Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2331 Interested in the script

Jon was even more puzzled and said, "Darryl, what did you see? Why can't you believe it."

Darryl shook his head, still in disbelief, and said, "Jon, see for yourself. You'll be unbelievable, too."

Jon nodded, picked up the phone again, and found the message that Hector updated.

After watching it, Jon was really disbelieving, and said, "Darryl, Hector said he found a script that can win the bet?"

"If we're not mistaken, that's true," Daryl said.

Jon said: "He said that he went to China. Could it be that the script was obtained in China? China... Could it be..."

Darryl said: "Jon, do you want to say Li Fan? I also thought of it. But I think even if Li Fan makes a shot, Hector shouldn't be able to win."

Jon nodded and said: "Li Fan is definitely a movie genius. But no matter how talented, it should be difficult for a movie with an investment of less than 1 million to get a box office of more than 20 million. However, Darryl, this This kind of thing is not absolutely impossible. In theory, it is indeed possible for Hector to win. Coupled with the fact that Li Fan has shot, he has to admit that the possibility of him winning has increased. Darryl, this is By no means good news. We didn't expect him to go to Li Fan for help."

Darryl said: "It's not really good news. But we still have a much better chance of winning. Jon, I think we can still continue to celebrate. It's just a shame that Hector didn't concede early."

Jon said: "Well, I think so too. Although there was an accident, the ending should not change."

Daryl said: "Of course."


In Hector's updated news, in addition to saying that he has obtained a script that can win the bet, there is also an important message that he needs a crew to cooperate with him and shoot the script he got into a movie.

Film directors and actors are most concerned about this.

Many big directors are communicating with their assistants.

"Marcus, do you think the script Hector got was really the work of Li Fan who went abroad?"

"Mr. Nolan, I think this should be certain. Otherwise, Hector wouldn't be so confident. The only person in the world who can make him so confident may be Li Fan from Nahua."


Marcus, do you think Hector really has a chance to win? "

"Mr. Nolan, I don't know either. Logically speaking, even if Li Fan makes a move, the possibility of winning is not high. But Li Fan is a legendary figure who can make the impossible possible. Just like the previous "" Like The Shawshank Redemption, no one was optimistic before it was released. But in the end, The Shawshank Redemption became an absolute classic and created a box office myth. Coupled with Hector's confidence, it shows that the script he got, Better than we thought. So, I think there's a real chance that Hector will win."

"Very well, Marcus, that's what I thought. Maybe we should talk to Hector."

"Mr. Nolan, are you going to make his movie?"

"Yes, Marcus. Why not? If the script is really written by Li Fan. I have to confirm this with him first."

"Okay, Mr. Nolan, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Marcus, move faster. Maybe, our competition this time will be not small."



"Mr. Coulter, are you really interested in Hector's films?"

"Of course. If the script is really written by Li Fan of Huaguo. Let's talk to Hector, and the action may be faster."

"Okay, Mr. Coulter, I'll make arrangements right away."



Several major directors were interested in Hector's script.

Originally, shooting a movie with an investment of less than 1 million was a very expensive thing for them, and they didn't bother to shoot at all.

But there are always exceptions.

If this movie with an investment of less than 1 million is from the hands of Li Fan of Huaguo, it is an exception.

The movie miracle created by "The Shawshank Redemption" has always made them vividly remembered.

Therefore, they were very excited, and they decided to go to Hector to talk to him at the first time.

The same goes for the directors, and the same goes for the film actors.

"Jeremy, if Hector's script is really written by Hua Guo Li Fan, do you think I can play the lead role?"

"Mr. Ebenezer, even if the script is really written by Li Fan of Huaguo, but the investment is less than 1 million, it is destined that it will only be a small-budget movie, and it will not even have special effects. Mr. Ebenezer is a second-tier film. Superstar, would it be inappropriate to act in such a movie?"

"No, Jeremy, there's nothing out of place. At least we can go look at the script and decide whether to act or not? Jeremy, you're going to schedule a meeting with Hector right away."

"Okay, Mr. Ebenezer. I'll make arrangements."


"Luke, I think you should make arrangements right now for us to meet Hector."

"Mr Ryan, are you interested in that Hector movie?"

"Yes, if the script is really written by Hua Guo Li Fan, I hope to get the lead role."

"But, Mr. Ryan. Even if the script is really written by Li Fan of Huaguo, its investment is less than 1 million. What kind of effect can such an investment produce? Does Mr. Ryan want to think about it?"

"No, Luke, don't think about it. Not only are we going, but we're moving fast. Maybe, if we want to get the lead, we don't necessarily get it."

"Mr. Ryan, you are a second-tier superstar. If you want to be the leading actor, who can compete with you?"

"I hope so. However, maybe I'm not the only second-tier superstar interested in this. In short, we must act fast."

"Okay, Mr. Ryan, I'll arrange it."



The news had just been released, and it didn't take long for Hector to receive several calls.

All directors or actors expressed interest in the script and were willing to learn more about it.

Among them, there are also directors and actors that Hector had previously screened out and thought they were more suitable.

This made Hector even more excited. Li Fan's influence was indeed so great.

If he hadn't hinted that the script was written by Li Fan, no director or actor would have taken the initiative to call.

Even if he took the initiative to come to the door, the other party is likely to find a way to decline.

Influence is really important.

Hector, who was in a happier mood, returned to his residence and waited for the director and actors to come to the door.

He decided to give the director and actors an interview to pick the most suitable ones.

This made him very excited and looking forward to it.


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