Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2360 news explosion

The island country has already announced the news, causing a sensation in the entire comics industry.

On the Chinese side, the fashion manga also announced relevant news to the outside world through official channels.

They only need to announce it, and they don't need to advertise it.

Because Li Fan will also announce relevant news on Weibo later.

With the announcement of Li Fan's Weibo, there is no need to do any form of publicity.

Although the overall flow of fashion manga is on the decline, there are still many readers.

Of course all of them are anime fans.

They also occasionally pay attention to the news from the official channels of the fashion comics to see that there are new works to be released and so on.

This time, shortly after the official channel of the fashion comics released the relevant news, it was noticed by a few comic fans.

Have a new work to publish?

They thought so after seeing new news from official channels.

Then he clicked casually.

It is a very common thing for cartoonists to release new works.

So, everyone is indifferent.

After clicking.

"Li Fan, the father of comics, has made another move, and will launch a new comic work. A week later, it will officially land on the fashion comics' website, Shiman Online."


What do you mean?

what did i see?

Because of the inattentiveness before the opening, when everyone saw it at first glance, there was nothing unusual.

Halfway through, I woke up suddenly.

What did I just see? Li Fan, the father of comics, shot again?

What the hell!

I can read,

Don't you lie to me.

He quickly turned his head and started over from the beginning.

Can't go wrong this time.

It is really Li Fan who will make another move to launch a new comic work.

My brain exploded with a bang!

This is an absolute thunderstorm!

Li Fan shot again and launched a new comic work, what kind of concept will it be?

Will drive all comic book fans crazy.

The comic fans who saw the news were dizzy, and they were completely stunned.

They never thought that if they casually clicked on the latest official news of the fashion manga, they would see such exciting news.

Many people think that Li Fan may not launch comic works again.

Everyone was very sorry, but slowly accepted it.

Who knows, today, I have seen such amazing news.

They fainted for a while before finally regaining their senses.

Then, excitedly ran to the Internet to shout.

"Shocking news! Shocking news! Mr. Li Fan is about to make another move to create comics!"

"The bomb is about to detonate, everyone must pay attention. Mr. Li Fan is going to release a new comic work!"


They are excited, looking forward to countless comic fans, who will be ignited in an instant and turn the entire network.

However, they were shocked to find that there was no response on the Internet, and they were very calm.

What's up with this Nima?

Didn't those guys see it? Still not convinced?

"Fuck! Nobody? Did nobody see the message I just sent?"

"Anyone? Has anyone seen the message I just sent?"

"Someone, I also saw the news you just sent. But... please, this is a meme that has been played a long time ago, okay?"

"That's right, there are still people playing. Just connected to the Internet?"

"Mr. Li Fan has launched a new comic work. How is this possible? Mr. Li Fan should no longer launch comic works."

"Fuck! So you don't believe it. Someone did play this kind of meme before, but this time it's true. I swear!"

"What's the use of swearing? If it's useful to swear, there won't be so many sad people in this world."

"That's right. Besides, Mr. Li Fan is doing Liaozhai right now. Every day, a Liaozhai story will last for more than 200 days. How can new comics be published?"

"Forget it, it seems that no matter what I say, you won't believe it. Go and see for yourself, there is news on the official website of the fashion manga."

"The official website of fashion manga? It's more and more like that."

"Anyway, I have already reminded you. If you don't watch it, don't regret it."


Many people still don't believe it, but some people are also thinking, this looks a bit like the real thing.

to see?

In any case, it's a one-minute delay at most.

They went to see it, and logged into the official website of the fashion manga.


What the hell! It turned out to be true.

It exploded, it exploded, it was going to explode completely!

"Nima! What those people said just now is true! Everyone, go to the official website of the fashion manga, and they have really sent a message."

After this roar, some people went to see it.

Then, they shouted excitedly on the Internet.

Nima! It turned out to be true!

In such a batch, finally, all the people believed.

Officially explode!

Many people are so excited that they can't help themselves.

"Mr. Li Fan is really going to shoot again. Hahaha! This is the best news I've heard this year."

"I thought Mr. Li Fan would never produce comics again. I regretted it for a long time. Now, I can finally see Mr. Li Fan's new comics again."

"Mr. Li Fan's "Slam Dunk" is my favorite, no one. But now, maybe it will become one. Because, Mr. Li Fan's new comic works will also be my favorite. ."

"That's for sure. Mr. Li Fan's shot, it will definitely be a classic work like "Slam Dunk"."

"It will definitely be a classic. I don't know what type it is? I guess it won't be sports anymore."

"Also, why did Mr. Li Fan suddenly launch a new comic? There should be a reason for this."

"Mr. Li Fan usually produces works for a reason. This time should be no exception. So, what is the reason?"


What kind of new manga work is it?

Why did Li Fan launch a new work?

All comic fans are very concerned about these two issues.

Soon, Li Fan personally told them the answer.

Li Fan's Weibo has been updated.

In the latest news, Li Fan announced that he will officially launch a new comic work in a week.

The new works are of the modern criminal investigation category.

In addition, Li Fan also explained the reason for launching this criminal investigation comic work.

Li Fan's Weibo has a huge influence. Once Weibo is updated, it will not only cause shocks in the comics industry.

Countless people from all walks of life, celebrities, major media, etc., all paid attention to it for the first time.

Everyone was a little surprised. Li Fanzheng posted a chat with everyone every day. Why did he suddenly release a new comic work.

After seeing the reason that Li Fan said, I suddenly realized.


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