Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2390 started

On the Internet, everyone's discussion continues.

"There seem to be a lot of people who are graduating this year. Just before graduation, suddenly there will be an idea of ​​not wanting to graduate, and will be very nostalgic for campus life, which is normal. I remember when I first graduated, too It's like this. It's been a few years since I graduated. I just saw what you were talking about about elementary school classmates and junior high school classmates. What I want to say is that you are actually okay. People like us who have graduated for several years , When you see elementary school classmates who have never met, it is really possible that you will not recognize them."

"I have also graduated for several years. Although I have been away from campus for a long time, I am still very concerned about this graduation evening at Jingcheng University. Alas! This may be because I want to go back to my student days."

"I also want to go back to my student days. After I came out to work, I realized how beautiful my student life was. Unfortunately, I can't go back."

"If I can go back to my student days, I will definitely make my student days more exciting."

"School time is indeed the most beautiful time. Classmates, teachers, classrooms, textbooks, etc. are all very precious memories. But the campus time will eventually pass, we will eventually grow up, and we will eventually leave the school. There is no way. Things. Once on campus, we can only keep it in our hearts."

"Watching tonight's party and listening to Mr. Li Fan's new song, think of it as a memory of your campus life."

"This time it's a graduation party. It's mainly about those who just graduated this year. Those of us who have graduated for many years, it doesn't feel like it's appropriate to watch such a party."

"What's wrong with this, we have graduated before. Besides, isn't there news that Mr. Li Fan's new song this time is not only for those who are graduating, but also for those of us who have already graduated. People who have graduated. Therefore, it is also very suitable for us to watch.”

"That is, who said that you can't watch it after graduation? Isn't there a talent PK between the various schools this time? We also need to support the schools we studied in, or the schools in our hometown."

"You don't have to watch the party, but Mr. Li Fan's new songs can't stop. Whether it's written for those of us who have graduated, we must listen to it."

"Of course, there's no reason not to listen to Mr. Li Fan's new song? Mr. Li Fan's new song must be the last finale show. If you don't plan to watch the previous shows, you can wait until the end and then choose to watch it."

"Then keep watching, just remember campus life."

"Alas! Now when it comes to graduation and school,

I easily think of my former classmates, especially elementary school classmates. You were just saying that the girl you had a crush on in elementary school is probably married, but you are only guessing. For those of us who have graduated for a few years, the girl you had a crush on in elementary school can already be sure that she is married. well! Don't know who to marry? "

"It's actually very easy to find out who you are married to. Ask your classmates to help each other to find out, and you will definitely be able to find out. You just don't want to inquire."

"Yes, that's true. I really don't want to ask. It's not that I don't dare, but I don't want to."

"Anyway, whether it's the graduating students or us who have already graduated, let's look forward to the start of the party tonight."

"Yes, look forward to it together, looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's new song!"


Countless are graduating, and people who have graduated are discussing on the Internet.

And many media reporters have already arrived at the stage of the graduation gala of Jingcheng University.

The number of journalists is very large.

Originally, no matter what, it was impossible for so many reporters to come to this party. It would be good to have two or three media willing to come to the scene to cover and report.

However, the fact that a new song by Li Fan was to be sung at this party changed everything.

Li Fan's new song debut is absolutely eye-catching, and no media is willing to miss such an opportunity.

So, so many media and journalists came.

Their purpose is actually for Li Fan's new song.

However, since it has already come.

Then, the rest of the news may also be interviewed and reported by the way.

Therefore, for the host, Jingcheng University, and other colleges and universities, it is also exciting that so many media and reporters have come.

They can get a little bit of Li Fan's light, so that they have the opportunity to be interviewed and reported by more media.

For the organizer of this party, the Student Union of Beijing University, the presence of so many media and reporters at this party also made them feel very proud.

They can be very proud to say to those colleges and universities who are invited to come to the party, "Look, I invite you to come, you won't suffer, will you? I have so many media and reporters now, you finally Do you know how correct it was to accept our invitation and come to the party?"

Empowerment, this is emboldened.


Originally, only one online platform chose to live broadcast the party this time, but the Student Union of Jingcheng University took the initiative to talk to others.

And now, there are a total of eight online platforms to broadcast live.

Moreover, the seven additional online platforms took the initiative to find the Student Union of Jingcheng University, expressing their hope to cooperate and live broadcast this party.

The reason for this is naturally all because of Li Fan's new song.

It can be said that Li Fan's new song has brought too many changes to the party.

The student union president Wang Zhe and the other leaders were extremely excited.

How could they have imagined that this party had already caused such a big reaction from the outside world before it officially started?

The reaction is now so great.

Then, it is foreseeable that after the party is over, its influence will be many times greater than originally estimated.

All these changes are only because of a new song by Li Fan, which will be sung at this party.

That's all.


Under the expectations of countless people outside, and while Wang Zhe and the people in charge were excitedly waiting, the sky finally slowly turned dark.

The time finally came to seven fifty in the evening.

There are ten minutes before the party starts.

Countless people have eaten the party, sat in front of the computer, and got ready to watch the live webcast.

Of course, the party scene was already full of audiences.

To be precise, in addition to being full of audiences, it was also full of audiences.

Crowds of people!


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