. When you see it on the Internet, you will naturally be able to understand it. Well, that's not true, even if you see it, you won't understand it. Because you are watching it on the Internet through a computer screen, the feeling It's definitely not comparable to what we watched live. So you can't understand what I just said. Of course, even if you watch it online, you can also be quite addicted."

"I'm rubbing it! Although I know what you said is the truth, please don't be so superior to Chi Guoguo, okay?"

"Alas! It's really not comparable to watching it on the Internet. Unfortunately, my place is too far from Sansheng Village. Otherwise, I have to rush to Sansheng Village immediately."

"We can't go even if we want to. There's nothing we can do about it. We can only watch it on the Internet. By the way, it's almost an hour now, right? Is it time for Mr. Zheng to upload it?"

"It should be soon. Mr. Zheng can't fool us."


Zheng Jie has always been paying attention to the time. After an hour has passed, Zheng Jie stopped talking nonsense and directly uploaded the electronic file of Li Fan's calligraphy "Thousand Characters" to the Internet.

Countless people on the Internet cheered, and they finally waited.


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